
  • 网络And ear;Gill;US gi
  1. 一及耳等于四分之一品脱。

    A gill is equal to a quarter pint .

  2. 本文观察麻醉情况下,侧脑室及耳静脉注入5羟色胺(5-HT),家兔颈动脉血压及肺动脉压的变化。

    The change of Psa and Ppa was observed during injection of 5-HT into the lateral ventricle of brain or the auricular vein of anesthetized rabbits .

  3. 除空白组均采用左后肢膝关节腔内注射木瓜蛋白酶法造模,通过观察及耳缘静脉取血测血清IL-1β含量后,确定造模成功。

    In addition to blank groups are modeled with injection of papain into the left hind limbs knee joint cavity . Through observation and collection blood in auricular vein , to test serum IL-1 β content , in addition to determine the success of modeling .

  4. 副政治国务卿WilliamBurns,前面于周四在阿尔及利亚与AbdelazizBouteflika总统会面,他从阿尔及耳(阿尔及利亚首都)与利比亚外交部长进行了两次电话交谈。

    Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns , who was in Algeria on Thursday to meet President Abdelaziz Bouteflika , spoke twice by telephone from Algiers with Libyan Foreign Minister Musa Kusa .

  5. 结果:hNav1.8通道蛋白在TN患者痛支神经的有髓纤维脱髓鞘处有大量表达,鼠脊神经轴突内有少量表达,而正常下牙槽神经及耳大神经中无表达。

    Results : Strong expression of hNa v1.8 channel protein was found in the demyelinated fibers of the affected nerves in patients with TN , weak expression in the neuraxon of rat spinal nerve , and none in the normal inferior alveolar nerve and the great auricular nerve .

  6. 结论采用V-Y推进法及耳甲复合组织瓣上旋法分别是修复轻中度及重度杯状耳畸形的较好方法,耳后皮瓣的合理应用及外耳的固定塑形也是不可忽视的手术成功的关键。

    Conclusion V-Y advanced flap and rotate composite flap are effective methods for the correction of cup ear deformity . The rational using of retroauricular flap and fixation of contour of auricle and cavity of concha are also the key points for the operation .

  7. 血管栓塞术在颌面及耳鼻喉疾病的临床应用

    The clinical application of intravascular embolization in maxillofacial and otorhinolaryngologic diseases

  8. 耳道前壁游离皮肤及耳道后壁带血管蒂皮肤复位。

    The free anterior skin and the posterior canal vascular flap were replaced .

  9. 孤独症儿童脑干听觉诱发电位及耳声发射研究

    Auditory brainstem response and DPOAE in autism children

  10. 血管瘤好发于面颊部、额部及耳周皮肤。

    The most common locations of hemangioma were face , forehead and periauricular skin .

  11. 结果2004级、2005级均有部分学生报告有眼疲劳及耳疲劳症状。

    Results Some students of year 2004 and 2005 complained of eye and ear strain .

  12. 乳突腔充填术及耳甲腔成形术对乳突根治术效果的影响

    Impacts of Mastoid Plombage and Cavity of Concha on the Efficacy of Formation of Radical Mastoidectomy

  13. 因此作者认为判断新生儿耳廓大小及耳位高低时,应作实际测量才能作出临床结论。

    Authors thought that the size and set of neonatal ears are determined only by clinical practice .

  14. 用足跖肿胀法及耳肿胀法研究其抗炎作用。

    The severity of oedema in inflamed animal was observed to study the anti-inflammatory effects of Changyan Chongji .

  15. 无纺布锥形口罩本体连续生产及耳带超声波自动焊接的研究

    The Study of the Successively Produce of Cone-Shaped Non-Woven Fabrics Mask and the Ultrasonic Auto-Welding with the Belt

  16. 豚鼠的耳气压损伤(模拟潜水实验)飞行员咽鼓管通气阻力的测量及耳气压伤的预防

    Measurement of the pilots ' ventilative resistance of the eustachian tube and the prevention of the middle ear barotraumas

  17. 2004级2个班眼疲劳及耳疲劳发生情况对比各项指标差异无显著性;

    The two classes in year 2004 had no significant differences in various indexes of eye and ear strain ;

  18. 如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓、按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。

    If client complains of pain , gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone .

  19. 全体14只鸟的体重与体长及耳簇羽长呈显著正相关,与面部红斑大小呈极显著正相关。

    Statistically significant correlations were found between the body weight and body length , wattle size , ear tuft length .

  20. [目的]探索大学生失眠患者的耳穴敏感点及耳压治疗效果。

    [ Objective ] To explore tender spots on the ears of insomniacs and curative effect of auricular point sticking .

  21. 大气压变化对咽鼓管通气阻力的影响及耳气压伤的预防

    The effect of the atmospheric pressure change on the ventilative resistance of the eustachian tube and the prevention of the barotrauma

  22. 结果:颈外动脉直接分支及耳后动脉、颞浅动脉、面横动脉等的分支是腮腺主要的供血动脉;

    Results : The mainly distribute arteries to parotid gland were external carotid artery , posterior auriculars artery , superficial temporal artery and transverse facial artery .

  23. 为了解红外耳温计的临床应用情况,随机抽取普通组100例(口温37.5℃以下),观察口温、腋温及耳温变化;

    To understand the clinical use of infra-red ear thermometer , 100 afebrile cases ( oral temperature less than 37.5 ℃) were selected randomly as afebrile group .

  24. 擅长通过显微外科技术、内窥镜技术微创治疗各种嗓音疾病、鼾症、头颈部肿瘤及耳鼻咽喉其他疾病;

    Also , He was accomplished in treating disease which include voice disorders , snoring , tumor of head and neck and some other diseases of ENT department .

  25. 方法依据眼疲劳及耳疲劳的主要症状自行设计调查表,对2004级、2005级临床医学专业应用多媒体教学的班级进行调查分析。

    Methods Self-designed questionnaire based on main symptoms of eye strain and ear strain was distributed to year 2004 and 2005 students of clinical medicine who received multimedia-aided teaching .

  26. 所以,大部分的人虽然他们有头、有身、有四肢,可是他们却没有充分发挥他们心及耳的功能。

    So all of them have head , body , limbs but they never exert the full function of the mind and listening ability of a human suppose to have .

  27. 我拿一及耳牙买加陈酒打赌,船长目不转睛地注视着他说,我知道您笑什么。

    ' I 'd bet a gill of old Jamaica , ' said the Captain , eyeing him attentively , ' that I know what you 're a smiling at . '

  28. 慢性咳嗽的病因复杂多样,涉及呼吸、消化、心血管及耳鼻喉等多个系统和病位,因而常常导致误诊。

    Cause of chronic cough complex and diverse , involving the respiratory , digestive disease location and multiple systems , such as cardiovascular and ENT , which often leads to misdiagnosis .

  29. 教师可利用本互动练习及耳的模型帮助学生辨认耳的主要部分及学习这些结构的功用。

    Teachers can use this drag and drop exercise together with the ear model to identify the main parts of the ear and allow students to learn about the functions of these structures .

  30. 触碰耳廓检查质地、触痛,有无损伤。如受检者叫痛,轻拉耳廓和按耳屏及耳后颞骨乳突部。

    B. Palpate auricle for texture , tenderness , and presence of lesions . If client complains of pain , gently pull auricle and press on tragus and behind ear over mastoid bone .