
  • 网络Contract Audit
  1. 自上世纪九十年代中期始,部分油气田企业开始尝试开展合同审计业务,至今已逾十五年。

    Some oil and gas companies have began to try to carry out the contract audit services since the beginning of the mid-1990s . It has more than fifteen years .

  2. 因此,深入地探讨经济合同各个环节中的主要问题,把经济合同审计作为审计工作的重点,可以把住资金收支的关口,提高企业的管理水平和经济效益。

    Therefore , Analyze the problems of economic contract and make the economic contract audit be the main point of the audit , which will help the enterprise enlighten the management level .

  3. 第三方审计和合同审计。

    Audits of third parties and contract auditing .

  4. 高校经济合同审计中应注意的问题

    Some Problems on Audit of College Economic Contracts

  5. 经济合同审计工作初探

    Primary Investigation on the Auditing of Economic Contract

  6. 笔者就高校审计部门开展经济合同审计的意义、经济合同审计中遇到的问题及如何做好此项审计工作谈点粗浅的看法。

    In this article , the author expresses her elementary introduction in the meaning and problem of auditing economic contracts and how to do it well .

  7. 本文主要阐述了基于SOA合同辅助审计系统的设计与实现。

    This paper describes a system based on SOA-assisted audit contract design and implementation .

  8. 首先针对合同辅助审计系统所需功能进行了分析与研究。

    First aid for the contract audit function of the system needs analysis and research .

  9. 谈对工程追加合同款的审计

    Auditing of supplementary contract payment

  10. 介绍了竣工结算的编制和竣工结算审计的目的、重点,从设计变更、现场签证、技术措施、材料代用等四个方面来讨论对追加合同价款的审计。

    The audit of additional contract price is talked about mainly from such four aspects as design changes , on-site visa which is focused on , technical measures and material substitution .

  11. 经济合同问题分析与审计方法

    Audit Method and the Analysis of Economic Contract Problem

  12. 注册会计师与委托人的合同是约定提供审计服务的委托合同。

    The contract between certified public accountant and consignor is a contract arranged to provide entrusting auditing service .

  13. 论述了加强医院工程审计的重要性及意义,从招投标、合同签订、结算审计三个方面分析了加强工程审计环节控制的具体方法和主要控制内容。

    This article discusses the matter from the bid confirmation , contracting , and final auditing phases , and emphasizes the importance of having proper internal auditing procedures .

  14. 当前,高校都很重视基建工程审计,但对固定合同总价工程的审计却未涉及或涉及很少。

    At present , great attention is paid to the auditing of capital construction project , but auditing its contracting project of fixed total price is not or less involved .