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  • again
又复 [yòu fù]
  • [again;once more] 又,再

  • 又复沿河施放双响。--《广东军务记》

  1. 商贾和律师走出了街市的喧嚣和欺诈,见到了蓝天、绿树,于是又复为其人。

    The tradesman , the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street and sees the sky and the woods , and is a man again .

  2. 从前业已熄灭的她的内心的火焰,又复放射出明亮的光彩。

    And the vivid glow of some inner fire that had been quenched before was alight in her again .

  3. 我们常常流泪,这会在欺人之后又复自欺。

    We onlen shed tear which deceive ourselves after deceive others .

  4. 一阵颤栗又复归于平息。

    Then trembles into silendce as before .

  5. 狗渐渐地没有咬了,峡谷里又复显出夜深时候的静寂。

    Then the dogs stopped barking , and once more a somber silence descended on the valley .

  6. 我们的前半生为父母所糟蹋,而后半生又复为儿女所糟蹋。

    The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children .

  7. 天天都是早餐、午餐、晚餐、交往于办公室、派对,明日又复如是,日复一日,到底意义安在?

    Breakfast , lunch , dinner , office , party , tomorrow the same , day after tomorrow , what the point ?

  8. 天低又复云暗,飞过雪花一片。穿越车辙马圈,去留择决艰难。

    THE sky is low , the clouds are mean , A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go .

  9. 整个过程呈现出从传统开始,到西化,后又复归于改进的传统的发展态势。

    The entire process shows that it starts from the traditional one to the westernized one , then reverts to the developmental trend of " tradition of improvement " .

  10. 他们看到了这只屎壳郎,把它抓了起来,把它翻过来又复过去。两人都博学多识,特别是那个男孩子。

    When they saw him they took him up and turned him over and over , looking very learned all the time , especially one , who was a boy .

  11. 那位经理被迫辞职,但后来又官复原职了。

    The manager was asked to resign but was later restored to his former job .

  12. 复进口税是指对外籍船舶载运中国土货从一个通商口岸运赴另一个通商口岸所征缴的进口税,因进口时纳税税率为出口税率的一半,又称复进口半税。

    Coast duty was an import tax collected from foreign ships which transported Chinese local products from one trading port to another . It was also named as re-import half duty , for its tax rate was half of the export tax rate .

  13. 就在今年,我们又迎来了复联的新续集《奥创纪元》,然后我们很激动,

    And just this year , we got a new Avengers movie , the " Age of Ultron , " and we were very excited ,

  14. 与此同时,我们不能一边着手简化金融网络,一边又使之复杂化。

    Meanwhile , as we embark on simplifying the financial network with one hand , we need to take care not to complicate it with the other .

  15. 缺氧组和纳洛酮组又根据缺氧、复氧时间不同分为3个时间点:缺氧2h/复氧0h;

    Three time points were set in hypoxia group and naloxone group according to different time of hypoxia and reoxygenation : hypoxia 2 hour s / reoxygenation 0 hour ;

  16. 关于文学的考试弥尔顿写了《失乐园》,然后他的妻子死了,他就又写了《复乐园》。

    LITERATURE Milton wrote " Paradise Lost . " Then his wife dies , and he wrote " Paradise Regaines . "

  17. 等我再走回屋里,我又什么都闻不到了,屋里一切又都归复正常。

    When I went back in , I could smell nothing , it was back to normal .