
  1. 她觉得这件衣服很合心意,于是进去把它买了下来。

    The dress took her fancy so she went in and bought it .

  2. 她看见商店橱窗里的一件连衣裙,立刻觉得很合心意。

    She saw a dress in the shop window and it caught her fancy immediately .

  3. 纯棉连衣裙在夏季衣橱中不可或缺,不过要找到合心意的棉质连衣裙却极其困难。

    No summer wardrobe should be without one , but the perfect cotton dress is notoriously hard to find .

  4. 我看见商店橱窗里的一双鞋子,立刻觉得很合心意,就买了下来。

    I saw a pair of shoes in the shop window and it caught my fancy immediately , so I bought it .

  5. 不管你目前的状况是已婚,约会,或单身,你都会感到性感且正合心意,你也将会得到更多。

    No matter what your current social status-married , dating , or single-you 'll feel sexy and desirable , and you are that and more !

  6. 扫了一眼我们的餐桌后,他拿来的酒正合心意,如果我们能用语言表达出来的话。

    He sized up our table at a glance and brought us just the wine we might have asked for if we had been able to put our wishes into words .

  7. 他们在伦敦的房子很合他们心意。

    Their London house suits them down to the ground .

  8. 我很风趣,令人着迷,事事合他心意。

    I 'm funny , irresistible , everything he ever wanted .

  9. 他买了一个很合他心意的花瓶。

    He bought a vase that had taken his fancy .

  10. 只要你选的合我心意

    As long as you choose what I choose .

  11. 这不十分合他的心意。

    This was not to his liking , exactly .

  12. 把衣服烫得合你心意?

    Shirts ironed just the way you like them ?

  13. 我希望这房间能合你心意。

    I hope the room is to your liking .

  14. 希望这个房间合您心意,先生。

    I hope it will suit you , sir .

  15. 神让我安静下来思考何为合他心意的关系。

    God let me think about how quiet his mind for the co-relationship .

  16. 他用所有的积蓄买了那个特别合他心意的房子。

    He spent all his saving buying that house after his own heart .

  17. 如何成为一名合神心意的男人?

    How to Be A Man of God ?

  18. 过了一会儿,我们才找到一条合我们心意的船。

    It was some time before we could get a ship to our minds .

  19. 无论商品和人员的流动多么合人心意,资本流动却是另外一回事情。

    However desirable the mobility of goods and people , mobility of capital was different .

  20. 所以,我要选择最合我心意的方案。

    Therefore , I am going to choose the opinion that best serves my agenda .

  21. 如果您想轻松游览,地狱必定合您心意。

    If you like to travel light ' n ' easy , hell is for you .

  22. 你选择最合你心意的那一版“事实”,并且病态地去追寻它

    You choose the version of the truth that suits you best and pursue it pathologically .

  23. 投资者最好还是要留意:个中影响未必都如许多人所预料的那么合人心意。

    Investors had better pay attention : the implications may not necessarily be as welcome as many believe .

  24. 如果你并不介意在美观方面作一些牺牲,你可以在背投这类电视中找到合你心意的型号。

    But if you don 't mind sacrificing aesthetics , you 'll find some good options in this grouping .

  25. 十月十三日下午,我们学习“合神心意的女人”第一和第二课。

    This afternoon , we studied the first two chapters of the Book , Women after God 's own heart .

  26. 但是,他真的是那个人吗,或许只是他那天的表现恰巧合你心意,还是你被他绅士又迷人的外表蒙住了眼睛?

    But is he really the one , or are you just being blinded by his good lucks or gentlemanly charm ?

  27. 首先,事实上没有偿付能力的银行必须重组这个词比过时的“国有化”更合人心意。

    First , banks that are de facto insolvent need to be restructured a word that is preferable to the old-fashioned " nationalisation " .

  28. 我接了一大堆新客户,都是刚离婚的妈妈们。你可以说我挖到了“单亲妈妈矿”。主卧室合你心意吗?

    I 've tapped into a rich vein of new clients recently divorced moms . You might say I hit the singlemother lode.How about that master suite , huh ?

  29. 又为他作见证说,我寻得耶西的儿子大卫,他是合我心意的人,凡事要遵行我的旨意。

    To whom also he gave testimony , and said , I have found David the [ son ] of Jesse , a man after mine own heart , which shall fulfil all my will .

  30. 耶和华已经寻着一个合他心意的人,立他作百姓的君,因为你没有遵守耶和华所吩咐你的。

    But now your kingdom will not endure ; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people , because you have not kept the LORD 'S command .