
shānɡ shì fǎ
  • commercial law;business law;law merchant;mercantile law
  1. 西方商事法起源研究

    A Study on the Origin of Occidental Commercial Law

  2. 论商事法上的严格责任

    On the Strict Liability in Commercial Law

  3. 依法治国亟须制定和完善我国的商事法

    Administering a Country According to the Law Requires Making and Perfecting Our Business Law Urgently

  4. 在传统的商事法中,最重要、最基础的概念就是法律人格和有限责任,它们曾经在很大程度上促进了社会经济的发展。

    In the traditional commercial law , the most important and basic concept is legal personality and limited responsibility , they once promoted the development of social economy to a great extent .

  5. 而随着全球化的深入,欧洲合同法原则以及一系列国际商事法对传统民法理论造成了不小的冲击,大有取代传统学说之势。

    With the deepening of globalization , PECL and a series of International Commercial Laws give a very great impact to the traditional civil law theories , and have an enormous potential to replace the traditional doctrines .

  6. 商人阶层经过了漫长的历史孕育之后而爆发,努力地寻求政治上的认同,在制度设计上,导致了包括商事法在内的一系列形式理性法诞生,并成为西方的主导社会规范。

    The businessmen class breaks out after a long history of breeding and strives for a political recognition , which results in the birth of a series of rational law including commercial law , and becomes the western dominant social norms .

  7. 当前,我国正处在社会大转型的重要时期,经济纠纷频发、多发,股权出资制度作为商事法的一个重要问题,研究和建立完善的股权出资制度具有十分重要的意义。

    At present , our country is in an important period of social big transformation , frequent economic disputes , multiple , equity investment system as an important problem in commercial law , research and build system of perfect equity contribution is of great significance .

  8. 期望在《商事登记法》中进行改进。

    Those problems will be solved in Business Registration Law .

  9. 提出通过从国际商事习惯法适用的三个方面来完善我国国际商事仲裁制度。

    I provide three methods to improve the system of international commercial arbitration .

  10. 首先是从国际商事习惯法两种适用途径入手结合相关立法和案例分析,得出国际商事习惯法适用于仲裁实体事项的价值。

    First , we analyze the valuable combination of the reference legislation and cases from two ways of application of Commercial customary law .

  11. 中国具有建立涉外民商事判例法制度的需求基础、哲学基础、历史基础和现实基础。

    China has the foundations of need , philosophy , history and reality to establish Chinese civil and commercial case-law system concerning foreign affairs .

  12. 国际商事习惯法正是随着生产力水平的提高和商品经济的发展,在商人法的基础上形成发展的。

    Commercial customary law grows with the development of productivity and commodity economy , which comes out to be the basis of law merchant .

  13. 从法律层面来看,则是中国商人藉本土商事习惯法与洋商进行斗争的一种自救行为。

    Looked from the legal angle , was the Chinese merchants ' behavior of relieving oneself on commercial common law to struggle with foreign traders too .

  14. 只应将总纲性的法律规范,以及不宜以商事单行法的形式规范或以商事单行形式规范成本过高的内容包含进去;

    It should include general law criterions and other content which are not suitable for commercial single file law to regulate or the cost is too high .

  15. 作为商法领域的上位概念,企业与企业法是对商事组织法的抽象、概括。

    As the superior concept in the field of commercial law , the enterprise and the enterprise law are abstracted and generalized from the commercial organization law .

  16. 综观各国不同的法律体系,商事公司法(或者说是公司法,此为英国的称法)的共同架构是什么呢?

    What is the common structure of the law of business corporations or , as it would be put in the UK , company law across different national jurisdictions ?

  17. 除引言和结论之外,本文共由三部分组成:第一部分论述了董事注意义务的理论成因,过失理论对注意义务标准的影响及注意义务标准在美国《示范商事公司法》中的历史演化。

    Besides Introduction and Conclusion , this essay includes three parts : One , this part addresses the cause of corporate directors ' duty of care , and its history changes .

  18. 本文从比较法和国际私法的角度对损害赔偿这一国际商事合同法上的主要救济手段进行研究。

    This dissertation has implemented research on the damages for breach of contract , as prime remedy , under international commercial contract law from the perspective of comparative law and private international law .

  19. 随着行政许可法的颁布,已经纳入国家立法计划的,大家翘首期盼的商事登记法,其制定工作必将进一步提速。

    With the issue of the administrative license law , the commercial registration law that has already included in the country 's legislation plan will raise speed to make further by the legislative authorities .

  20. 我国具有实质意义上的商事登记法的开始是1937年国民政府正式制定了类似于德国和日本的商业登记法。

    The substantive-meaned act of business registration in China was beginning in 1937 , which was formulated by the government at that time , similar to the Business Registration Act of Germany and Japan .

  21. 首先,它推动了近代中国商人的法观念更新,促进了中国近代商事习惯法的嬗蜕;

    First of all , it has promoted its breaking away from outdated traditional modes of thought of law in the modem Chinese merchants , and has promoted China 's modem commercial common law to slough off .

  22. 随后提出了一系列对策,主张目前应理顺代理与行纪的关系,积累司法实践经验并加强商事单行法的制定工作。

    Subsequently a series of tactics are put forward and the author asserts that the relationship between procuration and commission should be crystallized , judicial experience should be accumulated and the establishment of commercial separate regulations should be enhanced .

  23. 我国也早在1999年就开始着手制定统一的《商事登记法》,通过统一立法构建合理完整的商事登记体系。

    As a fact , China , as early as 1999 , has began to develop a unified " Commercial Registration Law ", in an effort to establish a complete and reasonable commercial registration system through the unified legislation .

  24. 第三,围绕公司印章发生的法律问题与公司法、合同法、票据法等等众多商事部门法,甚至意思表示等民法基本理论问题密切相关;

    Thirdly , the legal issue with respect to the corporation seal usually involves the corporate law , contract law , negotiable instrument law and any other alike commercial law , even if the basic principle of civil law , such as representation .

  25. 值得注意的是,商事登记法的公法属性固然不能否认,但也绝不能过分予以强调,否则将可能导致严重的后果,特别是在市场经济发展的今天,我们更应该强调其私法功能。

    The public law attribute of commercial registration law can 't no doubt be denied , but we must not emphasize excessively either , otherwise it may cause the serious consequence . We should emphasize their private law functions even more in economic development of market .

  26. 论联合国《国际商事仲裁示范法》的公正性

    On Impartiality of UN Model Law on lnternational Commercial Arbitration

  27. 联合国《国际商事仲裁示范法》的结构和特征浅评

    On the Structure and Feature of UN Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration

  28. 商事仲裁在法价值意义上的探讨

    The research in law value of commercial arbitration

  29. 2006年《国际商事仲裁示范法》修订及对中国仲裁立法与实践的影响

    UNCITRAL Model Law with Amendments in 2006 and Its Impacts on Chinese Arbitration Law and Practice

  30. 《国际商事仲裁示范法》对临时性保全措施条款的修订

    On the Amendment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration as to the Interim Measures of Protection