
  • 网络Privity of contract
  1. 笔者认为,反对者的观点即使在提醒我们应当坚持合同相对性原则基础地位方面有着积极地意义,但在某种程度上观点过于偏激、未免片面。

    The author believes that the opponents have a positive view of upholding the basic position of doctrine of privity of contract in law . but in a way , their views are too extreme and one-sided .

  2. 合同相对性理论研究

    The Study on the Doctrine of Privity of Contract

  3. 合同相对性原则及其新发展

    On the Relativity Principle of the Contract and Its New Development

  4. 论合同相对性的概念、内容和例外

    On Relativity of Contract : Its Conception , Contents and Exceptions

  5. 合同相对性突破与发展的法理分析

    A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Breakthrough and Development of Contract Relativity

  6. 论合同相对性原则及其例外规定

    On the Principle of Contract Relativity and Its Exception Stipulations

  7. 试析合同相对性原则例外的标准

    Try analysing the standard of the relativity of the contract with exceptional principle

  8. 合同相对性与合同效力扩张

    The relativity of the contract and the dilation of the contrac 's effectiveness

  9. 第一部分:合同相对性原则。首先介绍了合同及合同相对性原则的基本涵义。

    First the author explains the meaning of contract and privity of contract .

  10. 浅析合同相对性原则的例外&合同第三人

    On the Exception of the Contract Privity Principle : the Third Party of Contract

  11. 合同相对性原则突破的原因及价值分析

    An Analysis on the Reason and Value of Breaking Through the Relativity Principle of Contracts

  12. 合同相对性原则的现代发展&论附保护第三人作用的契约

    Modern Development of Contracts ' Relativity Principle : the Contract with the Collateral Third Party

  13. 从比较法的角度看合同相对性原则

    An Analysis of the Principle of Privity of Contract from the Aspect of Comparative Law

  14. 合同相对性原则刍议

    Study on the Relativity Principle of Contract

  15. 合同相对性原则削足适履的做法,会不可避免地造成契约法的封闭化。

    The principle of privity of contract will , inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law .

  16. 在这一历史发展进程中,合同相对性规则从来都与各种例外相生相伴。

    During its developing process , privity of contract is always accompanied by all kinds of exceptions .

  17. 同时应当注意,合同相对性突破应该有一定界限。

    Meanwhile , we should know that the breakthrough of the contracts relativity should have a limit .

  18. 第二部分介绍合同相对性原则在传统民法理论中的困境。

    The second part introduces the plight of the relative principle of contract in the traditional civil laws .

  19. 这一制度被认为是对合同相对性原则的一大突破。

    This system is considered as a great breakthrough of the principle of the relative nature of contract .

  20. 随着合同相对性突破理论的提出,仲裁协议的范围也随之发生了改变。

    The range of arbitration agreement has been changed along with the breakthrough in theory of contract relativity .

  21. 无论是大陆法系还是英美法系,合同相对性都被作为一项基本原则而信守。但是随着社会经济的发展,各国逐渐承认合同相对性原则的例外。

    But with the development of the economy , all countries gradually accepted the exception of privity of contract .

  22. 受合同相对性的限制,目前信用卡冒用审判多采取侵权之诉的审判方式。

    Since the contractual restrictions on relativity , the most cases of credit cards fraudulently using take tort trial mode .

  23. 基于合同相对性理论,对招标中若干问题进行了研究。

    Doing researches , based on the contractual relativity theory , on the certain problems in the field of the bid-invitation .

  24. 因为利益第三人理论的出现,使得合同相对性原则不再惟我独尊。

    Since the third party beneficiary contract and the corresponding theory appeared , the principle of contract relativity has not been unique .

  25. 随着社会的发展,合同相对性原则在近代受到了来自各个方面的冲击,其中首推第三人利益合同。

    As the development of society , the relativity principle of a contract in modern time has been impacted from various aspects .

  26. 二从逻辑上对无权处分制度与其它民法相关制度(善意取得、合同相对性原则、给付不能等)之间的衔接性作一下分析,检验无权处分合同有效这一结论;

    Secondly , this theory correlates with other civil laws system such as acquisition in good faith and the relativity principle of contracts .

  27. 但是缔约过失责任受到合同相对性的束缚,无法规范第三人对缔约利益的侵害。

    However , this doctrine is limited by privity of contract and therefore cannot regulate interference to contracting interest by a third party .

  28. 合同相对性是合同制度中最具决定性的特征之一。合同相对性原则源于债的相对性原则,是古典契约理论的重要特点。

    The most unique feature of contract system is the proximity of contractual relationship , this is derived from the proximity of indebtedness .

  29. 合同相对性原则作为契约法理论构建的基石,在大陆法系和英美法系各国一直被严格信守。

    All the countries in the world abide by the principle of privity of contract strictly as a footstone of the theory of contract .

  30. 合同相对性原则是指合同仅在特定的当事人间产生效力,对合同以外的任何人不具有约束力。

    The doctrine of privity of contract means that the effect of contract only involves the parties of the contract not any the third party .