
  1. 在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。

    I think the same as you do about this .

  2. 我要一个和你一样的。

    I 'd like one the same as yours .

  3. 他差不多和你一样高了。

    He 's nearly as tall as you are .

  4. 我和你一样痛恨刘易斯之流。

    I hate Lewis and his kind just as much as you do

  5. 我和你一样毫不知情。

    I 'm as much in the dark as you .

  6. “我曾经和你一样迷惑,”她意味深长地说。

    ' I was once as bewildered as you are , ' she said meaningfully .

  7. 你是什么意思,我的钱还富余吗?我已和你一样分文不剩了。

    What do you mean , I 've got enough money ? I 'm as broke as you are .

  8. 他原来是个和你一样聪明的孩子。

    He was as intelligent a child as ever you were .

  9. 我和你一样积极参加体育锻炼。

    I am as active as you in physical training .

  10. 所以,和你一样,我经常来回走走。

    So , like you , I stood around a lot .

  11. 你害羞吗?如果你害羞的话,你并不孤单,还有很多人和你一样。

    Are you shy ? If you are , you are not alone .

  12. 所以,和你一样,我在课间休息时经常独自一人,这种状态持续了很多天。

    So , like you , I spent many days at recess standing alone .

  13. 安,你妹妹和你一样友好吗?是的,她人很好。

    Is your sister as friendly as you , Ann ? Yes , she 's very nice .

  14. 乙:哦不是,我是个“无领”,和你一样。

    B : " Oh no , I 'm a No Collar , just like you . "

  15. 这个说法广泛流行主要是因为热门单机游戏《上古卷轴5:天际》中那句被卫兵们反复说的一句话:“我以前和你一样也是个冒险家,直到我的膝盖中了一箭。”

    The term was popularized in today 's culture by Skyrim with the famous phrase " I used to be an adventurer like you , but then I took an arrow to the knee . " iterated by guards that pop up in the game .

  16. 这么说吧,Penny不是所有女人都和你一样,头发油油的还这么性感。

    May I say , Penny , not a lot of women could look as hot as you do with such greasy hair ?

  17. 我和你一样急切地找到他。

    I want to find him as badly as you do .

  18. 我们都和你一样很喜欢这些蔷薇。

    We all enjoy the roses as much as you do .

  19. 可能他和你一样觉得不舒服。

    He probably feels as bad about it as you do .

  20. 疯子和你一样神圣,我的灵魂神圣!

    The madman is holy as you my soul are holy !

  21. 我和你一样都很想救你父亲。

    I wanna save your father as much as you do .

  22. 我们和你一样失败。

    Look , we 're as fucked up as you are .

  23. 如果我发现自己有着和你一样的感觉。

    If I ever find myself feeling the way you do .

  24. 我也和你一样,喜欢等到片子的最后一秒。

    Yes , I normally stay till the end as well .

  25. 乔伊的车和你一样!

    Joey 's got a car just Iike yours , man !

  26. 和你一样好,可为你的游戏。

    And as good as you may be at your game .

  27. 现在的我和你一样积极,高效。

    I 'm now as energetic and productive as you are .

  28. 我很抱歉我没能和你一样完美。

    I 'm sorry that I am not as perfect as you .

  29. 我和你一样在同一条危险的街道里生长起来。

    I grew up on the same treacherous streets as you did .

  30. 别跟我摆谱了&我和你一样理解这出戏。

    Stop patronising me-I understand the play as well as you do .