
zhōu xiáng
  • Detailed;comprehensive;careful;complete;complete and detailed;every detail taken care of
周详 [zhōu xiáng]
  • [complete;careful] 周到细致

  • 周详的计划

周详[zhōu xiáng]
  1. 不过,我们需要制定更全面的政策和更周详的计划来解决问题。

    But we need to take a more strategic and comprehensive approach to the problem .

  2. 作者在叙述赫微香的故事时,既紧凑又周详,用的是倒叙手法。

    The author describes the Miss Habersham He 's story , both compact and they are comprehensive , using a flashback approach .

  3. 他希望有更多的时间把情况考虑周详。

    He 'd like more time to think things over .

  4. 事情要考虑周详以后再动手,才能够事半功倍。

    Everything must be carefully examined before we act , then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort .

  5. 我们的筛选过程不是像NASA(美国航空航天局)那么严格,但它又是周详的。

    While our selection process is not as rigorous as NASA , it 's nonetheless thorough .

  6. 您认为,申请人是否周详地考虑过他/的攻读mba的计划?

    In your opinion , has the applicant given careful consideration to his or her plans for entry into the MBA program ?

  7. 这方面更周详的处理方式能够在一个测试某GUI的成功例子中找到,参考资料章节。

    A more thorough treatment of this can be found in the worked example of testing a GUI , referenced in the Resources section .

  8. 不过,对谷歌有利的是,它推出Fiber时计划周详,直击当前ISP最大的软肋:高价低速。

    In its favor , however , Google has launched fiber with a thought-out plan aimed at the biggest frustration surrounding current ISP plans : relatively slow speeds at high prices .

  9. 事实上,剑桥学者克里斯汀·L·科顿(ChristineL.Corton)在她引人入胜、研究周详的新书《伦敦雾》(LondonFog)中写道,这种“芬芳抗烟方案”,是17世纪日记作家约翰·伊夫林(JohnEvelyn)的想法。

    In fact , as Christine L. Corton , a Cambridge scholar , reveals in her engrossing and magnificently researched new book , " London Fog , " this fragrant anti-smoke scheme was the brainchild of John Evelyn , the 17th-century diarist .

  10. 他们在为婚礼做极为周详的准备。

    They 're making the most elaborate preparations for the wedding .

  11. 如果你没有周详的计划,那你就等着失败吧。

    If you fail to plan , you plan to fail .

  12. 不过即便是最周详的计划也可能出岔子。

    But even the best laid plans sometimes go awry .

  13. 如果一切计划周详,会很快。

    If everything has been planned well , it 'll go fast .

  14. 为了送我去东京,正在做着周详充分的准备。

    Elaborate preparations were being made to get me over to tokyo .

  15. 没有哪个镜头不经过周详计划,没有哪个画面是多余的。

    Not a shot would go unplanned , not an image wasted .

  16. 他希望有更多的时间把事情考虑周详。

    He would like more time to think things over .

  17. 周详安排现金流动是非常重要的。

    It is important to plan your cash flow carefully .

  18. 不可未经周详考虑,妄提建议搅乱大局。

    Let 's not muddy the water with ill-considered proposals .

  19. 这都是计划夏洛克总是计划周详

    All part of the plan . Sherlock always has a plan .

  20. 这一项计划书似乎考虑周详。

    This scheme seems to be well thought out .

  21. 上述种种问题都需要有周详的考虑及明智的处理手法。

    These questions need very careful and sensitive handling .

  22. 不要听他那考虑不周详的主意。

    Don 't listen to his half-baked ideas .

  23. 5.好了,现在你可以将一份考虑周详的计划提交到老板那里。

    Now you have a well thought out plan to present to your boss .

  24. 做事周详细致让你有足够的能力在那些缺乏创意的人面前炫耀一番。

    Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative .

  25. 145.尽管计划很周详,但是没有得到贯彻。

    145 . Although the plan was thorough , it was not carried through .

  26. 感激反对你的人,因为他驱使你考虑周详;

    I thank those who apposed me , because they made me more vigilant ;

  27. 但是如果我们每个行动计划都很周详。

    But if we Pian each move carefuiiy .

  28. 工程告吹是因为缺乏周详策划。.

    The project fell through because of poor planning

  29. 虽然他的思想在贯穿本书时应当是周详的,但是并非如此。

    Although his thought ought to be thorough throughout the book , it 's not .

  30. 它亦会侧身,细听周详

    It leans , and hearkens after it