
  • 网络Universal;Epic Records;EMI;records;record company;record label;label
  1. 90年代中期,她成功地与史诗唱片公司签了约。

    In the mid 90 's , she was signed successfully by Epic Records .

  2. 这是他在大唱片公司发行的第一张唱片。

    It 's his first release for a major label .

  3. 哥伦比亚广播公司的唱片公司已被索尼公司收购。

    CBS Records was taken over by Sony .

  4. 乐队同维京唱片公司签了约。

    The band signed with Virgin Records .

  5. “奥林匹亚在美国,K唱片公司就是在那里创立的。”——“不可能!你不会指那个大名鼎鼎的K唱片公司吧?”

    ' Olympia is in America , where K Records was founded . ' — ' No ! Surely you don 't mean THE K Records ? '

  6. 你之所以妒忌是因为唱片公司拒绝接受你的想法。

    You 're jealous because the record company rejected your idea .

  7. 他没发现唱片公司与零售商串通一气的证据。

    He found no evidence of collusion between record companies and retailers

  8. 索尼唱片公司的高管参加的新闻发布会

    a press conference attended by top brass from Sony Records .

  9. 哥伦比亚唱片公司最近以3,000万美元的高价再次签下这个乐队。

    Columbia recently resigned the band for a cool $ 30 million .

  10. 英国现在是全世界唱片公司羡慕的对象。

    Britain is now the envy of the world 's record companies .

  11. 诺里奇戈特下路14–16号安迪唱片公司

    Andy 's Records , 14-16 Lower Goat La . , Norwich .

  12. 凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的工作日程安排。

    Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI 's punishing work schedule

  13. 她获得了一份与百代唱片公司的合约。

    She landed a contract with record label EMI

  14. 随后乐队和伤痕唱片公司签约。

    The band then signed to Slash Records .

  15. 所有乐队都会臭骂自己的唱片公司,都这样。

    All bands slag off their record companies . It 's just the way it is

  16. 它由维京唱片公司发行。

    It was on the Virgin label .

  17. 这就是史密斯和他的唱片公司发生小摩擦的原因。

    This was the subject of a bit of a set-to between Smith and his record company .

  18. 斯泰茜·拉蒂索抛弃了自己在摩城唱片公司的演唱事业,成为了一名福音歌手。

    Stacey Lattisaw has turned her back on her singing career with Motown Records to become a gospel singer

  19. 六大唱片公司都是跨国经营,因此能够将世界市场按国家划分。

    The big six record companies are multinational , and thus can segment the world market into national ones .

  20. 后来他加入了一个刚刚被大唱片公司签约的乐队。

    Then he joined a band which has just been signed to a major record label3 .

  21. 也许,他现在是一家大唱片公司的ceo了。

    Maybe , he 's the CEO of a major record label .

  22. 唱片公司曾指望电子平台的收入增长能弥补cd销量下滑的损失。

    Record labels had been banking on revenue growth from digital platforms to counterbalance falling CD sales .

  23. 她经营自己名为德比音乐(DerbyDiscMusic)的唱片公司,最近还雇佣了一名助手。

    She runs her own label , Derby disc music , and recently hired an assistant .

  24. 但随着CD销量萎缩,唱片公司变得更加愿意尝试新的业务模式。

    But with CD sales sinking , music companies have become more willing to experiment with new business models .

  25. 在第四张专辑《MyLoveIsYourLove》发行三年后,她跟爱丽丝塔唱片公司续约。

    Three years after the release of her fourth studio album , My Love Is Your Love ( 1998 ), she renewed her recording contract with Arista Records .

  26. 然而,唱片公司的选择是以打官司的方式迎接首款畅销MP3播放器&帝盟(DiamondMultimedia)推出的Rio。

    But the record labels greeted the first mass-market MP3 player the Diamond Multimedia Rio with a lawsuit .

  27. 11岁的牛牛于去年签约国际唱片公司EMI(百代)唱片并于今年夏天发行了他的个人首张演奏专辑。

    The11-year-old signed by EMI last year released his first album earlier this summer .

  28. 这项服务将有广告支持,而spiralfrog将与唱片公司分享收益。

    The service will be supported by advertising and spiral frog will split the proceeds with the record company .

  29. 一周之内,RCA唱片公司与她签订了合同。

    Within the week , RCA signed her to a contract .

  30. 同时,不管9月份欧盟会公布怎样的裁决结果,环球唱片公司都需要支付花旗集团(Citigroup)17.5亿美金。

    Universal has to pay Citigroup $ 1.75 billion in September regardless of the outcome .