
  • 网络commercial loan rate
  1. 公积金贷款利率低于银行商业贷款利率。

    Interest rates on public housing fund loans are lower than bank loans .

  2. 然而,质疑小幅上调商业贷款利率能否令中国强劲的经济增长减速,就会忽略了中国货币政策的实际操作方式。

    But asking whether a small rise in commercial lending rates can slow this juggernaut economy is to miss how China really runs monetary policy .

  3. 它的业务模式利用了以隐含政府担保所能筹集资金的利率与所筹资金商业贷款利率之差。

    The business model exploited the difference between the rates at which money could be raised with an implied government guarantee and the rate at which it could be lent commercially .

  4. 各基金担心,市场对公共财务状况的担忧,可能引发政府债券收益率或利率大幅上涨,并很快带动抵押贷款和商业贷款利率上涨。

    The funds fear a big rise in government bond yields , or interest rates , triggered by market concerns about public finances , could quickly feed through to higher mortgages and business borrowing costs .

  5. 然后从理论和实证两个方面分析了房地产供给和需求关系、开发成本、商业贷款利率和家庭年收入四个主要影响因素对房地产价格的影响;

    And then on both theoretical side and empirical side , the affection that four chief dynamical factors including supply and demand relation of real estate , exploitation cost , business loan rate and family 's annual income affecting real estate price is analyzed in this paper .

  6. 应用期权方法构建商业银行贷款利率模型

    Application of the Option Method to The Loan Interest Rates Model of the Commercial Banks

  7. 自2004年10月29日起,中国人民银行不再设定商业银行贷款利率的上限,商业银行已拥有了较大空间的贷款定价权。

    Since October 29,2004 , the People 's Bank of China would no longer establish the upper limit of the loan interest rate for commercial banks , which has already had greater freedom in the right of lending pricing .

  8. 商业银行贷款利率在我国还没有放开,而商业银行资产负债比例管理模式已经开始推行,这在理论和实践上给商业银行的信贷方案设计带来了困难。

    In China , Asset / Liability Management ( ALM ) has been put into practice , however , loan interest rate is still controlled by the central bank , that leads to some difficulties for commercial banks in designing credit contracts .

  9. 进一步调低商业银行存贷款利率和存款准备金利率;

    Decrease the rate of interest on deposit 、 loan and deposit reserve ;

  10. 商业银行存贷款利率的合理确定离不开银监会的有效监管。

    Rational determination of deposit and lending rates of commercial banks is inseparable from the effective regulation of China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  11. 但即使在风险中性的前提基础上,商业银行的贷款利率独立于存款利率还应该有更为严格的前提条件:商业银行提供存款产品和贷款产品的成本是可分离的。

    However , even if based on risk-neutrality , " Two Separable Decision " of the commercial bank require another restrictive premise : the cost of deposit and loan is separable .

  12. 期权法以分析公司普通股所具有的看涨期权特性为出发点,以Black&Scholes期权定价模型为基础构造出一个商业银行基本贷款利率模型。

    Option loan pricing model is set out on the characteristics of call option which company common stock possess , constructs one commercial bank basic loan interest rate model based on the Black-Scholes option pricing model .

  13. 本文通过分析利率市场化改革的必要性,提出了我国利率市场化改革的具体措施,即,首先放开同业拆借利率,最后放开商业银行存贷款利率。

    This thesis analyzes the necessity of the marketization reform of interest rate , then puts forward the concrete steps which include China 's marketization of interest rate should begin with the openness of China inter-bank offered rate , and end with the openness of deposit and credit rate .

  14. 结果表明,降低农民申请贷款的机会成本与商业银行的再贷款利率,提高农民投资项目的成功概率将有助于农民获取贷款。

    The conclusion is , the decrease in the opportunity cost and refinancing rat , the increase in the probability of success can help farmer win the loan .

  15. 中国人民银行发表声明表示,取消金融机构贷款利率下限,由金融机构根据商业原则自主确定贷款利率水平。

    A People 's Bank of China statement says the floor limit for lending interest rates will be canceled and the financial institutions can decide their own rates following commercial principles .

  16. 欧洲央行把对商业银行短期贷款的利率从0.15%下调到0.05%,对于银行在央行存放资金的收费也从0.1%提高到0.2%。

    The rate at which the E.C.B. issues short-term loans to banks fell to 0.05 percent from 0.15 percent . The central bank also increased the fee it imposes on banks to store money at the E.C.B. , to 0.2 percent from 0.1 percent .