
  • 网络Hazardous waste;dangerous waste
  1. 基于3S技术的危险废物污染事故预警系统

    Hazardous waste pollution preparedness system based on the 3S technology

  2. 膨润土防水毯(GCL)和土工膜(GM)作为危险废物填埋场复合场衬垫系统的研究

    A Study on GCL and GM Serving as a Composite Lining System of Hazardous Waste Landfill Sites

  3. 第1002条(b)(7)规定,土壤处理是管理危险废物方法中最不好的方法。

    Section 1002 ( b )( 7 ) now states that " land disposal * should be the least favored method for managing hazardous wastes " .

  4. PCB产业所产生的含铜蚀刻废液是对环境存在较大潜在威胁的危险废物。

    Waste etching solution containing copper , a type of hazardous waste discharged by PCB manufactories , is a potential menace to the environment .

  5. 采用灰色系统GM(1,1)和GM(1,2)模型,对我国工业危险废物产生量的变化趋势进行了预测研究。

    The analysis approaches of grey system model GM ( 1 , 1 ) and GM ( 1 , 2 ) are used to predict generation of industrial hazardous wastes in China .

  6. 固定污染源CEMS在工业危险废物焚烧的应用

    Application of Continuous Emission Monitoring System for Fuel Gas from Stationary Pollution Sources to Incineration of Industrial Hazardous Wastes

  7. 重金属在蒸馏水或饱和Ca(OH)2溶液中的浸出浓度均满足GB5085.3&1996对危险废物规定的浸出液最高允许浓度值。

    The soaked ~ concentration of the heavy metals in distilled water or the saturation solution of Ca ( OH ) _2 could all satisfy the requirement of GB 5085.3 & 1996 that has the highest allowable concentration ~ values of the soaked solution for the dangerous wastes .

  8. 危险废物越境转移的国际法视角

    An International Angle to View the Over-boarder Transfer of Hazardous Wastes

  9. 我国工业危险废物产生现状及产量预测

    Current Situation and Output Forecast of Industrial Hazardous Wastes in China

  10. 危险废物安全填埋场的环境经济分析

    Environmental Economic Analysis of Safe Landfill Site of Hazardous Solid Wastes

  11. 危险废物焚烧飞灰中重金属污染特性

    Characterization of heavy metals in fly ash from hazardous waste incinerators

  12. 徐州市危险废物产生及处置现状调查分析

    Survey Analysis of Generation and Disposition of Hazardous Waste in Xuzhou

  13. 危险废物安全填埋场的研究与探讨

    Study and Discussion on the Safety Landfill Site of Dangerous Waste

  14. 危险废物处置中心厂址选择的环境可行性

    Environmental Feasibility of the Site Selection for Hazardous Waste Disposal Center

  15. 危险废物处置场废水处理的方案设计

    The Design of Waste Water Disposal in Hazardous Waste Disposal Site

  16. 论危险废物越境转移的国际法律规制

    The International Legal Regulation on the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

  17. 利用水泥处理危险废物的研究

    The Research of Making Use of Cement to Handle Dangerous Waste

  18. 印刷行业危险废物产生节点及特性分析

    Generating Node and Characteristic Analysis on Hazardous Wastes in Printing Industry

  19. 爆炸事故危险废物的预处理技术

    The pretreatment technology for the hazardous waste produced by explosion accident

  20. 危险废物集中处置工程设计中值得关注的几个问题

    Remarkable Problems Existing in Centralized Disposal Engineering Design of Hazardous Waste

  21. 巴塞尔公约&控制危险废物的全球公约

    The Basel Convention : A Global Solution for Controlling Hazardous Wastes

  22. 我国工业危险废物产生特性研究

    Study on the Generation Characteristics of Industrial Hazardous Wastes in China

  23. 危险废物浸出毒性试验方法的研究

    The Study of Test Methods on Leaching Toxicity of Hazardous Waste

  24. 含苯酚危险废物水泥/活性炭的固化稳定化

    Cement and activated carbon solidification and stabilization of phenol-containing hazardous waste

  25. 建立有效回收网络,防治危险废物污染环境

    Building Effective Recycle Network and Preventing Hazardous Waste from Polluting the Environment

  26. 第四章危险废物污染环境防治的特别规定

    Chapter IV Special Provisions on prevention and control of environmental

  27. 我国危险废物的污染控制现状和对策研究

    Control status and Countermeasures on hazardous waste pollution in China

  28. 沈阳工业危险废物处置工程运行管理

    Operation and Management on Shenyang Industrial Hazardous Waste Disposal Project

  29. 危险废物越境转移法律制度研究

    On Legal Regime of the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes

  30. 模拟危险废物颗粒回转窑内运动特性试验研究

    Mass transfer of simulative hazardous waste particles in rotary kiln