
hé tonɡ zhēnɡ yì
  • contract dispute;contractual dispute;dispute over a contract
  1. 处理合同争议、索赔、工程延期;

    To handle contract dispute , claim and work postponement ;

  2. 合同争议解决。

    The resolvent of the contract dispute .

  3. 在发生电子合同争议时,如何适用法律,适用何国法律,是跨国电子商务乃至GDP快速健康发展的重要保障。

    How to choose the applicable law in the dispute of electronic contract is an important guarantee of healthy and fast development of electronic commerce and the growth of GDP .

  4. 国际工程合同争议解决方式评析与借鉴

    Analysis and Using Reference of the resolutions for International Project Contract

  5. 当事人可以通过和解或者调解解决合同争议。

    The parties may resolve a contractual dispute through settlement or mediation .

  6. 建设工程项目合同争议解决的方式与探讨

    Analysis and study of the solution to the development engineering project contract disputes

  7. 从引黄工程国际Ⅱ、Ⅲ标合同争议谈合同管理

    According to Disagreement on Contract to talk about Contract Supervision of International Tender

  8. 小浪底水电站进口水轮机供货合同争议的处理实践

    Handling of Dispute for Imported Turbine Supply Contract in Xiaolangdi Water Power Station

  9. 合同争议解决方式;

    Mode of settling disputes over the contract ;

  10. 保险合同争议及其防范

    Disputes on Insurance Contract and Their Precautions

  11. 解决合同争议的合同,即通过合同解决民事争议。

    The contract to solve disputes in contract , that is , solving civil disputes by contract .

  12. 如果争议双方能快速采取适当的行动,并及时告知对方,许多合同争议是能够避免的。

    Many contract disputes could be avoided if the disputing parties took fast action and were better informed .

  13. 最后论述了完善行政合同争议解决机制的妥善路径和方法。

    Lastly , the author discusses the proper path and method to improve the administrative contract dispute settlement mechanism .

  14. 在本章中笔者结合了3个比较典型的案例对合同争议发生的原因及其处理方法进行了深入地分析。

    In this chapter , the author analyzes the causes of disputes and resolutions to disputes based upon 3 typical cases .

  15. 听到一点关于你们通过友好协商和调解解决合同争议的作法,我非常感兴趣。

    It has been extremely interesting to learn a little about your way of resolving contractual disputes through friendly negotiation and conciliation .

  16. 文章最后对发生贸易合同争议时各方当事人的权利义务作了简要分析。

    Finally , the paper makes a general analysis of the rights and duties of the parties when the commercial contractual disputes arise .

  17. 双方均表示,他们最重要的法律较量将会是在瑞典,预期一个斯德哥尔摩仲裁庭将于明年就双方的合同争议作出裁决。

    Both sides say their most important legal battle is in Sweden , where a Stockholm arbitration panel is expected to rule next year on their contract dispute .

  18. 虽然企业承包经营责任制是我国特定历史时期的产物,但随之而生的企业承包经营合同争议并不鲜见。

    Although the liability system of contracting and managing enterprises is a outcome in Chinese special period , the compact disputes of contacting and managing enterprises is not few .

  19. 邮政企业的服务损害赔偿责任问题是引发邮政合同争议的主要原因之一,也是我国《邮政法》修订后被社会各界所关注的一个重点。

    Postal service liability for damages is one of the main cause of postal contract disputes and also the key concern of the majority of users after the Postal Law revision .

  20. 我国劳动仲裁和诉讼制度并没有对缔约型集体合同争议进行规定,这表明我国集体合同争议的调整仍有进一步完善的空间。

    The labor arbitration and litigation system have not provided the dispute of concluding collective contract , which indicates that the adjustment of the collective contract dispute still needs to be improved .

  21. 在实践中,相关法律法规尚不健全,缺乏统一的、完善的行政合同争议解决机制,导致法律适用上的混乱。

    In practice , the imperfect relevant laws and regulations and the lack of a unified , comprehensive administrative contract dispute settlement mechanism have lead to confusion on the application of the law .

  22. 违约金、赔偿金制度是解决劳动合同争议的有效途径,更是侧重于保障劳动者合法权益的重要法律依据。

    Liquidated damages , compensation system to resolve disputes in an effective way to labor contract , but also focus on the protection of legitimate rights and interests of workers an important legal basis .

  23. 我国的集体劳动争议,既包括了以个别劳动争议为基础的人数众多的集体劳动争议,也包括了在集体合同争议基础上的集体争议。

    Collective contract dispute in China , include both the labor dispute on individual based on the large number of collective labor dispute , and the collective contract dispute on the basis of the collective controversy .

  24. 可以预见的是,使用这一类合同颇具争议性,主要的原因是这类合同无法保证随时有工作,而且还阻止员工寻求其他的就业机会——有些“零时工合同”要求员工在接洽其他工作任务前需获得现任雇主的许可。

    Predictably , the use of such contracts is controversial , not least because they give no guarantee of work , yet often deny the opportunity to seek employment elsewhere – some zero hours contracts oblige workers to seek permission before they can take on other jobs .

  25. 该合同在争议声中被取消。

    The contract was cancelled amid the controversy .

  26. 尽管已经有一些旨在提高艺人权利的改变,围绕限制性合同的争议仍然存在。

    Despite changes aimed at boosting artists " rights , controversy over restrictive contracts continues .

  27. 行政合同的争议处理

    The Relief of Administrative Contract Dispute

  28. 最后,比较研究了集体合同权利争议处理制度。

    Finally , there is a study on the CA right dispute resolving system in different countries by comparison .

  29. 属双方因履行本合同发生争议,应当先协商解决;

    If the dispute is caused by the enforcement of this employment contract , the both parties should negotiate for a solution .

  30. 简述了国际工程项目施工合同产生争议的背景和原因,提出业主应从招标文件编制阶段开始就应主动采取措施以避免争议。

    The paper briefs the background and causes for disputes arisen in contracts for construction of projects with international funds and loans based on I. C.