
  • 网络TAIPEI;taipei city;Taibei
  1. 台北市是国际都市。

    Taipei city is an international city .

  2. 当时,她和朋友一起去新台北市看落日,在返回酒店的路上她第一次吃到麻糬。

    One day , on the way back to her hotel after watching the sunset in New Taipei City with her friends , Che tried the snack for the first time .

  3. PDA在台北市城市应急系统中的应用研究

    Research on Taipei Urban Emergency Systems Based on PDA

  4. 王令麟及其他东森媒体集团主管同时涉嫌贿赂台北市政府官员,以赢得运营台北巨蛋(TaipeiArena)的合同。台北巨蛋是台湾领先的运动和娱乐场所。

    Mr Wang and other EMG executives were also charged with bribing Taipei city government officials to win a contract to run the Taipei Arena , a leading sports and entertainment venue .

  5. 本文是一个建立在对台北市100多名女老板的访谈基础上的人类学研究。文章描绘了她们的生活世界(Life-Worlds),并探究其想法可能对21世纪都市人类学所具有的意义。

    This study , based on interviews and ethnographic research with over 100 Taipei entrepreneurs , describes their life-worlds and implications their visions may have for global womanhood in the 21st century .

  6. 从虎尾搬到台北市木栅动物园展示的溪洲牌932及混合列车。

    DL932 and freight cars have been displayed at Taipei Zoo .

  7. 台风灾害之水文因子之探讨-以台北市为例

    Study on the Hydrological Factor in the Typhoon Hazard of Taibei City

  8. 台北市社区规划师制度详解

    A Detailed Introduction of Community Planner System in Taibei City

  9. 台北市道路系统发展对城市外部形状演变的影响

    Research on the Impact on Street System forwards Urban Morphology in Taipei

  10. 台湾都会女性的新身体观:以台北市女性为例

    The New Female Perspective of Physical Appearance in Taiwan Municipalities

  11. 《大师解读策略》,台北市:天下杂志公司。

    Tony Grundy ( 2003 ) Gurus on Business Strategy .

  12. 答:我住在台北市卧龙街。

    A : I live On Wolung Street . Taipei !

  13. 举办凤梨酥节的构想来自台北市糕饼公会。

    The idea for the festival came from the Taipei Bakery Association .

  14. 您好,这里是台北市警局外事处。

    Hello , this is the Taipei Foreign Affairs Police .

  15. 地铁地下街经营经验探讨&以台北市捷运系统地下街为例

    Discussing Underground Street Business Model & in Example of Metro mall , Taipei

  16. 台北市防灾空间规划

    Study on spatial planning for disaster prevention in Taipei

  17. 台北市国际金融大厦中水处理系统

    Reclaimed Water Treatment System in Taipei International Financial Mansion

  18. 二月二十日,台北市一位警员正开立一张停车罚单。

    An officer writes out a parking ticket on Feb.20,2011 in Taipei City .

  19. 台北市震度微区图在建筑防灾之运用

    The Application of the Small Area Map of Earthquake Degrees in Taibei Disaster Prevention

  20. 台北市信义区山坡地潜在崩坍地区划定之研究

    Delineation of Potential Landslide Regions on Hillslope Land of Hsing-Yi District in Taipei City

  21. 台北市金山南路16号2楼的金孟芙。

    C : King Meng-fu of 2F 16 Chin Shan South Road , Taipei .

  22. 自上世纪90年代中期以来,台北市政府成功实施了市区禁放烟花爆竹。

    Since the mid-1990s , the government has successfully banned fireworks in urban areas .

  23. 豪沃家:你知道肯的父亲是台北市议员吗?

    Helga : do you know kent 's father is a Taipei City councilman ?

  24. 台北市女性青少年原发性痛经发病因素与证候研究

    Investigation of the Primary Dysmenorrhea of the Juvenile Female in the City of Tai Pei

  25. 台北市信义区拇指山麓的废矿坑口,已被加盖铁皮屋。

    An abandoned coal mine in sub-urban of Taipei which is covered with a cabin .

  26. 台湾省台北市兴安新村公共住宅

    Public Housing of Taipei , 1984

  27. 台北市灾情较轻。

    Taipei escaped comparatively lightly .

  28. 台北市山坡地之开发特性与其对下游水文环境冲击之研究

    Study on the Impact of Hillslope Land Development in Taipei City on Hydro-environment in the Lower Reaches

  29. 台北市政府正试图通过一套规范网络咖啡馆的新条例。

    The Taipei city government is trying to pass a new package of regulations covering Internet cafes .

  30. 这张五月八日于台北市一座夜市所摄的照片是猪排骨汤。

    A ladle of pork chop soup is displayed at a night market in Taipei on May8,2010 .