
qǔ cái
  • draw materials
取材 [qǔ cái]
  • [draw materials] 选取材料或原料

  • 就地取材

取材[qǔ cái]
  1. 由于碎石资源丰富,取材容易,造价低廉,施工工艺单纯,质量较易控制,并具有良好的抗震性能,其作为一种隔震方法在地震易发地区有着一定的使用前景。

    Due to the rich resources of gravel , draw materials easily , low cost , simple construction process and quality control , and good anti-seismic performance , gravel mattress has a prospect as a kind of shock-isolation methods in seismic prone regions .

  2. 其另一副力作《古韵泉声》则取材于他家乡的山山水水,山体错落有致,步满奇石怪石,显得坚实险峻,但有质朴自然。

    Another magnum opus " ancient musical sound spring sound " its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem solid and dangerously steep , simple naturally .

  3. 这本书取材于他在印度的经历。

    The book came out of his experiences in India .

  4. 她的名师设计的服装取材于一份精美的时装杂志。

    Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine .

  5. 她的小说取材自日常生活经验。

    Her novels are anchored in everyday experience .

  6. 取材自同一原材料意味着啤酒的口味始终如一。

    Taking ingredients from the same source means the beers stay the same

  7. 这部戏取材于爱尔兰传说。

    The play was based on Irish legend .

  8. 所有这些图片都取材于现代建筑。

    All these pictures are about modern construction .

  9. 这本小说取材于现实生活。

    This novel has drawn its materials from real life .

  10. 故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。

    All the characters in the story are drawn from life .

  11. 这个故事取材于现实生活。

    This tale is taken from real life .

  12. Control组不做任何处理,直接断头取材。

    Control group were directly sacrificed without other treatment .

  13. 食管肿瘤不同取材部位对DNA倍体研究的影响

    The influence of sampling spot numbers on studying DNA ploidy of esophageal carcinoma

  14. [方法]25例纵隔疾病患者,在CT导引下应用自动切割式活检针取材。

    CT-guided percutaneous biopsy were performed in 25 mediastinal lesions with automated cutting needle .

  15. 方法40例使用弹簧芯状活检针经皮穿刺活检,CT扫描确定并引导穿刺途径,达预定位置取材。

    Methods Forty patients underwent diagnostic CT-guided percutaneous biopsies to the preplanned location of lung .

  16. 12周后,将A组和B组处死取材,判断造模是否成功。

    Group A and B were sacrificed and specimens were procured to judge whether model succeed after 12 weeks .

  17. 目的为了研究食管鳞状细胞癌DNA倍体异质性及其临床病理学意义,采用多点取材和流式细胞技术对80例食管鳞状细胞癌标本的DNA倍体进行了研究。

    Objective To investigate the intratumoral DNA ploid heterogeneity in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its clinical-pathological significance .

  18. 目的探讨单点与多点取材对食管肿瘤DNA倍体研究的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of single spot and multiple spots samplings on studying DNA ploidy of esophageal neoplasms .

  19. 目的:总结探讨CT导向胸部穿刺活检的方法及技术要点,包括病材选择、定位方法、穿刺针选择、取材方法等有关问题。

    Objective To evaluate the value of CT guided biopsy of chest lesions , and discuss the method and te technique involved .

  20. 目的建立一种非创伤性的取材和快速胎儿性别诊断方法,并应用于X连锁遗传病的产前诊断。

    Objective To find a way of sampling without any wound and quick diagnosis of fetal sex and its application in X-linked recessive inheritance .

  21. 24h后麻醉状态下处死取材。

    After 24 hours under drugged state the rats were killed to gain materials .

  22. 沿右肺门与边界之中线取材,常规HE和小鼠抗大鼠增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)抗体染色。

    Sample along the midline of right lung sac and boundary , dye with HE and PCNA .

  23. 对经常规细胞学和DNA倍体分析系统检查可疑的妇女在阴道镜下行宫颈组织学活检。早期宫颈癌的病理诊断取材方法和手术方式的探讨

    The doubtful samples for women 's uterine cervix were done by biopsy . ON THE METHODS OF BIOPSY AND MANAGEMENT OF EARLY SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF THE UTERINE CERVIX

  24. 结果:在CT导向经皮肺穿刺活检31例中,一次取材成功29例,第一次取材未能得到病理结果,再行第二次取材成功的2例。

    Results : 31 cases underwent percutaneous lung biopsy by CT fluoroscopy . 29 cases succeed in making percutaneous lung biopsy , 2 cased failed and made second percutaneous lung biopsy .

  25. 免疫PCR方法检测血清抗p53蛋白抗体与传统的免疫组化染色法相比较,取材更方便,创伤性小且检测方法简便易行,因此检测血清抗P53蛋白抗体是检测组织P53蛋白理想的替代工具。

    Immuno-PCR for anti-P53 antibodies in sera assay was simpler than immunohistochemistry assay for P53 protein expressions in tissue and therefore was a practical tool .

  26. 并分别于去除角膜上皮后3.5天,4天,5天取材角膜行组织病理学及EGF与Fn免疫组织化学检查。

    Histopathological and immunohistochemical examination on corneas were performed at 3.5,4,5 days after making Corneal epithelial wound model .

  27. 睡美人(SleepingBeauty,SB)转座系统是Tc1/mariner转座因子超家族中的一员,是目前唯一取材于脊椎动物的具有活性的转座系统。

    Sleeping Beauty ( SB ), a member of the Tc1 / mariner superfamily of transposable elements , is the only active DNA transposon system from vertebrate .

  28. 结论宫颈细胞学筛查是子宫颈癌及癌前病变早期诊断的重要手段,TCT独特的取材与制片方法,更有利于宫颈阳性病变的检出;

    Conclusions TCT is more propitious to screen cervical cancer and precancerous lesion .

  29. 分别取材及切片,用免疫组化ABC法检查中枢内c-fos和NOS阳性神经元的分布。

    The localization of c-fos and NOS positive neurons in central nervous system was detected by means of immunohistochemistry ( ABC method ) .

  30. 方法采用甲基硝基亚硝基胍(MNNG)直肠灌注法对Wistar大鼠每日灌肠,定期取材。

    Methods By rectal perfusion , Wistar rats were given MNNG every day , and samples were collected periodically .