
sī fǎ ɡǎi ɡé
  • judicial reform
  1. 然而,这种亲密关系反过来又催生了一种腐败文化,曾担任部长负责法律和司法改革事务的再益·依布拉欣(ZaidIbrahim)说。再益曾与纳吉布同时担任部长。

    That closeness , in turn , has helped engender a culture of corruption , said Zaid Ibrahim , a former minister of legal affairs and judicial reform who served alongside Mr. Najib .

  2. 司法部司法改革办公室副主任陈俊生表示,司法部门要适应中国社会新的基本矛盾,即人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。

    Chen Junsheng , deputy director of the Judicial Reform Office of the Ministry of Justice , said judicial authorities the evolved principle contradiction facing Chinese society , which is between unbalanced and inadequate development and the Chinese people 's ever-growing need for a better life .

  3. 以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。

    It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China 's justice reforms .

  4. 司法改革的呼声很大,死刑执行的数量也有所下降。

    Voices that are calling for reform and the number of executions has declined .

  5. 她说,为了加入欧盟,土耳其通过了许多司法改革——但是这些改革未必都付诸行动。

    She says Turkey has approved many legal reforms as part of its efforts to join the European Union -- but these have been put into action .

  6. 这个公司的执行主任、鲍伯.布罗德富特说,泰国的腐败问题使国家最近几年出现政治不稳定的局面,但是他怀疑这次司法改革是否会有效地减少这方面的问题。

    The firm 's managing director , Bob Broadfoot , says corruption in Thailand has fueled political instability over recent years . But Broadfoot doubts whether the legal changes will significantly reduce the problem .

  7. WTO协定与我国司法制度改革

    WTO Agreement and the Reform of Legislation System in china

  8. 本文通过对法院在解决国际贸易争端中的地位和作用的论述,确立了法院在加入WTO后的准确定位,明确法院进行司法制度改革的方向和遵循的原则。

    The paper make it definite of the system and direction of the reform of judicial system and rules to be obeyed by stating the exact position for the court after Accession to WTO .

  9. 智利刑事司法体制改革的最新发展

    The Latest Development of the Criminal Justice System Reform in Chile

  10. 从抗干扰到获信赖:我国司法体制改革之目标

    From Anti-Jamming to Trust-Winning : Aims of our Judicial System Reformation

  11. 法律移植与清末司法制度改革

    Transplanting Laws and Reform of Judicature in the Late Qing Dynasty

  12. 司法体制改革的理论基础和价值趋向

    The theoretical basis and value tendency for the judicial system reform

  13. 中国司法制度改革的若干问题

    Some Problems of the Reform of China 's Judicial Systems

  14. 推进司法体制改革。

    We will promote the reform of the judicial system .

  15. 我国司法制度改革的问题剖析与途径探讨

    On the Problem and Approach of Reform of Judicial Institution in China

  16. 行政复议制度司法化改革及其作用

    Judiciary - oriented Reform of Administrative Reconsideration and its Implications

  17. 我们要努力推进司法体制改革。

    We will strive to promote judicial system reform .

  18. 论司法体制改革的概念与特征

    The Characteristics and Conception of Judicature System 's Reform

  19. 完善诉讼程序推进司法体制改革&中国法学会诉讼法学研究会2003年年会综述

    Perfecting the procedures of lawsuit and pushing on the reform of judicial system

  20. 司法体制改革下的审判委员会

    On the Judgement Committee under the Reforms in Judiciary

  21. 行政审判体制重构与司法体制改革

    Reconstruction of Administrative Judicial System and Judicial System Reform

  22. (六)推进司法体制改革。

    Promote the reform of the judicial system .

  23. 我国司法鉴定改革存在的误区及解决途径

    Misunderstanding of appraisal system reform and its resolutions

  24. 我国司法制度改革的理想与现实

    Ideal and Reality of Chinese Judicial System Reform

  25. 他就原谅你啦?真是为司法制度改革树立了一个好榜样。

    And he let you off ? Pleads a great case for judicial reform .

  26. 重新认识行政诉讼制度的思路日本司法制度改革推进本部行政诉讼检讨会文

    Re-thinking of the System of Administrative Litigation

  27. 独立审判与司法体制改革

    Adjudicate Independence and Juridical System Reform

  28. 司法鉴定改革研究

    Study of Reformation in Expert Testimony

  29. 亚行力推中国法律与司法体系改革

    The Asian Development Bank gave strong impulse to Chinese reform in the law and judicial system

  30. 坚持正确的司法体制改革的原则,在当前研究和推进司法体制改革中具有重要意义。

    Adhering to correct principles of judicial reform is very important to the judicial system reform .