
  • 网络Xianning;Xianning city
  1. 咸宁市农村卫生人力分布不合理。

    The distribution of rural health human resources in Xianning is irrational .

  2. 同位素地球化学在湖北省咸宁市温泉地热田的应用

    The Application of Isotope Geochemistry in Xianning Geothermal Field , Hubei Province

  3. 以湖北省咸宁市贺胜桥镇上孟村农田生态系统为研究对象,分析了当地油/豆稻、麦/瓜稻、油/玉米大豆、小麦芝麻、大豆芝麻等5种种植方式的B素平衡。

    Five sequential cropping systems including rape / soybean rice , wheat / watermelon rice , rape / corn soybean , wheat sesame and soybean sesame , were selected study the boron balance in agroecosystem on brown red soil of south Hubei Province .

  4. 咸宁市聋哑学生人格特征和孤独感的相关分析

    Correlation Between Personal Characteristic and Feeling of Loneliness Among Deaf-mute Students

  5. 人口流动对经济社会发展的影响&以湖北省咸宁市为例

    Impact of Population Floating on the Socio - Economic Development

  6. 咸宁市高中生吸烟状况及相关因素分析

    Analysis on Smoking and the Related Factors Among Senior Middle School Students

  7. 咸宁市乡村旅游资源开发与营销策略研究

    Study on Xianning Rural Tourism Resources Development and Marketing Strategy

  8. 咸宁市野生食用菌资源调查初报

    First Report on Investigation of Wild Edible Mushroom Resources in Xianning Town

  9. 信贷资源的滞后配置与政策校正:咸宁市大额农贷个案研究

    Credit Resources Allocation and Policy Adjustment : A Case Study of Xianning City

  10. 咸宁市农业生产结构优化调整的研究

    Discussion on Structure Adjustment of Agriculture Production in Xianning

  11. 咸宁市支气管哮喘流行病学调查

    Epidemiological investigation of bronchial asthma in Xianning City

  12. 咸宁市农村卫生技术人员整体质量偏低。

    The overall quality of rural health rural health technicians in Xianning is lower .

  13. 咸宁市林产工业产业化建设与发展战略研究

    Study on Industrialization Construction and Development Strategy of Forest Product Industry in Xianning City

  14. 1985年以来湖北省咸宁市农业发展态势分析

    Agricultural Development Situation in Xianning City since 1985

  15. 浅谈咸宁市人口与可持续发展

    The Population and Sustainable Development in Xianning City

  16. 咸宁市城区岩溶地面塌陷预测

    The Prediction of Karst Collapse in Xianning City

  17. 本文以湖北省咸宁市方言的词汇为研究对象。

    This article takes the vocabulary of Xianning dialect of Hubei Province as research object .

  18. 耕地资源的可持续利用评价研究&以湖北咸宁市为例

    An Assessment Study of Sustainability Use of Cultivated Land & With Xianning City as an example

  19. 咸宁市初中体育教师队伍现状及其建设对策的研究

    A Study on the Present Situation & Counter Measures-A Survey of the Teaching Staff of Junior

  20. 湖北省咸宁市建设用地集约利用评价

    The Studying of Urban construction land Intensively Utilizing Appraise of The City Xianning in Hubei Province

  21. 1991&2002年咸宁市血吸虫病疫情动态

    Schistosomiasis situation in Xianning City 1991-2002

  22. 湖北省咸宁市温泉城区三类人群母乳喂养知信行调查

    KAP about breast feeding among three populations in Wenquan District in Xianning City of Hubei Province

  23. 咸宁市中级人民法院对此案不予置评,也未透露刘汉辩护律师的信息。

    The Hubei court declined to comment on the case or to disclose Mr. Liu 's counsel .

  24. 对咸宁市高中英语课堂文化教学现状调查与反思

    A Study of Culture Teaching in Secondary English Class in Senior Schools in the City of Xianning

  25. 土地利用变化与生态环境质量的相关性研究&以湖北省咸宁市为例

    Study on relativity between Land-use Change and Environment Quality : A Case of Xianning City in Hubei

  26. 两型社会背景下的城市战略定位研究&以咸宁市为例

    City Strategic Positioning Research Based on Resource Conscious and Environmentally Friendly Society : A Case Study of Xianning

  27. 金融危机下加强人才工作的战略思考&以湖北省咸宁市为例

    Financial Crisis in Human Resources Work to Strengthen Strategic Thinking & Xianning City , Hubei Province as An Example

  28. 咸宁市桂花栽培历史悠久,咸安区现还有少量千年古桂。

    The Xianning sweet-scented osmanthus cultivation history is glorious , Xianan District presently also has the few millennium ancient sweet osmanthus .

  29. 目的掌握碘缺乏病现状和碘营养状况,评价咸宁市全民食盐加碘后的碘缺乏病防治效果。

    Objective To investigate the situation of iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD ) and to assess the outcome of iodine-salt intake for IDD prevention in Xianning city .

  30. 丘陵山区县域耕地资源变化及驱动力研究&以湖北省咸宁市咸安区为例

    Studies on Change and Driving Forces of the Cultivated Land Resource in South Mound Region & A Case of Xian'an County , Xianning City of Hubei Province