
  1. 它也必须看到一个白色的背景,也有改变的可能性的大小。

    It also must be presented with a white background and have the possibility of altering the size .

  2. 研究的主要结果表明,外籍员工和中国员工发生冲突可能性的大小与文化价值有直接的关系,为进一步研究跨文化环境下的冲突和冲突管理策略研究提供了一个新的视角。

    Major results of this study indicate that the cultural value is directly related to the conflict frequency of foreign and Chinese employees . The results of this research provide a clue for further studies of the conflict potentials and the conflict management strategy in the intercultural settings .

  3. 本文藉助正电子湮没谱学技术,对CuO/ZnO甲醇合成催化剂中Cu2O与ZnO形成固溶体的可能性及团溶度的大小进行了研究。

    The possibility of solid solution formed from Cu2O and ZnO and solubility limit in CuO / ZnO methanol synthesis catalyst were studied by means of positron annihilation spectroscopy .