
  1. 根据争端的发展过程,将争端发展的原因归结为:工程的不确定性、合同缺陷以及机会主义行为。

    The reasons of disputes are uncertainty of engineering , contractual problems and opportunistic behavior .

  2. 立法控制是解决格式合同缺陷的基本途径,也是其它控制途径得以存在的基础。

    Legislative control is a basic way to solve drawbacks of format contract , and it is the basis for other controlling ways to exist .

  3. 然而口头合同的缺陷亦很明显,频发纠纷。

    However , the shortage of oral contract is also obvious and it causes many disputes .

  4. 合同文件缺陷引起的索赔分析及处理原则。

    The construction claims analysis caused by the deficiency of the contract documents and the arbitrament principles .

  5. 立法控制是指对格式合同的缺陷通过制定相应的法律加以规范的控制手段。

    The legislative control refers to the controlling ways to regulate drawbacks of format contract by stipulating related law .

  6. 第四章从劳动关系现状和劳动合同制度缺陷的角度,分析《劳动合同法》实施的制度背景。

    Chapter 4 analyses institutional context of the implemention of the " Labor Contract Law ", in terms of the labor relations status and labor contract institution flaws .

  7. 定单农业中合同机制的缺陷及对策

    On the Contract System Flaws in Ordering - Agriculture and Its Solutions

  8. 对由于合同文件的缺陷引起的索赔,处理的一个基本原则是:合同文件的缺陷责任将归咎于引起和最有能力控制缺陷的一方。

    To the claims caused by the deficiency of the contract documents the arbitrament principles is that the one is responsible for the deficiency who can control it better .

  9. 由于航次租船格式合同本身的缺陷和当事人业务水平和谈判能力的限制等原因,在使用中往往会给租船各方当事人带来种种贸易风险。

    Due to a voyage charter party format contract itself and the parties concerned business level and negotiation ability of constrains , a format contract may bring various trade risks .

  10. 由承包人在按照合同规定履行缺陷矫正义务或进行未完工程的过程中引起的损失。

    Caused by the contractor m the course of complying with obligations under the provisions of his contract in respect of the rectification of defects or the carrying out of outstanding work .

  11. 然而,部分公司法规则属性的模糊不清,以及公司长期合同固有的合意缺陷,使得司法在履行解读公司法则和弥补合同缝隙职责之时面临诸多困境。

    However , the blurred or confusing nature of some corporate law provisions and the intrinsic defects of long-term corporate contracts confront the courts much judicial plights .

  12. 为避免供应链合同刚性特点的缺陷,建立了期权合同与现货市场组成的组合合同模型,求出了最优期权订购量等实现供应链协调的决策。

    In order to avoid the defects of supply chain contracts , this paper establishes an portfolio contracts composed of option contract and spot market , then derives the optimal order quantity and other decisions to coordinate supply chain .

  13. 因此,如何降低工程合同的不完全性,识别与修补工程合同缺陷,成为目前工程管理研究领域中亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to identify and repair defects in construction contracts , which means to diminish the incompleteness of construction contracts , is becoming an urgent issue in the research field of project management .

  14. 地铁工程专业复杂、工期较长、涉及的合同数量和承包商的数量众多,这些性质决定了地铁工程合同可能存在缺陷,充满很多不确定因素。

    The subway project involves complex profession , long construction period , numerous contracts and contractors , these properties determine the subway project contracts may full of defects and many uncertain factors .