
  1. 有件很有意思的事情:我曾与畅销戏仿作品《快给我睡觉》(GotheF-toSleep)一书作者亚当・曼斯巴赫(AdamMansbach)一同参加讨论会。他在讨论中承认,大多数晚上都是他的伴侣哄孩子睡觉。

    Funny : I once sat on a panel with Adam Mansbach , the author of the best-selling parody ' Go the F - to Sleep . ' At one point in the discussion , he conceded that his partner put his child to bed most nights .

  2. 哄孩子睡觉是我的专长。

    Getting the kids to bed is my department .

  3. 母亲唱歌哄孩子睡觉。

    The mother sang her baby to sleep .

  4. 我要去哄孩子睡觉了

    I gotta go put my kids to bed

  5. 不.没有,你来得刚好,安妮正哄孩子睡觉呢.

    No , no You 're right on time . Anne 's putting the baby to bed .

  6. 但晚饭之后她真正希望丈夫去做的事情是主动哄孩子睡觉。

    But what she really wanted , at that point in her day , was for her husband to volunteer to put the kids to bed .

  7. 毕竟,任何人都可以在广告中打出“弹性工作”招牌。但是,如果人际关系网上的熟人告诉你,她已经几个月没能准时回家哄孩子睡觉了,那你就得悠着点儿了。

    Anybody can toss the word " flexibility " into a job ad , after all , but if someone you know on LinkedIn tells you she hasn 't been home in time to tuck her kids into bed in months , beware .

  8. 好久都没哄孩子们睡觉了。

    I haven 't put the boys to bed for awhile .

  9. 我去哄孩子们睡觉。

    I 'm gonna get the kids ready for bed .

  10. 我正哄孩子上床睡觉。

    I 'm putting my kids to bed .

  11. 晚饭过后,在他们睡之前总统奥巴马还能哄孩子们睡觉。

    Later the president is able to tuck his children into bed before they drift off to sleep .

  12. 而背面商标上则建议妈妈们“哄孩子上床睡觉,然后坐下来喝一杯‘妈妈果汁’,因为你也累了一天了。”

    The back label advises moms to " tuck your kids into bed , sit down and have a glass of Mommyjuice . "

  13. 这本书说父母应该跟自己的孩子每天渡过珍贵的时光,而不是跟孩子一起看电视然后哄孩子们睡觉。

    This book says parents should spend quality time with their kids every day , and not just sit in the same room watching TV with them before sending them to bed .

  14. 我现在来不了,我在哄孩子们上床睡觉。

    I can 't come now . I 'm just putting the children to bed .

  15. 大部分时间我们都是呆在家里看电视,哄着孩子们睡觉。

    A lot of the time we are at home watching telly and putting the kids to bed .

  16. 许多父母在哄孩子的时候或睡觉之前给孩子喝瓶装的果汁或汽水。

    Many parents give children fruit juice or squash in bottles and beakers to comfort them or before bed .