
  • 网络Reactive ion plating;RIP
  1. 低压反应离子镀方法制备ITO透明导电膜

    Preparation of ITO films by reactive low voltage ion plating

  2. 用低压反应离子镀的方法制备Ge(1-x)Cx单层非均匀增透膜的研究

    Study of single layer inhomogeneous Ge_ ( 1-x ) C_x antireflection coating prepared by reactive low voltage ion plating technique

  3. 退火对反应离子镀ITO薄膜光学特性的影响

    Influence of Annealing to the ITO Thin Film Optic Characteristics in Reacting Ionic Plating

  4. 电子浴辅助阴极电弧源活性反应离子镀合成AlN薄膜

    Synthesis of Aluminium Nitride Films Using Plating with Activated Reactive Ion Assisted by Electrons

  5. 本文主要叙述采用RF反应离子镀、RF反应溅射、MOCVD和激光辅助蒸发等方法制备高度取向的ZnO薄膜。

    This article mainly describes the preparation of ZnO thin films with highly orientation using RF reactive ion plating , RF reactive sputtering , MOCVD , and laser-assist evaporation , etc.

  6. 采用自行研制的磁增强活性反应离子镀系统,在脉冲偏压条件下成功地合成了高品质立方氮化硼(cBN)薄膜。

    High quality cubic boron nitride ( c BN ) films were synthesized in lab built magnetically enhanced active reaction evaporation system with pulsed DC bias .

  7. 光学薄膜反应离子镀技术研究

    A Study on Optical Coatings by Reactive Ion Plating

  8. 低压反应离子镀等离子源的研制

    Plasma Ion Source for Low Voltage Reactive Ion Plating

  9. 低压反应离子镀的物理过程

    Physical process of reactive low voltage ion plating

  10. 活化源功率对高速钢基体反应溅射离子镀TiN涂层的影响

    The influence of the activating source power on tin coatings deposited on the matrix of HSS by reactive sputtering ion plating

  11. 钛表面反应离子束镀钯膜的耐腐蚀性

    Study on the Properties of Corrosion Resistance of Palladium Film on Titanium Substrate Formed by Reactive Ion Beam Plating

  12. 反应磁控溅射离子镀TiN膜的工艺参数

    Technological Parameters of TiN & Ion Sputter Coating Using Reaction Magnetron

  13. 反应磁控溅射离子镀氮化钛薄膜质量与工艺参数的关系

    Relationship between Quality and Technological Parameters for Reaction Magnetron Sputtering Ion Plating TiN Films