
  • 网络initial share;IPO;original issue stock;pre-IPO
  1. 我需要这些原始股让我度过难关找到工作。

    I need this IPO to hold me over until I get another job .

  2. 中国煤炭能源公司不断上扬的原始股销售将重新燃起煤炭股票的利润,权威人士预期通过竞争对手中国申花能源公司。

    China Coal Energy Co 's upcoming initial share sale could rekindle interest in coal stocks , with pundits hoping for a repeat of the dream debut by its larger rival China Shenhua Energy Co.

  3. 英特尔公司1971年10月13日在这家市场上发行了原始股

    " Intel offered its original issue stock on NASDAQ on October 13 , 1971 "

  4. 通过测量超导电缆的原始股和从电缆中拆下来的股的短样临界电流值,从实验上研究了超导电缆中股的临界电流退化。

    The critical current degradation of strands in the cable was studied by comparing virgin strand and extracted strand measurements of critical current .

  5. 如果你能从一笔原始股上获得10倍甚至20倍的利润,便能够弥补许多次失败的下注。

    When you gain a 10 - or even 20-fold profit on an original stake , it pays for a lot of bad bets .

  6. 另外,中国采取原始股逐步“解禁”的方式推进国企改革,导致现有投资者股权不断被稀释。

    Moreover , there has been a steady dilution of existing investors as China has reformed state-owned companies by gradually " unlocking " their shares for trading .

  7. 中国铝业动用原始股入股,指望着阻挠两家公司合并,是因为中国害怕把太多的铁矿石定价权集中在一家公司手里。

    Chinalco took its original stake in the hopes of blocking a merger that China feared would hand too much control of iron ore prices to one company .

  8. 巨灾债券是巨灾风险证券化多种形式中发行量最大、最为成功的一种,它是近十几年内国际风险管理领域的一个重要创新。我国股市原始股折价与发行量的实证研究

    Catastrophe bond is one of the most important innovations in the international field of risk management in twenty years . An Empirical Research on IPO Underpricing and Trading Volume in Chinese Stock Markets

  9. 然而,一年之后,紫金原始股解禁,当地政府和紫金矿业通知村民,他们的股票终于可以在上交所公开交易了,与此同时,上海股市已经历了一轮反弹。

    A year on , however , a lock-up ended and the local government and the mining company informed them that their shares had finally become publicly tradeable in Shanghai , which had meanwhile undergone a rally .

  10. 密度、大小、厚度是受最原始的那股海葵的影响

    Density , scale , thickness are still influencing the anemones shape .