
lì shǐ dì lǐ xué
  • historical geography
  1. GIS在历史地理学中的应用

    The Application of GIS in Historical Geography

  2. GIS与历史地理学

    GIS and Historical Geography

  3. GIS技术的日益发展,对历史地理学缺乏量化指标,历史地理制图内容单一、时空覆盖率低、无法反映历史变化等缺点发出挑战。

    The increasingly developing GIS technologies challenge the historical geography which is short of quantitative proxies , and challenge the historical maps because the spatial and temporal coverage of historical maps is not high and the contents of historical map can not reflect historical change .

  4. 继承与发展:历史地理学的学科属性再认识

    Inheritance and Development & Re-understanding the Course Property of Historical Geography

  5. 发掘了中国历史地理学的社会功能;

    He explored the social function of China 's Historical Geography ;

  6. 人地关系是历史地理学研究的核心。

    The man-land relationship is the core of historical geography study .

  7. 1978~2008:历史地理学研究的学术评论

    The Academic Discussion of the Historical Geography Research in 1978 ~ 2008

  8. 民族历史地理学应视为一门新兴学科;

    Ethnic historical geography should be considered as a new developing discipline .

  9. 论历史地理学在中学地理课中的渗透

    On infiltrating historical geography into geography lesson in secondary school

  10. 旧石器时代可纳入历史地理学研究范围

    On the Paleolithic Age Belonging to the Research Span of Historical Geography

  11. 二十世纪中国历史地理学的成就

    Achievements of Chinese Historical Geography in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  12. 历史地理学研究领域框架及若干说明

    Historical geography frame and brief illustration of several problems

  13. 《中国历史地理学》教学应该注意的几个问题

    Several Issues that Should be Noted in " Chinese Historical Geography " Teaching

  14. 中国历史地理学由传统向近代转化的若干特点

    Several Characteristics of Chinese Histo - geography Evolving from Traditional to Contemporary Version

  15. 《诗经》的历史地理学价值新论

    The Value of Historical Geography in Book of Songs

  16. 区域建筑文化的历史地理学思考

    Study on Historical Geography of Regional Architecture Culture

  17. 历史地理学追述和研究前瞻

    The Past and the Future of Historical Geography

  18. 论民族历史地理学研究的若干问题

    Several Questions of the Ethnic Historical Geography Study

  19. 达比对历史地理学的贡献

    Sir Clifford darby 's contribution to historical geography

  20. 近代地理学时期的历史地理学

    Historical geography in the period of modern geography

  21. 村落问题是历史地理学研究的重要课题之一。

    It is one of the important problems that the historical geography focuses on .

  22. 本框架显示了历史地理学研究领域合理的层次关系。

    The following is Historical Geography Frame .

  23. 历史地理学的理论与实践

    The Theory and Application of Historical Geography

  24. 近年来我国历史地理学发展的主要趋势

    The main trends in the development of the historical geography of China in recent years

  25. 历史地理学是研究在历史发展中地理环境及其演变规律的学科。

    Historical geography is the study of the history development and geographical evolution of discipline .

  26. 《诗经》蕴涵有丰富的具有重要科学价值的历史地理学内容,其中涉及到当代历史地理学的诸多学科领域。

    The Book of Songs contains abundant historical geography material of important and scientific value .

  27. 历史地理学的研究对象

    The research object of historical geography

  28. 方法运用历史地理学等相关学科原理,基于文献资料的实证研究。

    Methods Using the principle of historical geography and other related disciplines to research this problem .

  29. 历史地理学的回顾与展望

    Historical Geography : Retrospect and Prospect

  30. 民族历史地理学作为一门新兴学科,其理论建设相对薄弱。

    The ethnic historical geography , as a new developing discipline , its theory is relatively weak .