
  1. 五大机制构建和谐商业

    Mechanisms to Construct Harmonious Commerce

  2. 规范竞争秩序构建和谐商业&商业同业损害问题的理论分析及测评研究

    To Regulate the Competition Order for Harmonious Commerce : A Theoretical Analysis and Evaluation Research on the Intra-Commercial Damage

  3. 和谐商业是和谐社会的重要组成部分,商业和谐对构建和谐社会具有重要的战略意义。

    Harmonious commerce is an important component of harmonious society , so commerce being harmonious has an important strategic significance for building harmonious society .

  4. 和谐商业包括从业者自我和谐、企业内部和谐、商业内部和谐和商业与外部和谐四个层次。

    Harmonious commerce includes four levels such as self-harmony for staff , internal harmony in enterprise , harmony in commerce and harmony inside and outside commerce .

  5. 构建和谐商业,要通过政府的宏观调控机制、商会的协调与自律机制、企业的自我表现调节机制、社会的监督机制与和谐商业文化的黏合机制来实现。

    To construct harmonious commerce , it needs the macro-control mechanism of government , coordinative and self-discipline mechanism of commercial chambers , self-regulation mechanism of enterprises , social supervision mechanism and bonding mechanism for harmonious commercial culture .

  6. HelloKitty象征着几项日本基本美德:亲善、和谐、商业、可爱、自然、多子、富足和避免侵略。

    Hello Kitty symbolises some essential Japanese virtues : agreeableness , harmony , commerce , cuteness , nature , fertility , affluence and the avoidance of aggression , he says .

  7. 构建与自然相和谐的商业机制&生态商业设想

    Ecological Commerce : Constructing the Harmonious Mechanism between Nature and Commerce

  8. 以您的资源和我们的诚信共同打造一个和谐、双赢的商业空间。

    With your resources and the integrity of our co-create a harmonious , win-win commercial space .

  9. 和谐银行和谐金融和谐社会&商业银行在构建社会主义和谐社会中的责任

    Harmonious Bank , Finance and Society

  10. 马克思《资本论》关于商业和谐的思想和科学发展观是和谐商业的理论基础。

    The thought of harmonious commerce in Marx 's " Das Capital " and the Scientific Development Concept are the theoretical bases for harmonious commerce .