
  • 网络brand loyalty
  1. 本文通过对品牌忠诚理论系统的梳理和研究,总结出移动3G品牌忠诚的影响因素:品牌感知价值,品牌形象,品牌信任和转换成本。

    The paper analyzed the brand loyalty theories and summarized the factors that influence the brand loyalty . Those factors are perceived brand value , brand image , brand trust and transferring costs .

  2. 品牌忠诚虽然有很多学者进行深入研究和探讨,但对于网络品牌忠诚的研究仍处于初步的阶段,对于B2C电子商务平台如何形成品牌忠诚更是在雾里看花。

    Brand loyalty while there are many scholars further research and discussion , but for network brand loyalty research is still in the initial stage , for B2C e-commerce platform on how to form a brand loyalty is in mystifying .

  3. 相对而言,营销情境下B2C的服务关系研究中,顾客承诺的构成维度、驱动因素以及对顾客的品牌忠诚有什么影响作用还缺乏系统的研究。

    Compared to that , it is still lack of systematic research about the role and the effect of customer commitment on the service relationship of B2C in marketing situation .

  4. 基于Hotelling线性城市模型,以双寡头序贯进入为分析背景,模型化了品牌忠诚影响产品差异化的两种方式:造成转换成本及影响消费者的购买意愿。

    Based on the Hotelling linear city model , this paper established a model on the ground of duopoly sequential entering to analyze brand loyalty 's two kinds of effect , one was to induce transferring cost , the other was to influence consumer 's willing of purchase .

  5. 基于顾客满意度的品牌忠诚模型实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Bank Brand Loyalty Based on Customer Satisfaction

  6. 营销策略对品牌忠诚的影响机理研究

    Research on the Influencing Mechanism of Marketing Strategies on Brand Loyalty

  7. 顾客品牌忠诚的产生有着自身多重的原因。

    Emerging of brand loyalty itself has ist own various reasons .

  8. 企业诚信与品牌忠诚的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Enterprise Trustworthiness and Brand Loyalty

  9. 第二章是关于消费体验和品牌忠诚的文献综述。

    Chapter two is Reviewed Document about customer experience and brand loyal .

  10. 基于产品差异化模型的品牌忠诚效应

    Research on brand loyalty effect based on the model of product differentiation

  11. 基于工业设计的品牌忠诚研究

    The Research on Industrial - Design - Centered Brand Loyalty

  12. 消费者求变购买行为和品牌忠诚的关系分析

    The Analysis on Relationship between Consumers Change Buying Behavior and Brand Loyalty

  13. 品牌忠诚一旦形成,就会对品牌资产产生影响。

    When brand loyalty once forms , it will affect brand assets .

  14. 移动通信服务产品品牌忠诚影响因素研究

    Research on the Influencing Factors of Mobile Telecommunication Service Products

  15. 消费者认知、态度和行为方面的一些变量,和品牌忠诚相互作用。

    Some consumers cognitive , attitudinal and behavioral variables interact with brand loyalty .

  16. 品牌忠诚甚或爱用国货的心态确实曾经存在。

    At one time , brand-name loyalty and even buy-American loyalty genuinely existed .

  17. 基于消费认知基础上的品牌忠诚分析

    The analysis on brand loyalty based on consumer awareness

  18. 即使是对同一产品,品牌忠诚也有不同的表现。

    To the same product , loyal to have different behavior brand have .

  19. 网站牌态度对网站品牌忠诚有显著正向影响。

    There are significant positive influence website brand attitude on website brand loyalty .

  20. 由此可见品牌忠诚对于企业营销活动是非常重要的。

    This shows that brand loyalty is very important for corporate marketing activities .

  21. 在同样的商业使用,品种品牌忠诚。

    In the same way commercial businesses use it , branding breeds loyalty .

  22. 顾客感知价值对服务品牌忠诚的影响机理

    The Mechanism of Form of Customer Perceived Value on Service Industries ' Brands Loyal

  23. 营建旅行社品牌忠诚的途径

    Construction of Brand Loyalty of the Travel Agency

  24. 对于品牌忠诚的驱动因素研究中,存在两种观点:其一,顾客价值是品牌忠诚主要驱动大因素。

    One view is that customer value is the main drivers of brand loyalty .

  25. 影响品牌忠诚形成的因素繁多。

    Factors about affecting brand loyalty is various .

  26. 试论营造品牌忠诚

    Discussion on building the loyalty of the brand

  27. 企业更多将注意力放在确立消费者的品牌忠诚和市场份额的争夺上。

    The enterprise pay more attention to consumer 's brand loyalty and capturing market share .

  28. 品牌忠诚培育问题研究

    Studies on the Cultivation of Brand Loyalty

  29. 顾客感知价值、顾客满意对品牌忠诚的影响研究

    A Study on the Influence of Customer Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty

  30. 因此,品牌忠诚在学界的被研究热度已经持续了半个多世纪。

    Thus , academia has already studied Brand Loyalty for more than half a century .