
  1. 不能把室内空气品质仅仅认同于一系列污染控制指标。

    Indoor air quality ( IAQ ) is not merely a list of air components .

  2. 研究认为,偶像自身的形象魅力和性格品质是粉丝认同的两个方面。

    The results of this study are the charms and characters of these idols are two aspects that their fans recognized .

  3. 所以通用不尽在汽车品质而且还在情感认同上加大了力度进行改进。

    So GM has worked hard to improve the quality as well as the emotional appeal of its cars and trucks .

  4. 作为一种独立的制度有机体,司法必然包含着自我实现、自我完善的内在品质和取得社会认同与支持的价值亲和性。

    As an independent system , judicature indispesably contains innate quality about self-realization and self-perfection , and value orientation of social identity .