
  • 网络business survey;business investigation
  1. 该组织商业调查主席布拉德·霍尔库姆表示,这个指数对今年下半年来说是个好兆头。

    Brad Holcomb is the group 's business survey chair and says the figure bodes well for the final part of the year .

  2. 今天发布的一项商业调查显示,在美国和迅速崛起的巴西等新兴国家带领下,全球经济复苏正日益稳固。该调查结果表明,全球企业信心明显改善。

    The global economic rebound is becoming entrenched , led by the US and fast-emerging countries such as Brazil , according to a business survey today that reveals a sharp improvement in corporate confidence worldwide .

  3. 依据Ifo经济研究所的商业调查,从二月份开始期望值一直在下降。

    Expectations have been falling since February , according to the Ifo Business Survey .

  4. 为了估计产出缺口,即实际产出与潜在产出之间的差异,obr需要进行商业调查和统计分析。

    To construct an estimate of the output gap the difference between actual and potential output the OBR relies on business surveys and statistical analyses .

  5. 可能负责消费者和商业调查。

    May also administer consumer and business surveys .

  6. 根据本周完成的一系列商业调查,可得出这一结论。

    The results were based on a series of business surveys completed this week .

  7. 道森处理自由代理问题,商业调查和评估。

    Dawson deals with free agency issues , trade inquiries and the assessment of the team 's needs .

  8. 各国央行采取行动之际,全球商业调查显示,今年经济增长显著弱于预期。

    The central banks ' moves come as global business surveys show much weaker growth than expected this year .

  9. 商业调查和报告银行的区域代理点继续严重紧缩在短期内。

    Business surveys and reports by the Bank 's regional Agents point to continued severe contraction in the near term .

  10. 汽车销售在7月份回落,商业调查也显示最近的增长放缓,尤其在服务业。

    Car sales fell again in July and business surveys point to a recent softening of growth , particularly in services .

  11. 一项商业调查显示,信用紧缩正威胁着一批小型高科技公司,政府急需资金投入。

    Government funding is necessary as the honor crunch threatens a procreation of small high-tech companies , a business investment team warns .

  12. 因此,失业率加速上升,商业调查显示投资意愿显著缩减,这些都不足为奇。

    Small wonder that the pace of job losses is increasing and that business surveys are showing a sharp cutback in investment intentions .

  13. 在中国、欧元区和美国的制造业商业调查都出现起色的推动下,市场把系统性的谨慎抛在脑后。

    The markets have thrown systemic caution to the tailwind of improving manufacturing business surveys from China , the eurozone and the US .

  14. 英国央行认为商业调查表明,今年第也是最后一个季度的经济产值将“大体持平”。

    The bank interprets business surveys as indicating that output will turn out to have been " broadly flat " in the fourth and final quarter of this year .

  15. 本文利用吴江县1934年与1950年代初各市镇的工商业调查资料,对两个时期的市镇工商业结构了详细的分析。

    Making full use of the surveying datum in1934 and the early1950s , this article makes a detailed analysis on the structure of the industry and commerce of towns in Wujiang .

  16. 两份独立的商业调查显示,有迹象表明制造业在经历了数月的放缓之后开始企稳,昨日亚洲股市及部分大宗商品价格随之上涨,尽管中国内地股市下跌。

    Equity markets in Asia and some commodity prices rose yesterday after two separate business surveys showed signs that manufacturing was stabilising after several months of slowdown , although shares fell on the Chinese mainland .

  17. 本月初,美国中国总商会公布了其与咨询公司普华永道合作进行的在美中国企业年度商业调查报告。该调查报告评估了约200家在美中国企业。

    The China General Chamber of Commerce-USA earlier released its annual business survey report on Chinese enterprises in the U.S. conducted in partnership with consultancy firm PwC . The survey assessed around 200 Chinese firms .

  18. 世界经济前景呈现趋弱的迹象。昨天一项主要的商业调查显示,本月欧元区制造业活动收缩加剧,而美国和中国的工业扩张也放慢了脚步。

    Signs of weakness clouded the world economic outlook yesterday after a leading business survey indicated the contraction in eurozone manufacturing activity gathered pace this month , while industrial expansion also slowed in the US and China .

  19. 根据致同国际会计师事务所周一发布的年度《国际商业调查报告》显示,中国内地企业高管中女性的占比由去年的25%上升至约30%。

    Women now hold about 30 percent of the top positions in Chinese mainland businesses , compared with 25 percent last year , according to the annual International Business Report released on Monday by global accountancy firm Grant Thornton .

  20. 如今在报纸上,在硅谷中,在那些有望参选总统的人里,展开了一场关于什么才是一份“好工作”的激烈辩论。我是一名商业调查记者,因此我对这个问题有着奇怪的视角。

    THERE IS A raging debate - on newspaper pages , inside Silicon Valley , among presidential hopefuls - as to what constitutes a " good job . " I 'm an investigative business reporter , and so I have a strange perspective on this question .

  21. 干预后,张江商业区调查对象的营养知识、态度和行为的平均得分均有明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    After the intervention , the average scores of nutrition knowledge , attitude and practice were increased ( P0.05 ) .

  22. 在中国欧盟商会(EuropeanUnionChamberofCommerceinChina)的年度商业信心调查中,欧洲公司反映中国政策法规的不透明与缺乏连贯性对他们造成了损害。

    European companies told the European Union Chamber of Commerce in its annual business confidence survey that opaque and inconsistent government regulations in China have hurt them .

  23. 在中国欧盟商会(EuropeanChamberofCommerceinChina)昨日发布的商业信心调查中,化工和石油行业的正面回应数量是10个受调查行业中最高的。

    The chemicals and petroleum sector saw the highest number of positive responses among 10 sectors surveyed by the European Chamber of Commerce in China , in its business confidence survey released yesterday .

  24. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerceinChina)对500家在华美国企业进行的年度“中国商业环境调查”显示,超过三分之一的企业去年营收持平或者为负,这是过去5年来最高的比例。

    More than a third of the 500 companies featured in the American Chamber of Commerce in China 's annual China Business Climate Survey reported flat or negative revenues last year - the highest proportion in the past five years .

  25. 公司是国际商标协会(INTA)、国际商业假冒调查局(ICCCIB)成员之一。

    They are members of International Trademark Association ( INTA ) and International Chamber of Commerce Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau ( ICC CIB ) .

  26. 柏林&根据IFO商业景气调查的结果,随着德国经济显示出从陡峭下滑中复苏的迹象,8月份德国的商业信心连续第五个月提升。

    BERLIN & German business confidence improved for a fifth consecutive month in August as the economy showed signs of recovery from its deep downturn , said the Ifo Business Climate Survey .

  27. 慕尼黑大学经济研究机构IFO商业景气调查机构的月度报告发现,6月份超过一半的德国公司认为信贷并不比平常更难获得。

    A monthly survey by the IFO institute for economic research at Munich University found that in June more than half of German firms thought credit no harder to come by than usual .

  28. 毕马威(KPMG)最新的商业前景调查显示,人们对产值趋势的乐观态度已回到去年末全球衰退加剧之前的水平,并认为到明年年中之前,制造业活动会出现明显增长。

    Optimism about production trends is back at levels seen before the intensification of the global slowdown late last year , and points to a clear growth in manufacturing activity by the middle of 2010 , the latest KPMG business outlook survey shows .

  29. 这项毕马威(KPMG)全球商业前景调查由Markit公司提供,每年进行3次,衡量企业对其来年前景、而非即期经营状况的信心,后者通过月度的采购经理人指数中衡量。

    The KPMG global business outlook survey , produced three times a year by Markit , measures the confidence companies have in their prospects for the coming year rather than their immediate business conditions , which is measured in the monthly PMI series .

  30. 其次,是对上述轨道交通沿线的七个站点及周边零售业的商业业态调查。

    Secondly , it includes the investigation of the Formats around the seven stations .