
hé ɡé lǜ
  • Pass rate;pass/qualification rate
  1. 微生物指标合格率明显低于其他指标,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    There is significant difference ( p0.05 ), and microbial indicator pass rate is obvious worse than others .

  2. 讨论在“双侧”计量抽验方案中,以不合格率p衡量批质量时的抽样方案及直接计算方法。

    This paper discusses a sampling plan when the batch quality is evaluated by non-conformance rate p and a direct calculating approach to sampling inspection of two-sided sides statistical analysis .

  3. 本文讨论了制做PET产品质量的因素,指出粘度波动是造成产品合格率低的主要原因。

    The paper discusses factors districting the quality of PET production , points that the main factor impairing quality is viscosity fluctuation .

  4. 基于Taguchi过程能力指数的合格率评价

    Proportion Conformance Evaluation Based on the Taguchi Process Capability Index

  5. 结合现场两种钢筋轧后冷却工艺条件下产品合格率分析,得出C、Mn、Si含量和碳当量的优化范围。

    Associate with the analysis of the percent of pass of the product , the range of the content of C , Mn , Si and Ceq is optimized .

  6. 结论,医院现使用的空气消毒洁净器存在使用不合理现象,用于II类环境动态消毒合格率较低。

    Conclusions : There was irrational use of air disinfection-cleaning devices in hospitals and the eligible rate of use in dynamic disinfection in class - ⅱ environment was low .

  7. 笔者提出:采用解耦算法,最优预估控制算法,以DSP为核心硬件,提高球团矿的合格率、抗压率、转鼓率。

    The author puts forward : using uncoupling algorithm 、 optimal predictive algorithm based on DSP hardware , it can promote the percent of pass , bearing , rolling drum .

  8. easy控制器在空压机自动加风中应用,工作可靠、运行稳定,使水质合格率达到了100%,提高了生产自动化水平。

    The application of Easy controller on the automatic ventilation for air compressors makes operation reliable and stable . The qualification rate of water quality reaches 100 % and automation level of production has been improved .

  9. 用回收溶剂进行SBS千吨级工业试生产,其引发剂用于聚合体系有害杂质的消耗量、产品合格率和成品物理机械性能均达到较佳水平。

    The quality of the recovered solvent was satisfied for the requirement of SBS trial production , and the obtained product had good mechanical properties .

  10. 然后,引用计算随机变量函数概率分布的方法,导出桩基抽样不合格率γ的概率分布p(n,N)(γ)和数字特征的计算公式。

    Subsequently , the probability distribution method of random variable function is used to derive the formulae of probability distribution and statistic expectation of the defective rate of piles in testing the overall quality of a pile foundation .

  11. 种植密度对葛薯产量和商品合格率有很大影响,以每hm2栽4500~6000株的产量和商品合格率最高。

    The output and qualified commodity rate of Kudzu planted with 4.5 to 6 thousand per hm ~ 2 are the highest .

  12. 结果HACCP体系在凝固型酸牛乳生产过程应用后,产品合格率由实施前的81.3%提高到98.2%。

    Result The qualified rate increased from 80.6 % or81.3 % to98.2 % after implement of HACCP system in the clotted yoghurt production process .

  13. 仅有1份水样pH值超过标准,但69.14%的水样pH值大于7.6,偏碱性。尿素合格率低于国内其他地区。

    PH value of 1 sample was over the standard , but most of the pH values ( 69.14 % ) were more than 7.6.The qualified rate of urea was even lower than other parts of China .

  14. 本文详细介绍了QC小组通过PDCA的三次循环来实现提高窄脉冲截尾器国产化合格率。

    The paper introduced that QC group through three times circulation of PDCA to achieve improving narrow pulse ick-off equipment China percent of pass .

  15. 结果相对固定的分组式排班法实施后提高基础护理合格率、病人的健康教育认知率、功能锻炼指导率、病人对护理工作满意度,实施前后经χ~2检验,有显著性差异,P均<0.01;

    Results After the relatively fixed grouping mode of shift arrangement in ward nursing management was performed , the certified rate of basic nursing , patients ' cognition rate on health education , guidance rate of function exercise and patients ' satisfaction rate were raised .

  16. 3-氯-1-丙烯、二氯甲烷和1,1-二氯乙烷的采样管DP合格率为28.6%-57.1%,其他16种卤代烃为71.4%-100%。

    The tube DP pass ratio values were 28.6 % to 57.1 % for 3-chloro-1-propene , methylene chloride and 1,1-dichloroethane , and 71.4 % to 100 % for the others .

  17. 目的为了提高B-D试验判读的有效性和准确性,我们观察两种B-D试验包测试图的合格率,并对试验失败进行原因分析。

    OBJECTIVE To improve the reading efficiency and accuracy of B-D test , we have studied and analyzed the failure causes .

  18. 目的为了解扶沟县加碘食盐在销售环节中的含碘量和碘盐合格率,保证碘缺乏病(IDD)病区居民能够食用合格的碘盐,以巩固和提高IDD防治成果。

    Objective To ensure the full contents of iodine in salt in the market of Fugou County so as to let the residents use eligible salt for prevention of IDD .

  19. 试验表明,在大初始偏差下,该算法比传统AGC控制算法的批量轧制合格率提高5%~10%,并减少了AGC投入后对板形的影响。

    It has proved in practice that in large initial thickness error condition the lot rolling qualified rate increase 5 % ~ 10 % and the influence to flatness after AGC putting in work is reduced .

  20. 通过本课题的研究能够开发出检测OCV及执行器性能的设备并指导工业生产,从而可以提高产品合格率。

    Through this research we can develop equipment detecting OCV and actuators ' performance , guiding industrial production , improving the quality .

  21. 实施HACCP后该厂月饼的卫生质量明显提高,合格率从1999年的80%上升到2000年的985%,2001年的995%。

    The quality of sanitation in this plant improved after implementing HACCP . The validation in meeting the national criteria increased from 80 % in 1999 to 98.5 % in 2000 and 99.5 % in 2001 .

  22. 结果:不断上升的PDCA循环贯穿于临床护理工作的全过程,规范了护理管理,使护理质量合格率提高,病人满意度提高。

    Results : Continuous ascending PDCA ran through the whole clinic nursing progress . It standardized the nursing management and improved the quality of nursing care as well as satisfaction of patients .

  23. 从实际的生产比较来看,产品不合格率得到明显降低,客观上验证了DOE与FMEA方法对新产品研发质量质量控制的有效性。

    Comparisons from the actual production of the product failure rate to be significantly lower objectively verified by DOE and FMEA methods on the quality of new product development effectiveness of quality control .

  24. 结果表明实施HACCP后产品的微生物指标显著降低,产品的合格率大幅度提高,证明了HACCP在控制果蔬汁产品安全性方面的有效性。

    The results showed that food borne microorganisms were lower and the products were more eligible after the implementation of HACCP system . And HACCP was a good method to improve the safety of the fruit and vegetable juice products .

  25. 借助MES的实施,企业可实现车间生产过程的可视化、实时化及精细化管理,从而显著提升车间生产成品合格率、制造效率及产品质量。

    Through the implementation of MES , a considerable number of enterprises realized real-time shop floor production process , fine and visual management , which led a big improvement in Qualification rate of finished products and manufacturing efficiency and product quality .

  26. 对5种生产碳酸氢钠注射液的方法进行了比较,加入EDTA-2Na并通入CO2是最好方法,此法生产的产品合格率最高。

    Abstract Five methods were compared for the production of Sodium bicarbonate injection . Addition of EDTA-2Na and supply of CO2 was proved to be the best , by which method , the products were provided with most highly qualified rate .

  27. 利用试验中四种材料的削片合格率模型预测切削转速为1595r/min时的削片合格率,最大误差为4.74%。

    With the grey model of the four materials in test , predict of chip qualified rate when cutting rotated speed reaches 1595r / min can be examined , and the maximal error is 4.74 % .

  28. 用南方和北方地区六个流域的93次实测洪水资料对模型进行了检验,结果表明,地貌IUH计算的洪峰流量的合格率达到80%以上。

    93 flood events from 6 basins of Southern and Northern region are tested by comparing the observed runoff with the calculated one .

  29. 针对国内生产的T5(调质度)镀锡板耐蚀性差、不合格率高的情况,研究了原板成分及晶粒度对镀锡板耐蚀性的影响。

    For T5 ( temper ) tinplates manufactured in national steelworks have poor corrosion resistance and high fraction defective , the effects of component and grain size of blank plate on the corrosion resistance of tinplate were studied .

  30. 种子离灌溉水湿润中心距平均为11mm,小于设计值20mm,合格率平均达到97.8%。

    The average distance between seeds and the center of wet soil of holes is 11 mm , less than the design distance , which is 20 mm ;