
  • 网络Employer;Developer;Party Issuing Contract
  1. 对建设工程合同中发包人自便解约权的探讨

    On employer 's self breaking right of construction contracts

  2. 最低价中标法模式下发包人风险因素分析与对策

    Analysis and Solutions for Risk Factors of Employer in the Mode of Lowest Rice Bid

  3. 根据情况,FDA可以要发包人和制造商对所实施的行为承担共同责任。

    Depending on the circumstances , both the contractor and manufacturer may be held jointly responsible by FDA for the activities performed .

  4. 通常由土木土木工程的发包人确定合同的条款。

    The promoter of civil engineering works normally determines the conditions of contract .

  5. 承包人必须严格按照经发包人认可的设计方案进行施工。

    Contractor must strictly execute construction abiding by the designed scheme approved by client .

  6. 施工合同是发包人支付工程款,承包人进行建设的合同。

    The construction contract is that contract letting party pay for projects and contractors conduct construction .

  7. 本工程竣工并验收合格后,才能交付发包人使用。

    After testified to be qualified , the project can only be transferred to client to use .

  8. 其具体身份和职权由发包人、承包人在专用条款中约定。

    The Developer and Contractor shall specify the detailed identification and functions of the Engineer in the Particular Conditions .

  9. 说明:本表作为环境监理机构对发包人、承包人联系时使用。

    Note : this form is applied as the environmental supervision organ contacts with the employer and the contractor .

  10. 第二百七十八条隐蔽工程在隐蔽以前,承包人应当通知发包人检查。

    In the case of concealed work , the contractor shall give the developer notice for inspection prior to concealment .

  11. 承包人按本合同完成本工程验收要求的,发包人应在七天内组织本工程验收。

    Contractor completes works according to its requirements , and then client should arrange the works acceptance inspection within 7 days .

  12. 发包人向承包人承诺按照合同约定的期限和方式支付合同价款及其他应当支付的款项。

    The landlord shall pay to the contractor the contract amount and any other reasonable payment as that is indicated in the contract .

  13. 发包人不得将应当由一个承包人完成的建设工程肢解成若干部分发包给几个承包人。

    The developer may not divide a construction project which should be completed by one contractor into several parts and contract them out to several contractors .

  14. 如承包人违反本条款规定,则发包人有权追究其违约责任,要求其赔偿发包人因此所受到的全部损失。

    If contractor violates clauses of contract , client has right to pursue its responsibility and command it to compensate all loss of client due to it .

  15. 说明:1、本通知一式份,由环境监理机构填写,承包人、环境监理机构、发包人各一份;

    Note : 1.this notification is in copies and filled in by environmental supervision organ , respectively held by the contractor , the environmental supervision organ and the employer .

  16. 最后,结果显示,发包人可以根据任务性质,通过适当配置产品质量与准时交货率权重来激励承包人更好地完成外包任务。

    Finally , the results show that the principal can give the supplier better incentives by allocating the weights of products'quality and delivery according to the feature of the task .

  17. 在未签订合同前发包人已同意,设计人为发包人所做的各项设计工作,发包人应支付相应设计费。

    The Employer has agreed before the conclusion of the contract that it will pay charges of design to the Designer for all the design works conducted by the Designer .

  18. 由于房地产资本周转周期过长,很多开发商资本不足,发包人拖欠承包人建设工程款的情况也日益严重。

    As the real estate capital turnover cycle is too long , many developers lack of capital , and the developer defaulted contractor construction project loan situation is getting worse .

  19. 发包人没有及时检查的,承包人可以顺延工程日期,并有权要求赔偿停工、工等损失。

    Where the developer fails to timely conduct inspection , the contractor may extend the relevant project milestones , and is entitled to claim damages for work stoppage or work slowdown , etc.

  20. 只有用道理来使他人信服,别人才没话可说。本工程竣工并验收合格后,才能交付发包人使用。

    If we lead them with principles , then they won 't feel oppressed and abused . After testified to be qualified , the project can only be transferred to client to use .

  21. 在此机制下工程师受发包人委托,行工程承包合同中所确定的各项权利,负责整个工程的管理工作;

    Based on this mechanism , engineers are entrusted by employers with responsibility for the work , can exercise any right specified in the contract and are in charge of management work of the project .

  22. 验收合格的,发包人应当按照约定支付价款,并接收该建设工程。(3)、以上价格为一次性付款之每期单价。

    Once the construction project has passed the acceptance inspection , the developer shall pay the prescribed price and accept the construction project . The above-mentioned price is the price for lump-sum payment for each issue .

  23. 建设工程合同是承包人进行工程建设、发包人支付工程价款或酬金的合同,包括工程勘察设计、工程施工、工程监理等方面的合同。

    Construction contract is a contract whereby the contractor performs construction , and the employer pays the price or remuneration , including engineering survey and design , engineering construction , project management and other aspects of the contract .

  24. 第三人就其完成的工作成果与总承包人或者勘察、设计、施工承包人向发包人承担连带责任。

    The third person and the prime contractor or the contractor for survey , design , or construction shall be jointly and severally liable to the developer in respect of the work product completed by such third person .

  25. 发包人、承包人各方办理有关手续及报建费用根据政府相关部门规定由发包人、承包人自付。对于下文中提到的承包人付给转包人的费用

    Pursuant to governmental department regulations , client and contractor will undertake the cost of transacting procedures and applying construction by themselves . In consideration of the payments to be made by the Contractor to the Subcontractor as hereinafter mentioned

  26. 发包人要求设计人比合同规定时间提前交付设计文件时,须征得设计人同意,不得严重背离合理设计周期,且发包人应支付赶工费。

    6If the employer require the designer to delivery the design documents in advance , it should get the prior consent of the designer without serious deviation from the reasonable design circle , and the employer shall pay the crush cost .

  27. 在建筑业中承包人和发包人之间为实现建设工程预定目标据以明确相互间的权利、义务和责任关系的协议就是建设工程施工承包合同。

    Between the contractor and the contract award person realizes the construction project predetermined target basis in the architecture industry as well as is clear about the right , the voluntary and the responsibility relations agreement is the construction project construction contract .

  28. 发包人委托设计人配合引进项目的设计任务,从询价、对外谈判、国内外技术考察直至建成投产的各个阶段,应吸收承担有关设计任务的设计人员参加。

    4The employer entrusted the designer to cooperate with the engineering work of imported project and design personnel undertaking relevant design assignment shall be included in all stages from enquiry , business negotiation , domestic and overseas technical inspection until the production period .

  29. 笔者在处理类似法律纠纷时,深感厘清其中的法律原理和法律关系的重要性,因而本文拟对发包人违约情形下的承包人停工权进行研究。

    The author in dealing with similar legal dispute , the legal principle which is deeply clarifying and legal importance of the relationship , which this article intends to contract the contractor for breach of contract case , the right to study the work stoppage .

  30. 发包人在存有过错的情况下未按约定支付工程价款,承包人即可行使优先权,但若承包人交付的工程有瑕疵,需要维修,则在维修验收合格后方可行使优先权。

    Letting people there are at fault in the case did not agree to pay the price works , the contractor can exercise priority , but if the contractor delivered the project flawed , in need of repair and maintenance in the exercise only after passing the acceptance priority .