
  • 网络Post-Modern Enterprise
  1. 对于MBO与古典企业、现代企业以及后现代企业之间关系的研究,有助于深刻理解MBO在企业制度变迁中的积极效应。

    The research on the relationships between MBO and classical , modern and post-modern enterprises is helpful for us to understand more deeply the positive effects of MBO in the institutional reformation of enterprises .

  2. 后现代企业的兴起必将催生后现代管理,整合后现代企业与管理理论实乃当代管理学科建设的突破之道。

    Postmodern enterprises will certainly midwife postmodern management . Integrating post-modern enterprises and management proves to be a breakthrough in construction of contemporary management science .

  3. 20世纪80年代后,随着现代企业经营环境与经营活动的发展变化,公司治理问题的研究成为了世界性的话题。

    After 1980s , along with development change of modern enterprise condition , corporate governance becomes a worldwide topic .

  4. 在人们已对国有企业的产权主体多元化改革为中心的产权制度改革达成共识后,国有企业现代企业制度建立的重点转向了公司治理模式的创新。公司治理是一个世界性的前沿问题。

    After the agreement on property right system reform that focused on the multi-element property right reform , the keystone construction of enterprise institutions for state-owned enterprises has switched to innovation of the corporation governance .

  5. 在后现代社会背景下,现代企业的终结以及后现代企业的兴起是历史的必然。

    The background of post-modern society , modern enterprises will certainly give way to postmodern enterprises .