
hé tonɡ hào
  • contract number
  1. 首先,您应该有IBM合同号。

    First , you should have a contract number with IBM .

  2. 创建一个电子文件夹,文件夹名字包括英伦管架有限公司“N”核能合同号以及客户名称。

    Creating an electronic folder in the name of the BPS'N'Nuclear contract number and the customer 's name .

  3. c)买方船运代理(中国外轮代理公司)预计船抵达装运港10天之前,将船名、预计装货日期、合同号等通知卖方,以便卖方安排装运。

    c. The Buyer 's shipping agent ( China Ocean Shipping Agency ) shall send to the Seller notice indicating the name of vessel , estimated date of loading and contract number for the Seller to arrange shipment 10 ( ten ) days before the estimated date of arrival of the vessel at the loading port .

  4. 手签的商业发票,三份原件,注明合同号。

    Commercial Invoice in three originals manually signed indicating contract number .

  5. 合同号:________________

    TECHNICAL CONSULTACY SERVICE CONTRACT Contract No. : ________________________ .

  6. 已签署的发票5份,注明合同号及装船唛头。

    Five copy of sign invoice , indicate contract number and shipping mark .

  7. 发票正本四份副本二份,注明合同号和唛头。

    4 original and2 copies of invoice , indicating contract number and shipping mark .

  8. 应客户的要求,在合同号为NO。

    Customer requirements in the contract , NO.

  9. 应在装船日前至少10天用电传或电报通知买方合同号、商品名称、数量、船名、船龄、船

    10 days prior to the date of shipment , inform the Buyer by telex or cable

  10. 货物装运日前10-15天,买方应以电报或电传通知卖方合同号、船只预

    The Seller by cable or telex of the contract number , name of vessel , ETA

  11. 空运提单二份(注明合同号和收货人)

    Two ( 2 ) copies of airway Bill ( marked with the Contract number and the consignee );

  12. 发票一式4份,标明合同号和装运标志,发票根据有关合同详细填写。

    Invoice in4 copies indicating contract number and shipping mark , made out in details as per the contract concerned .

  13. 若适用,应列出供应试车备件的服务合同号和接触点。

    Where applicable the service contract number and contact point for the supply of commissioning spare parts shall be listed .

  14. 每一份并交付并通知买方的航空运单正本、副本、标明运费已付合同号及唛头。

    B. Each original and photostated Airway Bill marked freight prepaid , Contract number and shipping mark , consign to and notify the Buyer .

  15. 我们,(公司名称),将把从中国(公司名称)购买的(合同号)项下的(商品名称)用于(最终用途)。

    We , ABC Company , will only use the titanium powder purchased from the Chinese company DEF LTD under contract No.S/C200301 in metal coating .

  16. 装箱单及/重量单,注明合同号及码头,并逐件列明毛重,净重和炉号。

    Packing List and / or Weight Memo , indicating contract number , shipping marks , heat number , gross and net weights of each package .

  17. 唛头通常由下列内容组成:买户商号简称、合同号、包号和目标港。

    The shipping marks usually consist of the following contents : Abbreviation of the buyer 's name , Sales Confirmation Number , Bale Numbers , and Port of Destination .

  18. 仍将使用写入您的主程序集的旧合同号;但是,加载程序将绑定到由策略程序集指定的附属程序集版本。

    Will still use the old contract number written into your main assembly ; however , the loader will bind to the satellite assembly version as specified by the policy assembly .

  19. 装箱单及或重量单3份,注明合同号及唛头,并逐渐列明每一包装之毛重,净重。

    Packing list and / or weight note in triplet , indicating the contract NO. , the shipping marks , gradually list the Gross weight and net weight in each packing .

  20. 合同号,合同设备名称,实际装货数量,总的毛重,总的体积,船名,装船完成日期或开航日期,预计到达卸货港日期。

    Contract no. , name of contract equipment , actual loading quantity , total gross weight , total volume , vessel name , completion date of loading or sailing date , the estimated date of arrival at the port of unloading .

  21. 货物一俟全部装船,卖方应即将合同号、吕名、数量、发票金额、毛重、船名及启航日期用电报或信件通知买方。

    Shipping advice The Seller shall , immediately on the completion of the loading of the goods , advise the Buyer by cable or letter of the contract number , name of commodity , quantity , invoiced value , gross weight , name of vessel and date of sailing .

  22. 如果想要继续使用现有附属程序集,则更改主程序集的版本号,但保持附属合同版本号不变。

    If you want to continue using the existing satellite assemblies , change the main assembly 's version number but leave the satellite contract version number the same .

  23. 我们要求贵方迅速补偿我方合同第147号项下的短缺货物。

    We request that you make up the short-landed goods covered by our contract No.147 promptly .

  24. 敬启者:合同第AB153号有关贵方3000公吨棉花的订单AB153号,我们感到遗憾至今尚未收到信用证,也未听到贵方任何消息。

    Your Order No. AB 153 With regard to your order No. AB 153 for 3000 metric tons of cotton , we regret up to this date we have received neither the required credit nor any further information from you .

  25. a)卖方于合同规定的装运日期前30天,用电汇或信件将合同号、品名、数量、价值、箱号、毛重、装箱尺寸和货物抵装运港日期通知买方,以便买方租船订舱。

    a. The Seller shall , 30days before the contracted date of shipment , advise the Buyer by cable or letter of the contract number , name of commodity , quality , value , package number , gross weight , measurement and date of readiness at the port of shipment for the Buyer to book shipping space .