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  1. 参与窝窝团首轮盛大融资的投资者包括鼎晖投资(CDHVentures)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)、天佑投资(SkyBlessingInvestment)和清科(Zero2IPOVentures)。

    Investors in this massive series a round included CDH ventures , Goldman Sachs , sky blessing investment and Zero2IPO ventures .

  2. DGT协议包括顾客、商家、网关等参与方,由交易子协议、查询子协议和清算子协议等三个子协议组成。

    DGT protocol , including consumer , merchant and gateway , is made up of transaction , inquiry and clearence sub-protocol .

  3. 目的初步研究生地等7种药材和清络通痹复方8种中药水提液中可溶性有机物分子量分布的特点,以及与0.2μm孔径Al2O3陶瓷膜稳定通量的相关性。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate into the distribution of molecular weight of soluble organic substances in the water extract of seven crude Chinese drugs and eight prescriptions and the correlation of the stable flux of 0.2 μ m Al 2O 3 pottery membrane .

  4. 结果表明,滤布的振动以及滤袋的残余压力降低率(PDR)和清灰周期延长率(PTE)随声波频率的减小和声压的增大而增大。

    The results obtained demonstrate that the cloth vibration , the residual pressure drop rate and the cleaning cycle extention rate of the bag increase as the sound frequency decreases or as the sound pressure increases .

  5. 如果是单独的决斗,盗贼也许会杀掉萨满。萨满可以依靠清毒图腾和清毒术高效率的接触来自盗贼的治疗Debuff。

    While in a direct duel the rogue will likely destroy the Shaman , the Shaman can effectively neutralize the rogue 's healing debuffs with a combination of poison cleansing totem and direct cleansing .

  6. 35mm平板对接埋弧焊焊接中,通过工艺改造免除了打底和清根工序,减小填充面积17.7%,综合焊接效率提高约50%。

    In the pulse submerged arc welding of 35mm plate , the processes of backing weld and back gouging are removed , the filling area is reduced by 17.7 % , so the comprehensive efficiency increases by about 50 % .

  7. 实验表明NCCFPDA算法在基音轨迹的平滑和清/浊判别方面都具有令人满意的效果,能实现基音周期的鲁棒性检测。

    Experimental results show that the satisfactory effects for pitch track smooth and surd / sonant decision with this method are gotten and the robust pitch determination is realized .

  8. 连续口饲小鼠14天,在5.0g/kg剂量时,生品和清炒品引起睾丸、包皮腺、前列腺、精囊腺重量显著下降。

    When 5 . 0g / kg is given by oral for 14 days , the wet weight of testicles , preputial galnds , prostate and semi-anl vesicle is decreased in raw FP and its stir-bake tested groups .

  9. 大雾和清雪造成陕西交通中断,航班延误。

    Heavy fog , snow disrupt traffic in northwest China .

  10. 然而,科举废除后却给晚清社会和清政府的统治带来了严重后果。

    But its abolishing worsened the rule of Qing Dynasty ;

  11. 完善市场准入和清出制度;在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    Perfect the market entering permission and elimination rules ; clearing online auctions ;

  12. 女性的这一行为,得到了明朝遗民的好评和清政府的倡导。

    And the behavior received Qing government 's sparkplug .

  13. 颗粒层除尘器过滤和清灰方式的优化

    Optimization of the Filtering and Deashing Modes for Granular - layer Dust Precipitators

  14. 本文论述了留量模型的建立和清根加工轨迹的生成等关键问题。

    This paper discusses the construction of stock-remaining model and the tool-path generation of clean-up machining .

  15. 清代常熟文学分清初和清中叶(晚清属近代文学)两个阶段。

    Changshu literature in Qing Dynasty fell into two periods : early Qing and mid Qing .

  16. 提出了一种子带划分方法和清/浊音判决阈值。

    Secondly , a novel sub-bands segmentation method and a U / V decision threshold are designed .

  17. 水电站拦污栅水头损失和清污机械研究现状和趋势

    Present situation and trends of research on head loss at the trash racks of hydropower stations and raking equipment

  18. 煎炸和清炒对酸值、色泽、过氧化值、羰基值等品质指标均有一定程度的影响,但这种影响较小;

    Frying and cooking had very little effect on acid value , color , peroxide value and anisidine value .

  19. 先生,您要的是一份欧式早餐,带蕃茄汁和清咖啡。

    Sir , you 'd like to have continental breakfast with tomato juice and black coffee for one person .

  20. 真正的绘画艺术,对许多人来说是孤高和清绝的,是木然和陌生的。

    The real painting art , for many people , is an isolated and distinct , tedious and strange .

  21. 公鸡发现了这艘木筏,另外两只动物则帮忙划船和清开水面的芦苇。

    The rooster had found the raft and the other two had helped to navigate and clear away reeds .

  22. 假定粉尘结构在过滤和清灰中不变的条件下,对清灰效率的影响进行了分析。

    The influences of cleaning efficiency were analyzed provided the dust structure in the filter and dust-cleaning processes was unchangeable .

  23. 背景:开放灌洗和清创术是治疗化脓性腕关节炎的标准方法。

    Background : Open irrigation and d é bridement is the standard of treatment for septic arthritis of the wrist .

  24. 计划的对象亦包括受重建和清拆计划影响的居民,以及合资格的初级公务员。

    This initiative is also open to tenants affected by redevelopment and clearances as well as eligible junior civil servants .

  25. 对混输管线正常输送和清管作业下产生段塞流的情况以及海管停输后温降特性进行了分析。

    Slug flow during normal transportation and pigging is analyzed , as well as the temperature drop characteristics after shutdown .

  26. 世界文化遗产清东陵和清西陵。

    There are Qing Dynasty imperial tombs at Zunhua ( East Qing Tombs ) and Yixian ( West Qing Tombs ) .

  27. 对于禁牌、赌、鸦片和清匪,农民协会是博得一般人的同情的。

    In prohibiting gaming , gambling and opium-smoking , and in eliminating banditry , the peasant associations have won general approval .

  28. 进行了颗粒层过滤的实验研究,得出了过滤介质特性、气流特性、灰尘颗粒特性和清灰周期对颗粒层过滤性能的影响。

    Influences of properties of filtration medium , flue gas , dust and dust-cleaning cycle on granular layer filtration performance are summarized .

  29. 自然生草在降温方面的效果不如覆盖稻草处理明显,但优于覆盖地膜和清耕(对照)。

    Natural grass mulch was less effective than straw mulch , but more effective than plastic-film mulch and clean tillage in soil cooling .

  30. 先后有明代14位皇帝和清10位皇帝在此相继登基执政。

    There were 14 emperors in the Ming Dynasty and 10 emperors in the Qing Dynasty who had been enthroned and ruled here .