
  • 网络trusted computing;TCG;dependable computing;Trustworthy Computing;TCM
  1. 基于可信计算的P2P匿名通信系统

    Peer-to-Peer Anonymous Communication Network Based on Trusted Computing

  2. Java智能卡技术和可信计算技术是当前信息安全领域中的两个主要研究方向。

    Java smart card and Trusted Computing technology are currently two main research direction in the field of information security .

  3. 基于PKI的可信计算体系研究及其应用

    Research and Applications of Trusted Computing System Based on PKI

  4. 一种基于可信计算的VPN接入认证方案

    Novel VPN Authentication Scheme Based on Trusted Computing

  5. 可信计算在VPN中的应用

    Application of trusted computing compliance in VPN

  6. 中国还为保护电脑关键数据的芯片推出了自己的标准可信计算模块(tcm)。

    China also introduced its own standard for chips that secure critical data in computers , called the trusted computing module ( TCM ) .

  7. 设计和试制符合可信计算密码平台相关标准定义的PCI接口可信平台模块。

    Design and trial password Trusted Computing platform in line with standard PCI interface defined by the Trusted Platform Module .

  8. 程序员编写可信计算应用程序的切入点是TSS。

    TSS is the cutting points that a programmer can write the application .

  9. 因此,针对Vista中涉及可信计算技术的安全机制开展逆向分析,为操作系统安全性评估提供了必要的技术支持。

    Therefore , it is necessary for security evaluation to apply reverse analysis with trusted computing technology .

  10. 利用可信计算理论,我们在PC终端构建了一个可信的硬件与操作系统环境,并将这种可信延伸到电子支付系统中。

    By using trusted computing theory , we build a credible hardware and operating system environment at payment terminal , and then we extends the credibility to the electronic payment system .

  11. 可信计算中TPM技术综述

    TPM in Trusted Computing

  12. 借助可信计算的完整性检验、认证及访问控制和密封存储等关键技术,在现有PC体系结构下提出了支持可信计算的软件保护模型。

    With the help of the key technologies in trusted computing ( TC ) including integrity measurement , access control and seal storage , a TC-based secure model for software protection was proposed .

  13. 容错计算学科领域,以IEEE国际容错计算会议为标志,发展了30年之后,于2000年定名为可信计算与通信。

    The area of fault-tolerant computing , indicated by the IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing ( FTCS ), has been developing for 30 years .

  14. 另一种是借鉴可信计算的思想,为现有的嵌入式系统加入安全处理芯片TPM。

    Another is putting secure processing chip ( TPM ) into the system architecture consulting the ideas of trusted computing .

  15. 该模型以可信计算基础设施(TrustedComputingInfrastructure,TCI)作为底层支持,在授权访问过程中把信任从TCI传递到信任关系,最后到网络活动。

    This model , which is base on trusted computing infrastructure , transfers trust from trusted computing infrastructure to trust relationship , and finally to network activity .

  16. 随着可信计算的飞速发展,终端的安全从开机的BIOS启动到操作系统的可信已经无法满足实现的需要。

    With the rapid development of trusted computing , Terminals ' secure which measure from BIOS to boot can not meet the needs .

  17. 基于可信计算的DRMS安全系统设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Security in DRMS Based on Trusted Computing

  18. 随着可信计算的发展,越来越多的厂商推出了声称完全符合规范的TPM芯片。

    Along with the development of the Trusted Computing , more and more manufacturers have released TPM that claim completely compliant with specifications .

  19. 可信计算是目前信息安全领域研究的热点问题之一,通过嵌入主板的小型防篡改硬件TPM,提供安全解决方案。

    Trusted computing is one of the hottest issues in information security field , providing security solution based on a small tamper-resistant hardware TPM .

  20. 文章分析了可信计算平台的基本技术和标准协议,对TPM给出了自己的认识;

    This paper analyzes the basic technique of the platform of the trusted computation and the standard protocol , brings forward the recognition to TPM .

  21. 基于TPM的安全优盘系统使用可信计算平台模块TPM实现密钥的存储和管理,解决了密码技术中密钥管理的难题。

    TPM based security USB disk system uses the Trusted Computing Platform Module TPM to store and use the key to solve the password management problems .

  22. 本课题在对可信计算的体系结构、Linux的安全机制、现有的认证协议等深入研究的基础上,提出了基于Linux操作系统的用户认证与应用授权的架构,并最终完成了整个系统的搭建。

    The subject researches the trusted computing architecture , authentication protocols and the security mechanism of Linux and so on , proposes a user login authentication and application authorization framework based on Linux and accomplishes the whole system finally .

  23. 可信计算基础只是一个安装时选项,并且若要在现有的AIX计算机上启用TCB,您需要重新安装整个AIX操作系统。

    Trusted Computing Base is an install-time option only and to enable TCB on an existing AIX machine , you need to reinstall the entire AIX operating system .

  24. 论文首先描述了可信计算的基本概念,然后重点结合可信计算的要求,安全操作系统的概念,以及操作系统安全可信链的思想,探讨安全可信链Linux操作系统上的实现方案。

    The paper describes the concept of the trusted computing , then researches and implements the trusted chain on Linux associated with demand of trusted computing , concept of secure operating system and idea of operating system secure trusted chain .

  25. 针对上述问题,本文首先分析当前国内外产业界和学术界的研究现状,结合本体论和可信计算技术,对Web服务的主要非功能属性在语义层次上进行形式化研究。

    First of all , current research status of industry and academic are analyzed . Combined with ontology and trusted computing technologies , the basic non-functional properties of Web services are formalized on the semantic level . Then , in this theory , the two existed methods are synthesized .

  26. 直接匿名协议(DAA)由可信计算组织提出,旨在解决远程可信平台的认证和隐私保护问题。

    Direct Anonymous Attestation ( DAA ) protocol was proposed by Trusted Computing Group for secure remote platform authentication and privacy protection .

  27. 本文针对可信计算平台模块(TPM)的设计规范,设计了一款针对TPM应用的单向散列函数消息验证码生成模块(HMAC/SHA-1IP),并进行了预综合和FPGA验证。

    This article mainly presents an Hash Message Authentication Code ( HMAC / SHA-1 ) IP core based on the Trusted Platform Module ( TPM ) architecture with pre-layout synthesis and FPGA verification .

  28. 传统的计算机体系结构因注重开放性、易用性及效率而忽略了安全因素,WindowsVista通过引入大量的可信计算技术增强了系统的安全性。

    Traditional computer architecture emphasizes too particularly on open standards , usability and efficiency , which is the reason why it lacks of security . Windows Vista uses a lot of trusted computing technology to enhance its security .

  29. 信息时代,Internet已经成为我们生活工作不可或缺的组成部分,而随之而来的就是Internet的安全问题,本文介绍一种基于TCG构建的可信计算终端。

    At the time of information , the Internet has already become a necessary part of our lives , but the following problem is the security of Internet , this paper introduces a kind of Trusted Computing Terminal based on TCG .

  30. 描述了TCG于2004年10月提出的可信计算平台的软、硬件体系结构和关键技术。

    The software and hardware architecture and key technologies of the Trusted Computing Platform proposed by TCG in October , 2004 is described .