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  • Contract Currency;currency of contract
  1. 浅谈fidic合同多种货币报价时价格调整公式中的权重系数

    Discussing into the Weighted Coefficient in Price Adjustment Equation of FIDIC Contract When the Bid Price Is Quoted with Several Kinds of Currency

  2. 一家70%营收来自以美元结算出口贸易的俄罗斯制造商的首席执行官表示,他的公司已经做好准备工作,一旦遭遇进一步制裁即可改变合同结算货币。

    The chief executive of a Russian manufacturer that derives 70 per cent of its revenues from export in US dollars said his company had done the groundwork to move its contract settlements in the event of further sanctions .

  3. 本文的研究从规定经营者货币报酬的合同开始,货币报酬合同的不同形式对经营者的行为将产生不同的影响。

    We began from the contract of currency recompense . The different kind of contract made different effect on manager behavior .

  4. 违约金制度对合同违约责任货币化、数量化的精确规范使其在合同法中处于不可或缺的重要地位,无可争议地成为了合同法在调整经济关系时的基本制度之一。

    Liquidated damages for breach of contract responsibility system on the monetization of the exact specification of the number of contract law it is essential in the important position of contract law has become the undisputed economic relations in the adjustment of the basic system .

  5. 希腊政府将引入新的货币,并在希腊法律下将所有合同转化为新货币计算。

    The Greek government would introduce a new currency and convert all contracts under Greek law into it .

  6. 这就是为什么在远期合同中高利率货币交易总是在现时价格或点数上打折扣的原因了。

    That is why high-interest currencies trade at a discount to their current or " spot " rate in forward markets .

  7. 在此基础上,提出通过签订交钥匙合同、签订监督和技术服务合同、采用货币掉期等方法对这些风险进行管理。

    On this basis , this paper proposes some methods to control these risks , including signing contract of " paying keying ", signing supervise and technological service contract , adopting currency extends bill .

  8. 合同币种:用以支付本合同价款的货币,即。按合同规定应支付或将支付的以承包商的银行为受款人的费用

    " Contract Currency means the currency in which the payment is made under the Contract , namely ____________________ . " a charge in favor of the Contractor 's bankers of any money due or to become due under the Contract

  9. 最低保险金额应包括合同规定价款另加10%(即110%),并应采用合同货币。

    The minimum insurance shall cover the price provided in the contract plus ten per cent ( i.e.110 % ) and shall be provided in the currency of the contract .