
wēi jí
  • critical;in a desperate situation;in imminent danger;in a desperats situation
危急 [wēi jí]
  • [critical;in imminent danger;in a desperats situation] 危险而急迫

  • 目前国际关系的危急状态

危急[wēi jí]
  1. 大火的一位受害者依然病情危急。

    One of the victims of the fire remains in a critical condition .

  2. 他在加州的一家医院里,病情仍然十分危急。

    He remains in a critical condition in a California hospital

  3. 在危急时刻她总是挺身而出。

    She has always been to the fore at moments of crisis .

  4. 我们在这里所面临的是一个危急局面。

    What we have here is a crisis situation .

  5. 她病情危急,靠机器来维持生命。

    She 's critically ill , on life support .

  6. 形势十分危急。

    The situation is highly dangerous .

  7. 他说他的国家情况十分危急。

    He said that the situation in his country is very grave

  8. 卡斯特罗主席已经提醒古巴人民为严重的经济危急状况做准备。

    President Castro has warned Cubans to prepare for a profound economic emergency

  9. 据说伤者中有10人情况危急。

    Ten of the injured are said to be in critical condition .

  10. 印度驻联合国大使说形势非常危急。

    India 's United Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate

  11. 如果局势变得危急,德国当局将考虑实施空运。

    The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation becomes critical

  12. 他的情况很危急,正在医院里与死神搏斗。

    He was in a critical condition , fighting for his life in hospital .

  13. 当你遇到这样的危急情况,就需要专业救援了——要快!

    When you 've got a crisis like this you need professional help — fast !

  14. 病人的生命在危急中。

    The life of the sick man is at stake .

  15. 她已证明,在危急时刻她是靠得住的。

    She had proved that she could be relied on in a crisis .

  16. 伤势危急。

    The wound may be fatal .

  17. 我们正处在历史的危急时刻。

    We are at a critical time in history .

  18. 在危急关头要保持清醒的头脑。

    Keep a cool head during the crisis .

  19. 情况十分危急。

    The situation is desperate .

  20. 在危急的情况下,你得随机应变

    You have to have your wits about you in a dangerous situation .

  21. 全球卫生系统都急需呼吸机来帮助治疗最危急的新冠患者。患者的肺部严重发炎或者充满黏液无法自主呼吸时,主要依靠呼吸机辅助呼吸,从而在病人康复期间确保有足够的氧气持续在体内循环。

    Health systems around the world are in dire or full to work by themselves and thus ensure enough oxygen is continuing to circulate around the body as the patient recovers .

  22. 因此,牢固掌握Windows危急级漏洞研究技术,正逐步进入安全研究者们的视野。

    Therefore , researching technology of Windows critical vulnerability is gradually coming into the eyeshot of the security researchers .

  23. 总部设在巴黎的国际能源署(internationalenergyagency)上周援引这些风险警告称,在未来5年内,石油供应有陷入“危急境地”的风险。

    The Paris-based International Energy Agency cited these and similar issues last week , when it warned of the risk of an oil supply " crunch " within five years .

  24. 背景与目的脑出血(ICH)是临床常见的危急重症。

    Background and Objective : Intracerebral hemorrhage is clinical common emergency severe syndrome .

  25. 在危急情况下驾驶员需要紧急刹车,装备ABS防抱死制动系统能够提供安全、有效的制动。

    In critical driving situations in which emergency braking is required , the Antilock Braking System provides you with safe and effective support .

  26. 在公司有史以来最危急的关头,董事会决定任命60岁的斯金纳为公司CEO。

    The board looked to the60-year-old Skinner to become the company 's new CEO at one of the most delicate moments in its history .

  27. 里丁说,到了去年7月,埃博拉疫情“上了CNN”,情况越来越危急。

    By July , Mr Reading says , the Ebola epidemic " hit CNN " and alarm grew .

  28. 国产300MW机组危急遮断系统(ETS)的改造

    Retrofitting of ETS System for Domestic 300 MW Units

  29. 结果:ICU护士对患者家属的身心状况缺乏正确的认识,家属在面对患者所处的危急情况时,存在一些影响其身心健康的因素。

    Results : Nurses in ICU neglected the psychic reaction and mental health of family dependents when their facing critical condition of the patients .

  30. 而高危急淋的预后因素有初诊WBC数、发病年龄、脾脏肿大、治疗积分。

    However , WBC counts at diagnosis , age , therapeutic scores and the enlargement spleen were the prognostic factors in high risk group .