
  • 网络stress Testing;Stress Test;compression test
  1. 基于联合压力测试的Web应用程序性能预测方法

    Performance prediction method of Web application based on combined stress testing

  2. 如何对Web应用程序进行压力测试

    How Carries on a Stress Testing to a Web Application

  3. 基于DSP的温度、压力测试装置的研制

    Development for Test Equipment on Temperature and Pressure Based on DSP

  4. 距离最新Web应用程序发布时间只剩下24个小时了,但压力测试不理想。

    It's24 hours before the launch of your newest Web application and your stress testing is not going well .

  5. 高交易率CM服务器压力测试

    High transaction rate CM Server stress test

  6. 当前的研究工作大多是对简单Web应用系统的压力测试,针对基于分布式环境压力测试的研究很少。

    Nowadays most research focuses on stress testing Web application systems , the research of stress testing based on distributed environments is not enough .

  7. Hammerhead是一个设计用于测试Web服务器的压力测试工具。

    Hammerhead is a stress test tool designed to test Web servers .

  8. 他们通过定期会议、压力测试和FridayFieldTrip计划促进对虚拟世界的研究和应用。

    They use regular meetings , stress tests , and the Friday Field Trip program to encourage virtual world exploration and adoption .

  9. 对session中存储和不存储对象都做一下压力测试,看看哪个更好,将会是更好的。

    Preferably , stress test with and without the objects in session state to see what the perf .

  10. 集成了网页功能测试,GUI控件测试,回归测试以及压力测试等。

    Integration web function test , GUI control test , regression testing and stress testing .

  11. 风险值(VaR)与压力测试都是衡量金融资产价格波动风险的重要工具。

    Both Value-at-Risk and stress testing loss are important measures for the financial market risk .

  12. 总揽层面包括VaR方法、情景压力测试法。

    Pressure ; the other is the general aspect ( including ) VaR and scenario stress test .

  13. 基于MSP430的石油井下压力测试系统的设计

    Design of oil-well pressure measurement system based on MSP430 MCU

  14. 压力测试SCADA系统

    The SCADA System of Pressure Testing

  15. 随着Geronimo在真实场景中的压力测试,实际的信息将会公诸于众。

    The real information will come as Geronimo is stress tested in real-world situations .

  16. VaR的有效性可以通过一定方法来验证,压力测试则是对VaR的有效补充,结合了压力测试的VaR方法更加完善,实际应用价值也大为提高。

    Combined with stress testing , which is the efficient supplement of VaR , VaR 's practical value can be greatly improved .

  17. IBMLinuxTechnologyCenterTest部门使用这个压力测试以及其他工具和测试作为帮助确认Linux内核发行版本稳定性的一个相对快速和简便的途径。

    The IBM Linux Technology Center Test department uses this stress test , along with other tools and tests , as a relatively quick and easy way to help validate the stability of Linux kernel releases .

  18. 几次有失诚信的压力测试,令欧盟银行管理局(europeanbankingauthority)、欧盟委员会(europeancommission)、各国央行和银行监管机构的信誉受损,欧盟因此白白耽误了两年宝贵的时间。

    The European Union has wasted two precious years with dishonest stress tests that have shaken the credibility of the European Banking authority , the European Commission , national central banks and national bank regulators .

  19. 在SaaS基础设施不断增长时,设置功能、回归、性能和压力测试的成本肯定不会低。

    It does not come cheap when you set up functional , regression , performance , and stress testing while the SaaS infrastructure grows .

  20. 据国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,欧洲必须使其银行“压力测试”更透明,并扩展至更多机构,以提高这些测试的可信度。

    Europe must make its bank " stress tests " more transparent and extend them across more institutions to enhance their credibility , according to the International Monetary Fund .

  21. 接着,在系统测试环节中,针对ASP组件的特殊性,论文给出了ASP组件和Web通信编码平台的本地测试、在线测试和压力测试结果。

    Then , concerning the system testing , experiment results from local testing , on-line testing and stress testing of the ASP components and the web platform are given by considering the specialty of ASP components .

  22. 最终得到的压力测试涵盖了Linux内核的足够多部分,有助于稳定性声明,并且有系统使用情况和内核代码覆盖情况的数据来支持它。

    The final result is a stress test that covers enough of the Linux kernel to be useful for stability statements , and that has the system usage and kernel code coverage data to support it .

  23. 股票收益率呈现出厚尾特性,VaR及其压力测试模型能很好的计量投资组合的尾部收益及风险,因而结合了VaR的方差模型是适合于我国证券投资市场风险计量的有效模型。

    VaR and stress testing model can measure this tail risk , therefore , combined with Delta-Method , VaR is the efficient model that can be applied to measure Chinese security portfolio market risk .

  24. LTP压力测试使用的工具包括top(procps程序包的一部分)和sar(systat的一部分)。

    The LTP stress test makes use of the utilities top ( part of the procps package ) and sar ( part of systat ) .

  25. 巴克莱在今年3月通过了英国金融服务管理局(fsa)设计的“压力测试”,以检验该行能否经受住严重的经济衰退。

    The bank passed a " stress test " devised by the financial services authority in March , which checked if it could withstand a severe recession .

  26. IMF辩称,监管机构应将它们监管银行时采取的举措复制过来,在资产管理业引入定期压力测试&美国证交会(SEC)正在考虑这一举措。

    The IMF argues regulators should copy the approach taken when supervising banks and introduce regular stress tests for the industry & a step that is being considered by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US .

  27. 压力测试关注资产组合收益的厚尾特征分布,能度量在极端情况下资产组合损失,弥补了传统风险管理工具VaR的缺点,因而成为商业银行风险管理的重要工具。

    Emphasizing on the fat tail distribution of the asset portfolio , stress test can evaluate the loss of the asset portfolio in the extreme circumstances which makes up the disadvantage of VaR , the traditional risk management tool .

  28. DN80~1000mm阀门压力测试机

    A pressure tester of valves DN80 ~ 1000mm

  29. 设计了一种基于DSP的温度、压力测试装置,采用提出的一种改进的向后逐次分段的牛顿均差插值法,实现了对温度、压力进行实时测试的数字化、高精度和直观化。

    Presents a kind of test equipment on temperature and pressure based on DSP . Adopting a successive backward sectional Newton divided difference interpolation mathematics model proposed by author , this equipments make the test for temperature , pressure digitalization , high precision and visualization .

  30. 目前,金融市场风险测量的主要方法有灵敏度分析、波动性方法、VaR、压力测试、以及极值理论(EVT)。

    At present , the main methods of financial market risk measurement are sensitivity analysis , volatility , VaR , stress testing , as well as the extreme value theory ( EVT ) .