
  • 网络category killer
  1. facebook很可能成为社交网站的“品类杀手”,不但能发展到一个很大的规模,而且还能在之后保持稳定(这是由大数定律所决定的)、不会崩溃。

    Facebook may well emerge as the " category killer " of social networks and not only grow to an enormous size but level out ( as the law of large numbers dictates ) without imploding .

  2. 百思买的仓储式商店一度被视为品类杀手,它挤出了CircuitCityStoresInc.等竞争对手。但最近百思买的生意被能提供更多选择、通常还能提供更低价格的网络零售商抢走。

    Best Buy 's big-box stores were seen as the category killer for a while , pushing out competitors such as Circuit City Stores Inc. But Best Buy more recently has lost business to online retailers that can offer more selection and often lower prices .

  3. 他以在全美拥有逾100家葡萄酒特大型超级市场的TotalWineMore为例,证明品类杀手模式仍在努力运作。

    He points to Total Wine More , with over 100 wine hypermarkets across the US , as another example of the category-killer model still hard at work .

  4. 他以在全美拥有逾100家葡萄酒特大型超级市场的TotalWine&More为例,证明品类杀手模式仍在努力运作。

    He points to Total Wine & More , with over 100 wine hypermarkets across the US , as another example of the category-killer model still hard at work .

  5. •品类杀手没有死。

    • The category killer is not dead .

  6. 折扣店、厂家直销店和像玩具反斗城这样的品类杀手吞食了它们的利润。随着中年顾客开始消失,住在商业街的青少年开始倍受关注,使得形势更加糟糕。

    As middle-aged shoppers began to disappear , the teenagers who had inhabited malls from the beginning became more noticeable , which only made things worse .