
  • 网络Coulee;Gully
  1. 70年前建造的大古力水坝,凭借其庞大坚固的建筑结构,至今仍为北美洲最大的水力发电站。而美国西北部水力发电供电量要比美国其它地区都多。

    Thanks to monstrous chunks of concrete like Grand Coulee Dam , completed 70 years ago and still the largest hydroelectric facility in North America , the north-west gets more of its power from hydro than any other region of the United States .

  2. 另一名中国精英棋手古力则为第一名击败“Master”的人类棋手准备了10万人民币(约合14300美元)的奖金。

    Gu Li , another elite player from China , offered a reward of 100000 yuan ( $ 14300 ) to the first human player to defeat Master .

  3. 冈古力的病人帕尔玛‧波斯瓦(PalmerPosvar)的丈夫韦斯利(Wesley)说,帕尔玛在五十多岁的时候开始拿别人盘子里的东西来吃、向朋友借钱,还想把家传珠宝拿去典当。

    Palmer Posvar , a patient of Dr. Ganguli 's , was in her 50s when she started taking food off other people 's plates , asking to borrow money from friends and trying to pawn heirloom jewelry , said her husband , Wesley .

  4. 我们最大的竞争对手是,古力治和他可恶的拉链。

    Our biggest competition is B. F. Goodrich and his infernal zippers .

  5. 在1978年,这本书被改编并发行为电影,由大卫‧古力皮欧饰演指骨比尔。

    In1978 a film of the book was released starring David Gulpilil as Fingerbone Bill .

  6. 自此,他几乎所向披靡,只有在他的教练兼顾问——古力克森先生逝世时,才陷入过低潮;除此之外,他最大的遗憾,就是一直未能在红土球场称霸。

    Since then , his only setbacks have been the death of his coach and mentor Tim Gullikson and his continuing inability to come to grips with playing on clay .

  7. 他所参与建设或者帮助建设的工程有:洛杉矶高架渠、奥克兰-圣弗兰西斯科海湾大桥、胡佛大坝、帕克大坝、舍斯特大坝和大古力水坝。

    Among the projects he constructed or helped construct : the Los Angeles Aqueduct ; the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge ; and the Hoover , Parker , Shasta and Grand Coulee dams .

  8. 在富士通杯八强战中,中国围棋的领军人物古力不负众望,中盘拿下韩国棋手李世石。

    In the last-eight game of the Fujitsu Cup , Gu Li , the bellwether of Chinese Weiqi players , didn 't let his fans down , and prevailed Korean player Lee SeDol in the middle game .

  9. 通常当冈古力询问病人是不是记不住事情的时候,“他们会说:‘是啊,可是没啥大不了的。’”她说,“不过要是我做检测,就会发现他们的记忆有问题。”

    Usually , when Dr. Ganguli asks if the patient is having trouble remembering things , " They will say , ' Yes , but it 's not the biggest problem , " " she said . " But if I assess them , I find memory problems . "