
  • 网络blade vibration
  1. 基于冲蚀随机分布的透平叶片振动频率再修正方法

    Remodified Calculation of Blade Vibration Frequency Considering Stochastic Distribution of Erosion

  2. 尾流激振情况下叶片振动应力预估方法

    Method to Predict the Blade Vibration Stress Induced by Wake Influence

  3. 根据Hamilton原理,推导了考虑离心惯性力影响的涡轮叶片振动方程。

    According to Hamilton principle , the vibration equation of turbine blades is derived with respect to the influence of centrifugal force .

  4. 用ANSYS有限元对叶片振动进行计算,以验证传递矩阵方法及计算结果的正确性。

    In order to verify the correctness of the method and result of the transfer matrix method , we use the finite element method program ANSYS to calculate the vibration of blade with a dry friction damper on the platform of the blade .

  5. 叶片振动疲劳寿命与af值关系的建立,一方面提供了确定叶片振动疲劳寿命的可能,另一方面提供了研究材料多轴高周疲劳行为的新途径。

    Compared with the traditional S-N relations , the developed relationship approaches as a power-function not an exponent function , which provides a new way to determine blade fatigue life and investigate material multi-axial high cyclic fatigue behaviors .

  6. 通过化学成分分析、电子探针、X射线衍射、扫描电镜和金相观察,以及叶片振动特性的测定等手段,综合分析了汽轮机第一列叶片的失效原因,并提出了改进措施,收到了良好的效果。

    By analyses on chemical component , EPMA , X ray , SEM , micrographic test and setting out the vibrance specificity of the blade , the failure reason of first row blade of steam turbine is analyzed and the improvement measures are provided so as to get good effect .

  7. PYD-1型叶片振动疲劳试验器是根据电(磁)涡流原理研制的一种新型疲劳试验设备。

    A new type of testing equipment , Model PYD-1 is a device for testing the blade fatigue , which is based on electro-magnetic eddy current technique .

  8. 燃气轮机轮盘和叶片振动特性的多通道无线电遥测

    Multi-channel radiotelemetry of vibration characteristics in gas turbine disks and blades

  9. 叶片振动特性对相关参数的敏感性及频率优化

    Sensitivity of Blade Vibration to Structural Parameters as Influenced by Frequency

  10. 压电驱动的发动机自适应叶片振动主动控制研究

    Research on Active Vibration Control for Adaptive Lamina Using Piezoelectric Elements

  11. 风力透平叶片振动时的三元非定常气动力

    Three dimensional unsteady aerodynamic force on a vibrating wind turbine blade

  12. 航空发动机进气畸变诱导叶片振动的研究

    Investigation of Blade Vibration Induced by Inlet Distortion in an Aeroengine

  13. 叶片振动影响下双盘转子-轴承系统的稳定性与分岔

    Stability and Bifurcation of the Double-disk Rotor-bearing System with Blade Arrays

  14. 带冠和冷却小孔涡轮叶片振动特性分析

    Vibration characteristics analysis for a shrouded turbine blade with air-cooling holes

  15. 疲劳裂纹叶片振动的非线性特性研究

    On Non Linear Vibration Characteristics of Blade with Fatigue Crack

  16. 带阻尼结构长叶片振动响应的研究

    Investigation of vibratory response of long blade with snubber damper

  17. 高速定转子均质机转子叶片振动模态分析

    Vibration modal analysis on rotor blade of high-speed rotor / stator homogenizer

  18. 叶轮叶片振动的检测方法及检测装置的设计

    Design of the Method and Device Used for Blade Wheel Vibration Detecting

  19. 某三元流长叶片振动特性的计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Three dimensional Long Blade Vibration Characteristics

  20. 高速旋转叶片振动实时监测系统研究

    Research on Real-time Measuring System for High - speed Rotating Blade Vibration

  21. 叶尖定时旋转叶片振动测量新技术

    New Vibration Measurement Technique Based on Tip-Timing for Rotating Blades

  22. 发动机叶片振动特性分析

    Analysis of the Vibration Characteristic of the Engine 's Blade

  23. 汽轮机叶片振动动态测量方法与技术研究

    Research on Methods and Technology for Dynamic Measurement of Turbine Blade Vibration

  24. 汽轮机叶片振动研究及其进展

    Progress in the Research on Vibration of Steam Turbine Blades

  25. 汽轮机阻尼围带长叶片振动特性研究

    Numerical model for vibration characteristic of steam turbine blade with damped shroud

  26. 测量结果可自动显示、存储、打印及再现等,为汽轮机叶片振动频率测量及分析工作提供了方便。

    Therefore it is convenient to blade vibration frequency measurement and analysis .

  27. 叶根阻尼对叶片振动的影响

    The Effect of Blade Root Damping on the Blade Vibration

  28. 汽轮机叶片振动状态监测的实验研究

    Experimental Research of Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbine Blade Vibration

  29. 风扇工作叶片振动可靠性评估

    Estimaion of Fan Blade Vibration Reliability for a Turbofan Engine

  30. 涡喷发动机叶片振动的线弹断裂力学分析

    Linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis for blade vibration in turbojet