
  • 网络contract plant
  1. 这座合同工厂将于今年十一月三十日开车(投产)。

    163 This contract plant will start-up ( put in commissioning ) on November thirty this year .

  2. 阿迪上海合同工厂经理孙英丽说,“我们需要时间来准备调整运营模式和进行融资。我们也需要时间来培训工人。”

    Sun Yingli , manager of Adidas Contract Plant , Shanghai , said , " We need some time to prepare to change the business mode and financing . We also need time to train workers . "

  3. 根据合同规定,工厂的建设正在进行中。

    As per the contract , the construction of factory is now under way .

  4. 依据合同规定,工厂的建设正在进行中。

    As per the contract , the construction of the factory is now under way .

  5. 负责制作合同并向工厂下订单,负责跟踪工厂合同订单货物的生产进度,督促按时交货;

    Issue purchase contract and place order to factory , follow up with factory on progress of purchased goods production , urge for on-time delivery ;

  6. 承付款项的其他例子包括长期雇佣合同、建筑新工厂的合同、在未来某日购买或销售存货的合同等。

    Other examples of commitments include long-term employment contracts , a contract for construction of a new plant , and a contract to buy or sell inventory at future dates .

  7. 期货:规定在一定日期接收或交割某商品或金融票据的合同。这座工厂的交工验收期将在一九八四年四月六日。

    Futures : An agreement to take or make delivery of a specific commodity or instrument on a particular date . The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth , nineteen eighty-four .

  8. 卖方需根据合同附件I所规定的设计基础完成合同工厂的所有工程设计,买方负责的设计除外。

    The Seller undertakes to make all the engineering designs of the Contract Plant according to the basis of design stipulated in Annex I to the Contract , except the designs to be performed by the Buyer .