
kǒu yǎn wāi xié
  • facial paralysis
口眼歪斜[kǒu yǎn wāi xié]
  1. 中医称之为口眼歪斜、口僻。

    Chinese medicine called " Kouyanwaixie ", " mouth secluded " .

  2. 通常把脑血管病患者出现的嘴歪舌偏,一概描述成“口眼歪斜”这是不太确切的。

    The mouth crooked tongue that appears cerebral blood-vessel ill patient normally slants , entirely is described " buccal key point is wry " this is not quite exact .

  3. 本病所致语言障碍与昏迷、半身不遂、口眼歪斜、吞咽障碍一起被称为中风五大主症。

    Aphasis caused by the disease , coma , hemiplegia , deviation of the eye and mouth , dysphagia , are known as the five main symptoms of apoplexy .

  4. 如果阿非利卡人遗传了两对突变基因,那么他们会患上障碍性的硬化性骨化病,这会导致严重的骨质增生、巨人症、口眼歪斜、失聪和早逝。

    If an Afrikaner inherits two copies of the mutated gene , they develop the disorder sclerosteosis , which leads to severe bone overgrowth , gigantism , facial distortion , deafness , and early death .