
  • 网络Inca Civilization;Incan Civilization
  1. 下面是建立在库,旅游地点的印加文明古都。

    The following tours are based at Cuzco , the site of the ancient capital of the Inca civilization .

  2. 一项新研究显示,秘鲁安第斯山印加文明部分应该归功于骆驼粪便。

    A new study suggests the Inca civilisation in the Peruvian Andes may have owed part of its success to llama droppings .

  3. 但印加文明被毁,这块圣地被遗弃,于是这座城市陷入了沉睡。

    But the crushed Incan civilization abandoned the holy site and the city fell into a deep sleep .

  4. 库兹科是世界上最著名的文明之一,印加文明的中心。

    Cuzco was the centre of one of the world 's most famous civilizations , that of the incas .

  5. 安第斯法国研究所这份研究表明,开始使用骆驼粪便作肥料以后,印加文明逐渐繁荣起来。

    Research by the French Institute of Andean Studies suggests the Incas flourished after they began using llama dung for fertilizer .

  6. 但看起来这里的人为艺术已经和自然融为一体,这与印加文明中的二元概念互相辉映。

    It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one , echoing the Incan concept of duality .

  7. 这里于1983年被认定为世界历史遗址,被描述为“完美的建筑杰作和印加文明的独特证明”。

    The site was designated as a World Heritage Site in1983 when it was described as " an absolute masterpiece of architecture and a unique testimony to the Inca civilization " .

  8. 在欧洲殖民者15和16世纪开始踏上中南美洲的土地的数百年之前,古老的玛雅、阿兹台克和印加文明就早已在那里兴盛发达。

    The Ancient civilizations of the Maya , Aztec and Inca flourished in Central and South America in the centuries before European colonists came to the region in the15th and16th Centuries .

  9. 虽然阿兹特克文明,玛雅文明和印加文明之谜也开始逐渐知晓如秘鲁这样的国家中出现的超自然灵异现象。

    Although the mysteries of the Aztec , Mayan , and Inca civilizations have been known for centuries , now the public is also becoming aware of unusual , paranormal phenomena in countries such as Peru .

  10. 废墟MachuPicchu,“印加人失去的城市,”成为了最可认识的标志的印加人文明。

    The ruins of Machu Picchu ," the Lost City of the Incas ," has become the most recognizable symbol of the Inca civilization .