
  • 网络Indiana;Indiana University;IndianaUniversity
  1. 纽约城市大学、罗格斯大学和印第安纳大学都遥不可及,密西西比州立大学和阿拉巴马大学也是如此,在这两所大学我还得交州外学费。

    City University of New York ( CUNY ) , Rutgers University , and Indiana University were out of reach as were Mississippi State and the University of Alabama , where I would have to pay out-of-state fees .

  2. 自1992年以来,印第安纳大学就2717例婚姻进行了研究,凯克和合著者肯齐·兰瑟姆分析了这二十年的数据信息。

    Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham analyzed 20 years of data on 2,717 marriages from a study conducted by Indiana University since 1992 .

  3. 他最后上了印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity),而且立即就注意到了差别。

    He went to Indiana University instead . Right away he noticed a difference .

  4. 这并没有说服印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)的哲学教授伊丽莎白•A•劳埃德(ElisabethA.Lloyd)。

    Elisabeth A. Lloyd , a philosopher at Indiana University , isn 't buying it .

  5. PaulButler是印第安纳大学国际服务办公室的财务经理。

    Paul Butler is the financial manager in the Office of International Services at Indiana University Bloomington .

  6. 他在拿到第一个学位后,又继续攻读了金融学博士,之后在印第安纳大学(indianauniversity)当教授,直至进入摩根士丹利(morganstanley)。

    After his first degree he did a PhD in finance and worked as a professor at Indiana University before joining Morgan Stanley .

  7. 今年诺贝尔奖项的最后一项,诺贝尔经济学奖被授予印第安纳大学的埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的奥利姆·E·威廉森。

    The last in this year 's Nobel series , the Economics Prize , has been awarded to Elinor Ostrom from Indiana University and to Oliver Williamson from the University of California at Berkeley .

  8. 圣母大学(UniversityofNotreDame)、印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)和麻省理工学院的商学院都希望通过招收本校的本科生来帮助实现理学硕士班的多元化。

    The business schools at University of Notre Dame , Indiana University and MIT are looking to their parent universities ' undergraduates to help diversify their master 's of science classes .

  9. 除了将捐款用于一些有价值的前途无量的研究以外,纽约大学教授卡拉布里亚,和印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)礼来家族慈善学院(LillyFamilySchoolofPhilanthropy)学术事务与研究副院长帕特里克•鲁尼均提出,ALS协会可以用“冰桶挑战”

    Aside from spending the money on promising , worthwhile research , both Calabrese from NYU and Patrick Rooney , associate dean for academic affairs and research at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy ,

  10. 印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)、金赛研究所(KinseyInstitute)和圭尔夫大学(UniversityofGuelph)2011年一项研究发现的性别差距要小得多:男性为23%,女性为19%。

    A 2011 study conducted by Indiana University , the Kinsey Institute and the University of Guelph found much less of a divide : 23 % for men and 19 % for women .

  11. 印第安纳大学的AnnieLang和他的同事们对做了一系列的研究。(研究人员给)大学年龄层的年轻人和中年人展示了一系列的电视节目和电影剪辑。

    F : Annie Lang and her colleagues at Indiana University have done a series of studies in which college-age people and middle-aged people were shown a string of t.v. and movie clips .

  12. 美国印第安纳大学教授埃莉诺奥斯特罗姆(elinorostrom)因其在公共资源(如鱼类资源)管理方面的研究而获奖。

    Elinor Ostrom , a professor from Indiana University , was honoured for her work on the management of common resources such as fish stocks .

  13. 印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)和美国财政部的研究者对收入排在前1%的家庭研究后发现,2005年纳税人(大部分为男性)配偶也工作的比例增至近40%,大大高于1979年的25%。

    Researchers from Indiana University and the Treasury Department studied the top 1 % of households and found that by 2005 the number of taxpayers ( largely men ) with working spouses rose to almost 40 % , up from 25 % in 1979 .

  14. 2008年当他在印第安纳大学的经费用完了后,Soghoian博士获得了一些拨款和奖学金。

    After his funding from Indiana University ran out in 2008 , Dr Soghoian received several grants and fellowships .

  15. JohanBollen和他的在印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校的同事们,在分析成千上万的美国人发布的推文的基础上,已经创建了一个焦虑等级。

    Johan Bollen and his colleagues at Indiana University in Bloomington have created an anxiety rating based on an analysis of hundreds of millions of tweets by people in the US .

  16. “奥斯汀仍然有很多人对HIV存在偏见,而且正在对与之相伴的耻辱感和恐惧起到推波助澜的作用,”在这里治疗HIV患者的印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)传染病专家黛安娜·扬诺维茨博士(Dr.DianeJanowicz)说。

    according to the census . " There are still a significant proportion of people in Austin who have biases about H.I.V. and are contributing to the stigma and subsequent fear , " said Dr. Diane Janowicz , an infectious disease specialist at Indiana University , who is treating H.I.V. patients here .

  17. 在印第安纳大学-普度大学印第安纳波利斯分校(IndianaUniversity-PurdueUniversity,Indianapolis)担任沟通学教授的桑德拉•彼得罗尼奥(SandraPetronio)说,一个遭受突然袭击的人“需要更多地深思,你需要对发生在你身上的事情进行一些分析。”

    A person taken by surprise is ' required to do a lot more rumination , ' says Sandra Petronio , a professor of communication at Indiana University-Purdue University , Indianapolis . ' You need to do some type of analysis about what happened to you . '

  18. 历史告诉我们,这里有一伙银行家,是他们让国家灭亡的。米歇尔弗拉蒂亚尼(MicheleFratianni)评论道。他是印第安纳大学凯利商学院教授,写过大量有关意大利金融史的文章。

    History would tell us that here is a set of bankers who bled the state to death , observes Michele Fratianni , a professor at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University who has written extensively about the history of Italian finance .

  19. 印第安纳大学网络教育的开展及其启示

    The Development of Online Education in Indiana University and Its Inspirations

  20. 印第安纳大学公共和环境研究学院

    School of Public and Environmental Affairs , Indiana University

  21. 印第安纳大学体育学院教学管理的现状及启示

    Teaching Management in the Sports School of Indiana University and Its Inspiration for us

  22. 印第安纳大学这份报告指出,研究表明,表明学校水平参差不齐。

    Students have shown mixed results , as that new report from Indiana University notes .

  23. 高速公路紧急事件与安全系统研究印第安纳大学公共和环境研究学院

    Study on Superhighway Emergency and Security System School of Public and Environmental Affairs , Indiana University

  24. 印第安纳大学的慈善中心研究表明,从历史来看,慈善救助一向不受经济不景气的影响。

    The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University says that historically , charitable giving has been recession-proof .

  25. 美国印第安纳大学&印第安纳波利斯法学院访问学者绿色通道

    Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis

  26. 它已经被美国印第安纳大学做到了,也在其他的地方

    It 's already been done at the University of Indiana in the States , among other places .

  27. 最后对美国印第安纳大学教学系统技术系的历史发展作了分析。

    At last , the writer analyzes the development of the Department of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University .

  28. 我知道印第安纳大学校队很厉害,可是没听说过他们教练的故事。那你。

    LL : The former coach of the Indiana University basketball team Bobby Knight was famous for his mean streak .

  29. 所以本文选取美国南印第安纳大学为个案,深入探究其反思型教师培养计划,以期为我国反思型教师培养提出有益启示。

    I take the University of Southern Indiana as a case study , to inquiry its reflective teacher education program .

  30. 印第安纳大学将《星际迷航》与宗教列为艺术与人文学科版块的选修课之一。

    Indiana University lists Star Trek and Religion as one of its course offerings in the Arts and Humanities section .