
  • 网络print advertising;Printed Advertisement;print ad
  1. 主持人:事实上,我还看了一个1978年的苹果广告是份印刷广告,所以可以看出这是多么久远前的事了.广告是这样说的,上千人发现了苹果电脑。

    Host : Actually I looked at an Apple ad from 1978 It was a print ad that shows you how ancient it was . And it said , thousands of people have discovered the Apple Computer .

  2. 并同时借用Halliday的隐喻观和Lakoff对隐喻的定义,说明这种非典型的印刷广告的实现方式实际是隐喻化的。

    Meanwhile , according to Halliday 's and Lakoff 's views on metaphor , we point out that the realization of such non-prototypical instances of print advertising genre is metaphorical .

  3. 标普称,印刷广告收入肯定会进一步下跌,数字战略本身并不能遏止出版商EBITDA的整体下滑趋势,它们必须提高订阅和零售价格,以求稳定营收。

    Print advertising revenue was set for further falls , SP said , and digital strategies alone will not halt the overall slide in ebitda for publishers , which must increase subscription and cover prices to try and stabilise revenues .

  4. 标普称,印刷广告收入肯定会进一步下跌,“数字战略本身并不能遏止出版商EBITDA的整体下滑趋势,它们必须提高订阅和零售价格,以求稳定营收”。

    Print advertising revenue was set for further falls , S & P said , and " digital strategies alone will not halt the overall slide in ebitda for publishers , which must increase subscription and cover prices to try and stabilise revenues . "

  5. 非典型印刷广告的隐喻实现方式

    Metaphorical Realization of Non-prototypical Instances of Print Advertising Genre

  6. 广告模板使他们可以创建动人的印刷广告而无需额外的费用。

    Ad templates allow them to create engaging print advertisements at no additional cost .

  7. 本研究的语料库包括三十篇印刷广告和五篇政治竞选演讲稿。

    The research corpus consists of thirty print advertisements and five political campaign speeches .

  8. 从认知语言学角度研究汉语印刷广告中转喻的经济性

    Study on Economy of Language in Chinese Press Advertisements in Perspective of Cognitive Metonymy

  9. 英文印刷广告的体裁分析

    Genre Analysis of English Print Advertisements

  10. 中国古代印刷广告一经形成就以其独特的版面设计方式发展完善。

    Ancient Chinese printing advertisements on the formation of a layout design with its own unique way well developed .

  11. 自印刷广告出现以来,药物广告已经与食品、酒类广告一样盛行。

    Since the emergence of print advertising pharmaceutical advertising has been always popular along with ads of food and alcohol .

  12. 我们认为汽车公司应该用这张照片当成平面印刷广告,例如报纸,杂志等。

    We think the car company should use this picture in their print ads , such as newspaper , magazines , etc.

  13. 深刻内涵:不像广告或平面印刷广告,网络广告的旗帜仅仅是开始的过程。

    Deep content : Unlike commercials or print ads , a Web ad banner is only the beginning of the process .

  14. 第五部分是对这种非典型的印刷广告的隐喻实现方式的理论探讨,证明其存在,并讨论其普遍性、功能和特点。

    In this chapter , we also have a discussion about the universality , functions and dynamicness of this kind of metaphorical realization .

  15. 尤其是,一份印刷广告上出现一个被床单覆盖的尸体并戴着一只莱茵石镶嵌的手套,招致恶评如潮。

    In particular , a print advertisement , which shows a sheet-covered body wearing a rhinestone-jewelled glove , has prompted the most criticism .

  16. 第一张英文印刷广告出现在1478年,它比莎士比亚的第一部戏剧还早一个多世纪。

    The first printed advertisement in the English language appeared in1478 , more than a century before Shakespeare 's first play was produced .

  17. 据我所知,您的产品仅做了印刷广告,这远远不够。

    As far as I know , your products are being advertised only in the print media . that 's far from enough .

  18. 这次广告运动的头炮由1997年9月28日首播的电视广告打响,随之而来的是印刷广告、广告牌及招贴。

    It all begun with the television commercial , which first aired on Sept.281997 , followed by the print ads , billboards and posters .

  19. 本文中对平面广告的定义并不是指印刷广告而是指具有平面视觉特征的广告。

    In my thesis , the " Plan AD " in my thesis is not the paper-printed AD. It means the AD have plan characteristic .

  20. 多年以来我们一致认为,在线广告与传统广告之间有着质的差别;然而有没有这样一种可能,其实它的效果在大多数时候与印刷广告相差无几?

    After years thinking of online advertising as qualitatively different from regular advertising , could it be that it often works similarly to print advertising ?

  21. 而最近印刷广告呈现的2位数下降已经造成延缓,而随着越来越多的人转向在线新闻出版商继续缩减全国各地的新闻编辑室。

    While recent double-digit declines in print advertising have slowed , publishers continue downsizing newsrooms across the country as more people turn to online news .

  22. 以下就是这支电视广告,但请看完完整的背后故事以及那些精彩的印刷广告。

    Here you can see the television ad , but make sure you click continue to read the entire story and to see the amazing print campaign .

  23. 从这个意义上说,语言功能在很大程度上决定印刷广告交际功能的实现。

    In this sense , it might be safe to assert that language functions , to a great extent , determine the achievement of communicative functions of advertising .

  24. 这些研究结果对提高印刷广告制作质量以及读者英语印刷广告语言的欣赏能力无疑大有帮助。

    These findings will surely work to better the quality of advertising-writing and to improve the advertising lovers ' ability of appreciating the language of English press advertising .

  25. 第四章详细阐述了印刷广告语类分析的结果,总结了产品促销中常用的有效语言策略。

    Chapter four elaborates on the findings of genre analysis of print advertisements , thus pulling out common threads and patterns that represent powerful strategies aimed at promoting the products .

  26. 我每周收到来自电话公司,希望为我提供长途电话服务的恳求,同时,我们每天被广播和印刷广告侵扰。

    I get about two solicitations a week from companies that want to help me make my long-distance calls , and we are all assaulted daily with broadcast and print advertising .

  27. 本文运用体裁分析理论,收集调查了30篇印刷广告语料,提取了该体裁文本的图式结构,并总结了它在功能、释义、语言三个层面上的一些特征。

    Through a comprehensive genre analysis of 30 print advertisement corpus , the paper finally formulates the schematic structures found in this special text type and summarizes some functional , semantic and linguistic features .

  28. 本研究结果表明,英语印刷广告借助一些如模糊语言、变异语言、语用预设和修辞格等有效的语言策略来加强自身的劝说功能,从而实现其预期的交际目的。

    This study shows that English press advertising resorts to some effective language means like language deviation , rhetorical devices , vague language , and language presupposition to strengthen its persuasive power so as to fulfill its communicative functions .

  29. 本论文在功能文体学理论框架内,通过实例分析从四个语言策略层面(模糊语言、语言变异、预设和修辞手段)对英语印刷广告如何利用各种文体手段实现其交际功能进行综合研究。

    Therefore , this thesis carries out the study from four levels of linguistic strategies language deviation , rhetorical devices , vague language , and language presupposition via the detailed analysis on some English press advertisements collected from authentic print media like English magazine , newspaper , etc.

  30. 本论文的最基本目的就是阐释广告(尤指印刷广告)的基本知识,重点讲述广告语言的修辞特征及其翻译,并试图找出英汉广告翻译中处理修辞语言的最有效方法。

    My purpose in this thesis is to state the basic advertising knowledge ( especially print advertising ), to explain advertising language features by mainly analyzing rhetorical devices in English and Chinese advertising and to put forward several specific techniques on how to deal with rhetorical devices in advertising translation .