
yuán chuànɡ
  • be original
  • original
  1. 如果你想表扬她的外表,尽量原创。

    If you compliment her appearance , try to be original .

  2. 内容可以是自己原创的、由用户提供的,或者两者相结合。

    Content may be original , user generated , or aggregated .

  3. 很显然,英国独立电视台原创剧集的收视胜过了英国广播公司的节目。

    Clearly , the BBC is being outgunned by ITV 's original drama

  4. 这支舞蹈的配乐是由亨利·托尔格所作的一首原创曲目。

    The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue .

  5. 鲍勃更喜欢创作原创作品,而不是制作复制品。

    Bob prefers making original pieces rather than reproductions

  6. 他们还在跳你的原创舞蹈,你难受吗?

    Does it bother you that they still use your original choreography ?

  7. 最佳原创剧本:斯派克-琼斯《她》

    Best original screenplay : Spike Jonze , Her

  8. 2021年也有许多原创作品涌现。

    Original works are also emerging in 2021 .

  9. 在这一热潮之下,各种改编、原创剧集百花齐放,精彩纷呈。中国动画迷有福了!2021年将会有一大批国漫上线。

    Good news for fans of Chinese animations series will come out this year on Tencent Video , iQiyi , Youku and Bilibili .

  10. “中国天眼”是国家重大科技基础设施,实现了我国在前沿科学领域的一项重大原创突破。

    The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope ( FAST ) is an example of the progress in innovation the country has made in cutting-edge technologies .

  11. 要瞄准世界科技前沿,强化基础研究,实现前瞻性基础研究、引领性原创成果重大突破。

    We should aim for the frontiers of science and technology , strengthen basic research , and make major breakthroughs in pioneering basic research and groundbreaking and original innovations .

  12. 例如,《时光代理人》是绘梦动画和其他公司合作出品的一部原创动画剧集,讲述了两个年轻人经营照相馆的的故事。

    For example , Time Agents is an original series from Haoliners Animation League and other companies . It is the story of two young men who run a photo studio .

  13. 不过,也有手办套装展现的是更加宽泛的主题,有恐怖片、科幻片、魔幻片、电视和漫画书中的人物,也有原创艺术作品中的人物,还有现存套装模型升级换代的版本。

    However , kits are produced depicting6 a wide range of subjects , from characters from horror , science fiction , fantasy films , television and comic books to original works of art , as well as upgrade and conversion7 kits for existing models .

  14. 观点正确,但是非原创B。

    A valid point , but unoriginal Bminus .

  15. 而《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲LetitGo也获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖,如今这首歌曲似乎也开启了自己的产业。

    But its soundtrack centerpiece Let It Go , which also won an Academy Award for Best Original Song , appears to have started its own cottage industry .

  16. 他援引了谷歌公司(Google)为例,谷歌便正在开发新的原创内容。

    Valdes pointed to Google ( GOOG ) as one example of a company which is also focusing its efforts on new original content .

  17. Netflix为自己的2016年原创电视节目单增加了一抹皇室气氛。

    Netflix is adding some royalty to its original programming lineup in 2016 .

  18. Netflix公司还推出了全新模式,同时发布原创电视剧,比如《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)。

    Netflix has also introduced entirely new models , releasing original series like " House of Cards " and " Orange Is the New Black " all at once .

  19. QQ杰伦爱原创爱情QQ分组名称:世界的尽头、你会陪我去么。

    Love QQ grouping name : The world terminus , you will accompany me to go .

  20. 亚马逊、Netflix和Hulu都在投入巨资创作原创流媒体电视剧。

    Amazon , Netflix and Hulu are pouring resources into creating original streaming series .

  21. 文化多样化和社会凝聚力也是公共商品,因此BBC的使命也理所当然地包括原创戏剧、音乐和喜剧。

    Cultural diversity and social cohesion are also public goods , so the remit reasonably includes original drama , music and comedy .

  22. 例如,Facebook的统计显示,每个用户平均每月创作90条原创文字或图片内容。

    On Facebook , for instance , the average user creates 90 pieces of content each month , in terms of original photos and posts , according to the company .

  23. 在亚马逊(Amazon)、Hulu网和Netflix网等流媒体上首播的原创电视剧中有43名主要角色和16名多次出现的角色属于这类人群。

    Original series premiering on the streaming services Amazon , Hulu and Netflix include 43 such series regulars and 16 recurring ones .

  24. 里程碑式的原创3d卡通巨片《精灵世纪》,加上先进成熟的产业化思想,再加上全面娴熟的媒体推广运作,当然值得广大观众和儿童产品企业的热切期待!

    Creative3d cartoon movies < < eidolon century > > , as a landmark of China cartoon industry , combined advance cartoon industrialization and excellent media promotion activities , will be expected fervidly by vast audience and related enterprise !

  25. 在排名前10位的公司中,只有英国零售商约翰刘易斯(johnlewis)(排名第四)有一种合理的、原创的思想,那就是“我们由员工拥有”。

    Of the top 10 companies , only the British retailer John Lewis ( 4th ) has a proper , original thought and that is " we are owned by our employees " .

  26. 最近,该公司因两次失败的兼并而有点动荡。不过,值得注意的是,它与Netflix公司签署了多项合约,将为后者制作1100多集原创卡通节目。

    The studio recently roiled by two failed mergers notably has contracts to produce more than 1,100 episodes of original cartoon programming for Netflix .

  27. 加上谷歌计划投资1亿美元于原创内容,理论上现在你已可以将YouTube视为其自己的网络。

    Couple that with the $ 100 million Google is funneling into original content and you could theoretically call YouTube its own network at this point .

  28. 开放硬件的一个最大的好处,依PeterBrown所说,就是使用零件和产品以其原创者从未想到过的方式进行“意想不到的开发”。

    One of the great benefits of open hardware is the potential to " develop the unexpected ," as Peter Brown said , by using parts and products in ways never envisioned by their original creators .

  29. 苹果和三星长达一年的专利世纪大战,本周五有了结果。陪审团裁定苹果公司在iPhone和iPad中采用的革命性的原创技术遭到了三星公司的侵权。

    After a year of scorched - earth litigation , a jury decided Friday that Samsung ripped off the innovative technology used by Apple to create its revolutionary iPhone and iPad .

  30. 2013年,Verizon的竞争对手、美国有线电视公司康卡斯特(Comcast)全资收购了电影、电视和音乐集团NBC环球(NBCUniversal)。而Netflix一直在投入巨资制作原创剧集和纪录片。

    Comcast , the US cable company that competes with Verizon , took full ownership of the film , TV and music group NBCUniversal in 2013 .