
  • 网络Branding;Brand;Management;brand management;brand manager
  1. OTC的品牌管理研究

    A Study on OTC Brand Management

  2. B2C网站品牌管理应注重打造网站品牌知名度,通过多种渠道、配合多种方式来提升自己的知名度。

    B2C website brand management should build popularity of brand by many ways that can upgrade own popularity .

  3. 同时,学会品牌管理的方法,掌握VI设计的原则。

    Meanwhile , we need to learn the management method of brands from the change and grasp the principle that VI designs .

  4. B2C网站品牌管理应注重网站品质的提升,包括网站所销售产品的质量和网站人员的服务质量。

    The quality contains the products which the website sells and the service attitude of the workers of the website .

  5. 第三章介绍了W公司目前品牌管理现状,从品牌管理要素的角度分析了W公司品牌管理问题的原因。第四章给出了W公司品牌管理要素解决方案。

    Chapter 3 presents the actuality of brand management of W company and makes an analysis to the reasons of W company in eye of essential factors of brand management .

  6. 本论文的研究,对于加强甘肃邮政EMS品牌管理,提升企业管理水平、服务能力、市场拓展能力和市场占有率将起到帮助和指导作用。

    By the research , the strategies help to direct strengthening the management of Gansu EMS brand and promoting business management level , service capacity , market development capacity and market share .

  7. 本周二,JuicyCouture母公司AuthenticBrandsGroup宣布,已经与中国品牌管理公司俊思集团(ImagineXGroup)签订了长期合作协议。AuthenticBrandsGroup最先于2006年买下了JuicyCouture在大中华区和东南亚地区管理经销权。

    Authentic Brands Group , Juicy Couture 's owner , on Tuesday announced a long-term partnership with ImagineX Group , a China-based brand management company , that first bought the management and distribution rights of Juicy Couture for Greater China and South East Asia in 2006 .

  8. 中国企业品牌管理的问题及其出路

    On Problems of Brand Management of Chinese Enterprises and its Solution

  9. 中外企业品牌管理研究综述

    The Review of Chinese and Foreign Researches on Enterprise Brand Management

  10. 关于工业企业服务品牌管理的探索

    Researches on the Management Approaches of Service Brand in Industrial Organizations

  11. 我国企业国际营销中的品牌管理策略研究

    Research on Brand Management Strategy of International Marketing in Chinese Enterprises

  12. 而品牌管理可能跨多个部门和区域。

    And brand management may span multiple divisions and geographies .

  13. 信息沟通缺陷下的品牌管理

    The Brand Management in the Background of Defective Information Exchange

  14. 品牌管理的新思路:品牌生命周期战略

    New ideas to brand management : the strategies of brand life cycle

  15. 浅析化妆品企业的品牌管理

    A Brief Talk on the Brand Management of Cosmetics Enterprises

  16. 广州药业品牌管理案例研究&兼论中华老字号的发展

    A Case Study on Management of Medicine Brands in Guangzhou

  17. 品牌管理是市场经营的最高境界。

    The Brand-management is the highest realm of the market-management .

  18. 房地产业品牌管理战略研究

    A Study on Brand Strategic Management of Real Estate Industry

  19. 品牌管理:提升广告从吸引到说服的力度

    Brand management : promoting the effect of advertisement from attraction to persuasiveness

  20. 对现有的较新的品牌管理的理论和品牌管理发展研究的一些观点进行了总结。

    Also it sums up recent theories and viewpoints on brand management .

  21. 加强食品品牌管理,把绿色食品品牌发展为绿色名牌;

    Sixth , strengthen the management of food brand ;

  22. 市场营销者在多年前就意识到,品牌管理是一项团队运动。

    Marketers realised many years ago that brand management is a team sport .

  23. 论基于价值评估的企业品牌管理

    Research on Enterprise Brand Management Based on Value Evaluation

  24. 对品牌管理的相关理论进行阐述。

    In this chapter , the brand management theory is to be elaborated .

  25. 游泳俱乐部的品牌管理涉及到品牌内容管理和品牌危机管理。

    Swimming club brand management involve in brand content management and brand crisis management .

  26. 加强品牌管理,重视品牌营销;

    Strengthen and emphasizing on product brand management ;

  27. 我国商业银行品牌管理的现状与推进策略

    The Status Quo and Promotion Strategy of Brand Management of China 's Commercial Banks

  28. 品牌管理是成功营销的关键之路&营销新视野系列之三

    Brand Management is the Key to Successful Marketing

  29. 媒体品牌管理之策略分析

    The Strategy Analysis of Media Brand Management

  30. 品牌管理对建筑企业提高市场占有率具有积极作用。

    Brand management plays a positive role in improving the market share of construction enterprises .