
  • 网络Roh Moo-Hyun;Roh Moo Hyun;President Roh Moo-hyun
  1. 甚至连韩国总统卢武铉(rohmoo-hyun)也做过双眼皮手术,表面上说是出于治疗的原因。

    Even President Roh Moo-hyun has had double eyelid surgery , ostensibly for medical reasons .

  2. 他推行的“阳光政策”相当大胆,并得到了继任者卢武铉(rohmoo-hyun)的继续贯彻。

    His sunshine policy was bold and was continued by his successor , Roh Moo-hyun .

  3. 卢武铉的继任者李明博(LeeMyungBak)对朝鲜的立场要强硬得多,如果朝鲜不提出明确要求,他甚至拒绝提供食品援助。

    Roh 's successor , Lee Myung-bak , has pursued a much tougher line against the North , refusing even to send food aid unless Pyongyang specifically requests it .

  4. 韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)此前主持召开了一场由决策者和银行官员参加的会议,讨论如何让首尔成为东北亚的金融中心。会后,政府宣布了上述计划。

    The plan was announced after President Roh Moo-hyun chaired a meeting of policymakers and bank executives to discuss ways to make Seoul a financial hub of north-east Asia .

  5. 与5月份卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)去世时较为柔和的反应相比,朝鲜此次对金大中去世的反应截然不同。卢武铉在金大中之后出任韩国总统,并继续推行对朝友好的阳光政策。

    The North 's reaction to Kim 's death contrasts with its more subdued response to the death in May of Roh Moo-hyun , who succeeded Kim as president and continued his sunshine policy of rapprochement with Pyongyang .

  6. 安倍和韩国总理卢武铉已经同意会面。

    Mr Abe and President Roh Moo-Hyun have agreed to meet .

  7. 韩国房价飞涨给卢武铉带来新难题。

    South Korea is now considering new measures to control housing prices .

  8. 卢武铉正在面对极大的反对意见。

    Mr Roh is facing strong objections to his plans .

  9. 卢武铉的和平繁荣政策及其对中韩关系的影响

    Roh Moo-hyun 's Peace-prosperity Policy and Its Impact on Sino-South Korea Relations

  10. 这是周二以来卢武铉第三次发表吊慰之辞。

    It was the third time that Roh has offered condolences since Tuesday .

  11. 在今年5月接受欺诈调查期间,卢武铉跳下悬崖自杀身亡。

    Roh hurled himself from a cliff amid a fraud investigation in May .

  12. 卢武铉政府外交政策研究

    Studies on Diplomatic Policy of Roh Moo-hyun Government

  13. 卢武铉准备以公开方式资助更多款项。

    Mr Roh is preparing to make a much greater - and public - contribution .

  14. 现任韩国总统卢武铉以及两位前任都是基督徒。

    Roh Moo-hyun , the current president , and his two immediate predecessors are all Christians .

  15. 卢武铉表示,在与朝鲜继续进行对话方面,他的政府正在“失去势头”。

    Mr Roh said his government was " losing its momentum " for continued dialogue with North Korea .

  16. 朝鲜导弹试射之后,卢武铉总统表示韩国对朝鲜实施的阳光政策仍然畅行无阻。

    Mr Roh acknowledged after the test that the South 's sunshine policy towards North Korea was coming unstuck .

  17. 大国平衡外交是卢武铉政府外交政策的重点。

    The policy of " balanced diplomacy among great powers " is the key diplomatic policy of Roh Moo-hyun Government .

  18. 韩国检察机关质询了前总统卢武铉,原因是他涉嫌与数百万美元的腐败丑闻有关。

    South Korean prosecutors have questioned former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun in connection with a multi-million dollar corruption scandal .

  19. 摘要韩国卢武铉政府执政后,出台了新的对朝政策即“和平繁荣政策”。

    After Roh mu-hyun takes office in the rok , he adopts the new " policy of peace and prosperity " .

  20. 韩国总统卢武铉否认2002年赢得大选后接受过三星集团公司的回扣。

    South Korea President Roh Moo-hyun denied the allegation that he received kickbacks from the Samsung Group after winning the2002 election .

  21. 他曾抱怨称,他的健康状况受到了继任者卢武铉去世消息的打击。

    He complained that his health had suffered from the shock of the death of Roh , his successor as president .

  22. 现任总统卢武铉曾承诺说要摧毁财阀们的势力;但他什么也没做。

    The current president , Roh Moo-hyun , promised to break the power of the chaebols ; he has done nothing .

  23. 韩国统一部长官金夏中说,韩国三个星期前通过红十字会,恢复了卢武铉政府时代对北韩的玉米援助。

    Unification Minister Kim says the South reprised the Roh administration corn offer , three weeks ago , via the Red Cross .

  24. 2003年2月上台的卢武铉政府,提出了与以往政府有别的、新的国家战略思想。

    The government of Lu Wuxuan which appeared on the stage in February of 2003 had put forward a new national strategy .

  25. 9.11事件后东北亚安全形势与中韩合作安倍和韩国总理卢武铉已经同意会面。

    Northeast Asian Security Situation after September 11 and the China-ROK Cooperation Mr Abe and President Roh Moo-Hyun have agreed to meet .

  26. 但是人们普遍认为美韩联盟在卢武铉统治期间有所削弱,主要是由于对北韩的观点不同。

    However , the alliance was widely perceived to have suffered during the Roh administration , primarily over different perceptions of the North .

  27. 卢武铉自尽,被认为是因为官方正在调查有关他的家人收受大约600万美元贿赂的指控。

    Roh is thought to have killed himself because of a probe into allegations that his family took some $ 6m in bribes .

  28. 安倍先生与韩国总统卢武铉本周早些时候已通过电话谈话并确定尽快双方进行会面。

    Mister Abe and South Korea President Roh Moo-hyun spoke by telephone earlier this week and agreed to meet as soon as possible .

  29. 金大中、卢武铉政府时期和解合作政策的重新认知&超越歪曲,发现真相

    Re-Cognition on the " Reconciliation and Cooperation " Policy of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun Administration : Transcendence over Distortion and Discovering on Truth

  30. 星期五韩国总统卢武铉的发言人在被问及是否交付了现金时他设法辟谣。

    A spokesman for South Korea 's President Roh Moo-hyun tried to dampen the rumours on Friday when asked if cash had been paid .