
yìn dù yáng
  • Indian Ocean
印度洋 [yìn dù yáng]
  • [Indian Ocean] 地球上四大洋之一。位于亚洲、南极洲、非洲与澳洲之间,面积7491万平方公里。大部在南半球。平均深度3897米,它是各大洋中最早的海运中心

印度洋[yìn dù yáng]
  1. 在环印度洋沿岸的海域有这一物种。

    This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean .

  2. 战舰护卫着油轮驶过印度洋。

    The warship convoyed the oil tanker through the Indian Ocean .

  3. 向南它伸入阿拉伯海和印度洋。

    It is south into the Arabian Sea and Indian ocean .

  4. 大海啸把印度洋沿岸地区都淹没了。

    Coastlines all around the Indian Ocean inundated by a huge tsunami .

  5. 在印度洋上的热带岛屿查戈斯群岛上,鸟叫声遍布这个无鼠地带。

    On the tropical Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean , this is the sound of rat-free territory – teeming1 with birdlife .

  6. 也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。

    It was also in Ming dynastythat the fleet of ships led by ZhengHe expedited for seven times to the Indian Ocean on a large scale .

  7. 南印度洋SST与南亚季风环流年代际变化的研究

    Research on interdecadal variability of South Indian Ocean SST and South-Asia monsoon circulation

  8. 印度洋对ENSO事件的响应:观测与模拟

    Indian Ocean Response to ENSO : Observation and Air-Sea Coupled Model Simulation

  9. ENSO对印度洋偶极子与中国秋季降水关系的影响

    Effects of ENSO on the Relationship between IOD and Autumn Rainfall in China

  10. 太平洋、印度洋和大西洋对Chandler摆动的激发,1980&2005

    Excitations of Chandler Wobble by the Pacific , Indian and Atlantic Oceans during 1980-2005

  11. 中国汛期降水的印度洋SSTA信号特征分析

    The SSTA signal characteristic analysis over India Ocean during flood season in China

  12. 与南太平洋SST的年代际变化相比,南印度洋SST的变化周期要相对短一些。

    The interdecadal variability of SST has shorter periods over the South Indian Ocean than over the South Pacific Ocean .

  13. 区域平均的印度洋和太平洋海温场时滞关系的SVD分析显示,印度洋海温场对太平洋海温场存在4个月以上的滞后响应。

    The results show a 4 months lag response of the Indian Ocean SSTA to the Pacific SSTA forcing .

  14. 进一步分析表明,东南印度洋地区的对流活动主要由IOD引起的大尺度SST梯度来驱动。

    The further analysis indicates that the convective activity is driven by large-scale SST gradients associated with IOD .

  15. 南极普里兹湾与太平洋、印度洋海水中~(90)Sr和~(137)Cs的研究

    Study of ~ ( 90 ) Sr and ~ ( 137 ) Cs in seawaters from Prydz Bay in the Antarctic , the Pacific and Indian Oceans

  16. 春季印度洋SSTA对夏季中国西北东部极端降水事件的影响研究

    Influence study on spring Indian Ocean SSTA to summer extreme precipitation events over the eastern part of Northwest China

  17. 基于热力学方程和海洋环流模式输出结果,探讨了热带印度洋SST和北印度洋热量收支的季节和年际变化机制,进一步揭示了海洋动力过程在北印度洋热平衡中的重要作用;

    Based on the thermal equation and model output data , the variation mechanism of SST and heat budget are investigated in the tropical Indian Ocean ;

  18. 联合机构协调中心(JointAgencyCoordinationCentre,简称JACC)在一份声明中称,周二将有来自七个国家的军用飞机在遥远的南印度洋约119139平方公里(46000平方英里)的海域进行搜索。

    Military aircraft from seven nations will scour a remote stretch of the southern Indian Ocean comprising about 46000 square miles on Tuesday , the Joint Agency Coordination Centre said in a statement .

  19. 由澳大利亚牵头的搜索团队可能选择高科技加传统搜救法的组合模式,在南印度洋搜索马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)370飞机的疑似残骸。

    Australian-led search teams will likely be using an eclectic mix of high-tech and traditional methods to help track down possible debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean .

  20. 分析环流场发现,印度洋海温年代际冷、暖背景下Walker环流异常不同,因而对Hadley环流产生的影响不同,进而影响到中国地区降水异常。

    Because of the SST in India Ocean getting warmer , the Walker circulation anomaly influences the Hadley circulation which influences rainfall over China further .

  21. 赤道印度洋沿着非洲东海岸,SST的季节变化受季风带影响显著,但在赤道中东印度洋,SST的季节循环特征不明显。

    While the seasonal cycle of equatorial western Indian ocean is strongly affected by the monsoon , the seasonal variation of middle and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean is not apparent .

  22. 采用COADS的月平均海平面温度距平(SSTA)资料,建立了预报热带印度洋-太平洋SSTA的线性转置模型(LIM)。

    Based on monthly COADS SSTA dataset , linear inverse modeling ( LIM ) is developed to predict SSTA over tropical Indian Pacific Oceans .

  23. 对这次地震作者通过监视卫星遥感信息,曾注意到震前数月以来,印度洋东北部地区出现持续性的长波辐射(OutgoingLongwaveRadiation,简称OLR)通量增强的现象。

    Some months ago this earthquake , by satellite remote sensing we had noticed that there existed a sustaining intensification of OLR ( Outgoing-Longwave-Radiation ) message in the Northeast Indian Ocean .

  24. 同时在热带印度洋次表层80m深度存在着比海表更强的偶极子模态。

    The subsurface layer of 80 m has an obvious dipole mode , which is much stronger than that of the sea surface .

  25. 有关方面周三表示,在早些时候的搜寻行动遇到技术性问题后,一艘无人潜航器正第三次扫描南印度洋海床,试图找到马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)370航班的残骸。

    An unmanned submersible is making a third attempt to find the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on the seabed of the southern Indian Ocean after earlier sorties ran into technical difficulties , authorities said Wednesday .

  26. 而准2a振荡(QBO)则主要与印度洋海洋-季风系统的低频振荡和东亚大槽的强度变化有关,并且都表现为最大滞后相关关系。

    QBO is related to the variation of the Indian Ocean-monsoon system and the East Asian trough , which is always shown as a maximum lag correlation .

  27. 可见,对于热带印度洋而言,IOD模态主要是对风应力异常的响应。

    Therefore , for the tropical Indian Ocean , the results manifest that the IOD mode is mainly response to the asymmetry of wind stress anomaly .

  28. IOC已经就在印度洋建立一个类似的预警系统这个问题上达成了一个广泛的共识,但是现在看来,对海啸警报的处理仍然局限在一个国家内,而不是在国家之间(共享)。

    The IOC has reached a broad agreement to install a similar system in the Indian Ocean , but its alerts now look set to be processed at a national rather than regional level .

  29. 利用COADS资料对热带西太平洋和印度洋海表温度(SST)的变化分布进行了研究。

    Variation of SST and its time space distribution in the tropical western Pacific and the Indian Ocean are studied by using the comprehensive ocean atmosphere data set ( COADS ) .

  30. 领导印度洋南部多国搜寻行动的澳大利亚空军上将休斯敦(AngusHouston)周三表示,他们已在同一片海域四次探测到脉冲信号。

    Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston , who is leading the multinational search in the southern Indian Ocean , said Wednesday they have now detected signals on four separate occasions in the same area .