
shānɡ yè zhōnɡ xīn
  • business center;mart;commercial center;trading center;town centre;arcade
  1. 它也是最大的商业中心。

    And it is also the biggest business center .

  2. 随着LED照明产业的飞速发展,景观照明控制系统在剧场、体育馆、商业中心、城市广场等场所的应用也越来越广泛。

    With the rapid development of LED lighting industry , the landscape lighting control system is widely used in places such as the theater , gym , business center , the city square and so on .

  3. 这家商店位于商业中心一个非常理想的位置。

    The store has a prime position in the mall .

  4. 这笔钱将用来发展壮大市镇的商业中心。

    The money will be used to regenerate the commercial heart of the town .

  5. 城市商业中心区写字楼的需求旺盛。

    There is high demand for city centre offices .

  6. 既然这条公路已经竣工,那个商业中心一定会兴隆起来。

    Now that the highway is finished , the shopping centre should thrive / flourish / prosper .

  7. 北京、南京、扬州、苏州这样的大商业中心相继形成。

    Commercial centers like Beijing , Nanjing , Yangzhou , Suzhou formed in succession .

  8. 从自身条件来说,它们都是大型商业中心,拥有大批技能型劳动力和友好的商业运作环境。

    They are large centres of business in their own with skilled workforces and business-friendly environments .

  9. 她新开的Back40Mercantile是一家高级杂货店,客户多为有环保意识的人群。这家商店那天刚刚在一个名为thevillage的小型商业中心开业(店主是金和她的家人)。

    Her new business , Back 40 Mercantile , an upscale general store for the eco-conscious , had opened that day in the small commercial center called the village .

  10. 在名为Bombay的时候,几世纪以来都是英国的商业中心。

    As Bombay , it was the center of British business for centuries .

  11. 周二,CCTV就在东商业中心区的新央视大楼旁配合楼发生大火表示道歉。

    China Central Television ( CCTV ) on Tuesday apologized for a massive fire that engulfed part of its new headquarters in the eastern central business district of the capital .

  12. 在家里,我们会通过报刊、电视、网络等媒介接触各类图片和视频,在户外,我们会看到一幅幅巨型的广告画和LED屏幕悬挂在街道两旁和商业中心里。

    At home , we can get all kinds of pictures and videos through newspapers , television , Internet and other media . in the outdoors , we can see the huge LED screen and paintings hanging in the streets or commercial centers .

  13. 这里的旅行者如葡萄牙的努奈兹(Nunez)和佩斯(Paes)称其为热闹集市,这里是国际商业中心。

    Its busy bazaars , described by travelers such as Portuguese Nunez and Paes , were centers of international commerce .

  14. 途中逗留的地点,包括一般游客不会留意的小镇,譬如建于9世纪的龙达(Ronda),这是西班牙历史上的商业中心,镇内可见鹅卵石铺就的大路以及年代久远的教堂,现代的斗牛运动就发源于此。

    Stops include tiny towns the typical tourist doesn 't see , like ninth-century Ronda , the historic trading center with cobblestone roads and ancient churches that is modern bullfighting 's birthplace .

  15. 在圣保罗,繁华的商业中心周围环绕着巴西最大的咖啡农场,一杯特浓咖啡的价格的是里斯本的两倍,圣保罗杜阿尔特(PauloDuarte)一一位医药咨询师,经常往返巴西和里斯本。

    In Sao Paulo , a bustling business hub that is surrounded by some of the country 's largest coffee farms , an espresso often costs twice as much as in Lisbon , says Paulo Duarte , a pharmaceutical consultant who splits time between both cities .

  16. 适合建设高档住宅和区域商业中心。

    Suitable to construction of high-grade residences and regional business center .

  17. 杭州市零售商业中心地系统研究

    A Study on the Retail Centre System in Hangzhou Urban Area

  18. 全球商业中心失去了往日常见的喧哗。

    An unfamiliar silence descended on the hubs of global commerce .

  19. 上海市区商业中心区位的探讨

    An approach to shopping centre location of shanghai 's urban area

  20. 去商业中心是在这下车吗?

    Is this where I get off for the trade center ?

  21. 它是一个农业市场和商业中心。

    It is an agricultural market and a commercial center .

  22. 城市商业中心区的货运交通特征及政策评估

    Freight Transportation Characteristics and Assessment of Policy in Urban Central Commercial District

  23. 近代殖民商业中心区的城市形态

    The Colonial Model of the Commercial Districts in Modern China

  24. 在商业中心的商店要比其它地方的商店贵得多。

    The shops in commercial centers are much more expensive than others .

  25. 玻璃壁面的新办公大楼如雨后春笋般出现在低租金的商业中心。

    New plate-glass office blocks have sprung up in low-rent business centres .

  26. 青岛市商业中心空间结构研究

    Study on the spatial structure of qingdao 's bussiness centers

  27. “书城”是新加坡哪一个商业中心的别称?

    Which commercial complex is also known as the " book city "?

  28. 商业中心的功能应以商业为主,其他功能兼而有之。

    Commercial center should be business-oriented features , other features of both .

  29. 港口的两旁是香港的商业中心区。

    Central business district is distributed in both sides of the port .

  30. 佛山国际商业中心结构施工技术

    Construction technology of the Foshan International Trade Centre structure project