
  • 网络PHD;Ph.D;Ph.D.;doctor of philosophy;Ph. D.
  1. 拥有芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)政治哲学博士学位的克劳福德指责美国人贬低了技术手工劳动的价值。

    Crawford , who has a PhD in political thought from the University of Chicago , takes America to task for devaluing skilled manual labour .

  2. BelaBan在瑞士的苏黎世大学完成了他的哲学博士学位。

    Bela Ban completed his PhD at the University of Zurich , Switzerland .

  3. 他被授予哲学博士学位。

    The degree of doctor of philosophy is awarded to him .

  4. 卡伦·尚顿(KarenShanton)曾在罗格斯大学(RutgersUnivesity)探索无意识的认知过程,并获得了哲学博士学位,但她目前就职于为议员提供超党派分析的全美州议会联合会(NationalConferenceofStateLegislatures)。

    Karen Shanton explored unconscious cognitive processes for her philosophy Ph.D. from Rutgers but works at the National Conference of State Legislatures , which provides legislators with nonpartisan analysis .

  5. 与传统的哲学博士学位相比,这些特点更加突出。

    Compared with the traditional PhD , these features are much outstanding .

  6. 玛格丽特1929年获得了哥伦比亚大学的哲学博士学位。

    Margaret took a ph.D.degree from Columbia University in1929 .

  7. 她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。

    She 's presently working on her PhD .

  8. 我的母亲在爱荷华大学研修哲学博士学位

    and my mother set to work on her PhD in philosophy at the University of Iowa

  9. 我弟弟力争得到哲学博士学位。

    My brother aims for a Ph.D.

  10. 他在开罗大学医学院获得医学博士学位,并在联合王国获得哲学博士学位。

    He received his MD degree from the Faculty of Medicine , Cairo University and obtained his PhD in the United Kingdom .

  11. 如果你有哲学博士学位,你可以获得50分,但是学士学位仅值30分。

    If you 've got a PhD , you will score 50 points . But a bachelor 's degree is only worth 30 .

  12. 专业博士学位是上世纪90年代引入英国的,虽然只有短暂的发展历史,但近年已成为英国博士教育中发展最快的领域,形成了不同于哲学博士学位的鲜明培养特色。

    Since it was introduced into Britain in the 1990s , professional doctorate programms have become the fastest growing sector in British doctoral education .

  13. 他们开着玩笑,交换对诺兰的意见和对电影的解读,为自己没有哲学博士学位而诚恳道歉。

    They kidded around , swapped notes on Mr. Nolan and their interpretations of the film , and apologized profusely for their lack of Ph.D.s.

  14. 在加拿大的安大略省,发展趋势则表现为改进传统的哲学博士学位教育而不是发展新的专业博士学位。

    In the province of Ontario ( Canada ), this trend is to improve the traditional PhD rather than to develop new professional doctoral degrees .

  15. 但它与哲学博士学位最大的不同是专业博士学位是以实践性为导向,且包含一定的指导性学习成分。

    However , the biggest difference compared with Doctor of philosophy programs is that it is the practice-oriented degree programs . In the program it contains a certain element of learning .

  16. 田芬,1974年生,1995年毕业于徐州师范学院物理系,1998年于苏州大学物理系获教育学硕士学位,2004年于苏州大学获哲学博士学位。

    Tianfen , born in1974 , graduated from the Physics Department of Xuzhou Normal University in1995 , and got her Master " s degree in1998 and Doctor " s Degree in2004 from Suzhou University .

  17. 方教授毕业于香港中文大学和香港大学,并于美国印地安纳州圣母大学取得生物化学及生物物理哲学博士学位。

    Professor Fong was educated at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , the University of Hong Kong and the University of Notre Dame , USA where he obtained his PhD degree in biochemistry and biophysics .

  18. 2010年,刘德华获得了第12届世界杰出华人奖,并收获加拿大新布伦瑞克省蓝仕桥大学的荣誉哲学博士学位,以表彰他对娱乐业的贡献。

    In 2010 , Lau received the 12th World Outstanding Chinese Award and an honorary doctorate of philosophy from Lansbridge University in New Brunswick , Canada , as recognition for his contributions to the entertainment industry .

  19. 在理科和人文学科领域里,哲学博士士最高学位。

    The Doctor of Philosophy is the highest degree in the area of the sciences and humanities .

  20. 他获得数学和哲学两个博士学位,分别在数学、物理和计算机领域内三次从事博士后研究。

    He received two doctor degrees respective in mathematics and philosophy . He engaged in the postdoctoral research of mathematics , physics and computer science .