
  • 网络ISB;The Indian School of Business
  1. 印度商学院(IndianSchoolofBusiness)院长最近告诉我一个惊人的统计数字。

    The dean of the Indian School of Business gave me an alarming statistic recently .

  2. 印度商学院(TheIndianSchoolofBusiness)目前的入学人数为560人,比八年前增加了近四倍。

    The Indian School of Business has expanded its enrollment almost five-fold in eight years , to560 .

  3. 他获得了扶轮(Rotary)奖学金;2010年春,他成为印度商学院的首名日本学生。

    He was awarded a Rotary scholarship and in spring 2010 he became the first Japanese person to attend ISB .

  4. 根据印度商学院(IndianSchoolofBusiness)最新调查,对于办公室恋情,公司方面非但不加以阻止,还乐于撮合。印度商学院是该国知名MBA学院,位于海德拉巴。

    Far from discouraging such relationships , their employers are happy to play matchmaker , according to a new study by the Indian School of Business , the country 's prestigious MBA college in Hyderabad .

  5. 一方面,印度商学院希望得到国际认可,将其视为能与哈佛(harvard)和斯坦福(stanford)等世界级商学院并驾齐驱的机构。

    On the one hand , the ISB wants the global recognition that will put it on a par with world-class institutions such as Harvard and Stanford .

  6. 印度商学院计划成立7个专业研究中心,clic是第五个。

    Clic is the fifth of seven specialist research centres that ISB plans to establish .

  7. 印度商学院已经成立了“新兴市场解决方案中心”(cems),帮助中小企业发掘为大型企业所忽略的市场机遇。

    The ISB has already launched the centre for emerging markets solutions , which helps small businesses exploit market opportunities overlooked by big enterprises .

  8. 印度商学院援引了国际招聘公司MonsterWorldwide旗下Monsterindia.com所作的一项调查,该调查发现,在接受调查的12191人中,近58%的人承认有过办公室恋情或对之持开放态度。

    The ISB cites a survey by Monsterindia.com , part of the global recruitment site Monster Worldwide , that found nearly 58 per cent of 12191 respondents admitted to either having indulged in , or being open to , office romance .

  9. 而在其他地区,印度商学院正与全球社会企业technoserve合作,为表现最为优秀的毕业生提供咨询服务。

    Elsewhere , ISB is working with TechnoServe , a global social enterprise , to offer consultancy services to top performing graduates .

  10. 因此,在去年4月报名印度商学院(isb)mba课程仅仅数月后,这对夫妻搭档就做出决定:为印度市场开发健康饮品确实是一个机会。

    So just a couple of months after the husband and wife team enrolled on the Indian School of Business MBA in April last year , they decided there was a real opportunity to be had in developing healthy drinks for the Indian market .

  11. 今年还有3家中国商学院和1家印度商学院进入了排行榜。

    This year sees three Chinese schools and one Indian one in the rankings .

  12. 其中6名毕业于美国大学,4名来自印度商学院,两名毕业于欧洲大学。

    Of these , six are from US universities , four from Indian business schools and two from European schools .

  13. 至于米特拉和查克拉巴蒂,印度商学院在本校的企业孵化中心为他们提供了场地,支持该公司并给予基本津贴。

    For Mr Mitra and MS Chakrabarthi , ISB has provided space in its incubator unit to support the company and a basic stipend .

  14. 此外,印度商学院指出,西方模式存在缺陷,近几年的公司治理丑闻就是明证。

    In addition , the school says western models are flawed , as witnessed by the corporate governance scandals of recent years , for example .

  15. 不过,对兰格奈克来说,把印度商学院打造为一家专注于寻找新兴市场问题解决方案的商学院,主要是出于伦理上的原因。

    However , for rangnekar , the main reason to back a business school that focuses on finding emerging-market solutions is predominantly an ethical one .

  16. 但印度商学院发现,近三分之一的受访者认为,自己所在的公司并没有这种设置,或者自己从未听说过。

    But the ISB finds that nearly a third of employees surveyed thought their company did not have such a cell or had not heard of one .

  17. 结果是,印度商学院学员现在开始接受“实体行业的工作,和那些从事商业而不是咨询业务的人共事一起”。

    The result , he says , is that ISB students are now accepting jobs in " real industry with people who are doing business rather than advising business " .

  18. 印度商学院的调查还指出,印度公司需警惕一些潜在问题,如性骚扰在西方,这个问题已给办公室恋情招来坏名声。

    The ISB study also cautions that Indian companies need to be mindful of potential problems such as sexual harassment one issue that has given inter-office romance a bad name in the West .

  19. 另一方面,兰格奈克认为,地处海德拉巴的印度商学院肩负着与所处环境交互影响的伦理道理责任,即培养学生通过创办社会性企业来造福社会。

    On the other hand , rangnekar feels the school in Hyderabad has a moral and ethical duty to interact with its environment , which means training students to affect society by setting up social businesses .

  20. 上海中欧国际工商管理学院33%的学生是女性,印度商学院26%为女性,这样的数据可与一些西方学校并驾齐驱,如哈佛商学院和欧洲工商管理学院。

    Some 33 % of students at the China Europe International Business School ( CEIBS ) in Shanghai and 26 % at the Indian School of Business are female , a figure comparable with those of Western schools such as the Harvard Business School and INSEAD .

  21. 印度的商学院数量比美国还多。

    There are more business schools in India than the US .

  22. 在这些印度精英商学院的全球化过程中,印度管理学院艾哈迈德巴德分校和班加罗尔分校一马当先。

    IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore have led the way in the globalisation of these elite Indian business schools .

  23. 国际商学院联合会(AACSB)估计印度有1500所商学院,另外有人认为该数目为2500所。

    AACSB reckons that there may be1,500 business schools in India , and other estimates put the figure as high as2,500 .

  24. 但商学院入学咨询机构FortunaAdmissions的主管马特?西蒙兹(MattSymonds)表示,美国政府在移民问题上收紧后的立场改变了印度学生对美国商学院的感觉。

    But the US government 's toughened stance on immigration has changed the way Indian students feel about American schools , according to Matt Symonds , director of Fortuna Admissions , an MBA applicant adviser .

  25. 位于艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)的印度管理学院堪称印度最著名的商学院。负责课程的院长阿贾伊堠迪(AjayPandey)称,该校计划提高学生的入学年龄并增加工作经验要求。

    At IIM Ahmedabad , arguably the most prestigious business school in India , there are plans to push up the entry age and work experience of students , says Ajay Pandey , dean for programmes .

  26. 但这些数字与印度比起来却是矮了一截:在1999到2006年间,印度商学院的数量从639所增加到953所。

    But these figures are dwarfed by India , where there are now more business schools than in the US : between 1999 and 2006 , the number of business schools grew from 639 to 953 .

  27. 印度针对公立大学的规定更为严格。例如,作为印度一流的商学院,印度管理学院艾哈迈德巴德分校(IndianInstituteofManagementatAhmedabad)曾考虑开设一所海外分校,但遭到印度法律禁止。

    Rules set for educational institutes are even more stringent for public universities , such as the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad , considered India 's leading business school . IIM-A has considered opening an overseas campus , but is forbidden to do so under Indian law .